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So many adventurers, so little time. I need to bust out these weapons as fast as I can.


All merchants restock every 30 minutes. (12:00, 12:30, 01:00, ...)

Weaponsmith is a Trader that buys and sells items in the game.


Sells Melee Weapons.



Cobalt Ore3
Copper Ore3
Froststone Ore3
Gold Ore3
Iron Ore3
Rubysilver Ore3
Silver Coin60
Dark Matter1
Gold Ingot3
Gold Coin50
Troll's Club1
Wolf Claw5
Gold Coin50
Rotten Fluids2
Moldy Bread5
Gold Ingot3
Demon Blood1
Gold Ingot3
Crystal Ball1
Captured Mana Flakes1
Intact Skull2
Gold Coin50
Token of Honor1
Rusty Broken Sword2
Gold Ingot3
Flanged Mace1
Firefly's Abdomen1
Broken Skull3
Gold Ingot3
Recurve Bow1
Centaur Horn1
Gold Coin50
Crystal Ball1
Cyclops Eye1
Grave Essence3
Gold Coin50
Cyclops's Club1
Grave Essence1
Iron Ingot1
Iron Ingot2
Iron Ingot2
Iron Ingot1
Iron Ingot1
Iron Ingot1
Silver Powder2
Silver Ingot2
Silver Ingot3
Silver Powder2
Silver Ingot2
Silver Ingot3
Flanged Mace1
Silver Powder2
Flanged Mace1
Silver Ingot2
Flanged Mace1
Silver Ingot3
Short Sword1
Silver Powder2
Short Sword1
Silver Ingot2
Short Sword1
Silver Ingot3
Double Axe1
Silver Powder2
Double Axe1
Silver Ingot2
Double Axe1
Silver Ingot3
Rondel Dagger1
Silver Powder2
Rondel Dagger1
Silver Ingot2
Rondel Dagger1
Silver Ingot3
Recurve Bow1
Silver Powder2
Recurve Bow1
Silver Ingot2
Recurve Bow1
Silver Ingot3
Felling Axe1
Gold Ingot2
Viking Sword1
Gold Ingot2
Castillon Dagger1
Frost Wyvern's Claws1
Froststone Ingot2
Gold Coin50
Crystal Sword1
Ghostly Essence1
Rubysilver Ingot3
Grave Essence3
Warlord's Broken Sword Blade1
Rubysilver Ingot2
Silver Ingot2
Crystal Sword1
Froststone Ingot1
Froststone Ingot1
Lantern Shield1
Froststone Ingot1



Chapter: Lessons Learned
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Aiding A LegacyGreeting Text
Ah, good to see a friendly face. I'm crafting a series passed down since my great-great-grandfather, who learned from a dwarf, no less. I need rare weapons to fuse with, five should do. You're aiding a legacy here.

Completion Text
Quite the collection you've brought! These will be perfect for the fusion. Here's something for your help.
Fetch Rare Weapon (5x)
75 Unique Gold Coin
1 Uncommon Castillon Dagger
1 Uncommon War Maul
1 Uncommon Longbow
1 Uncommon Crystal Ball
50 Experience
25 Affinity
Blades of MythComplete Quest:
"Aiding A Legacy"
Greeting Text
It seems the rumors of beasts of legend within these lands may hold more truth than fiction, judging by the bodies we've discovered. Additionally, whispers speak of an ancient sword hidden within Frost Mountain, said to possess the power to vanquish such mythical creatures. Check it out and let me know if you find anything.

Completion Text
Wow, you found it! Not quite how I imagined it, but excellent work nonetheless. I'll start examining what metals or components were used and if it can be replicated. This may take some time, so in the meantime, I may have another task you can help out with.
Explore Ice Cavern Pyramid module (1x) (must escape)
75 Unique Gold Coin
3 Uncommon Trap Disarming Kit
3 Rare Potion of Protection
50 Experience
The Search ContinuesComplete Quest:
"Blades of Myth"
Greeting Text
In the frozen depths of the Frost Mountain, beasts of frost roam unchecked. Let's do our part and help thin out these beasts for the search to continue for that poor missing girl.

Completion Text
Still no sign, but thanks to your efforts more are now able to help in the search.
Kill Wendigo in Ice Cavern dungeon (1x)
Kill Frost Walker in Ice Cavern dungeon (5x)
75 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Ring of Courage
1 Rare Watchman Cloak
75 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Remember Your Heritage
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
The Secrets Of GoldGreeting Text
Got a job for you. I require three pieces of gold ore, essential for a technique passed down through generations of my ancestors. Hurry now, can't keep the forge waiting.

Completion Text
The ore! These will be forged with secrets only my family knows. You've played a part in something special. Here's your reward, with my thanks.
Fetch Gold Ingot (any rarity) (3x) (Looted/Handled)
125 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Divine Blade
1 Rare Divine Short Sword
200 Experience
Anger ManagementComplete Quest:
"The Secrets Of Gold"
Greeting Text
Anger's a dangerous thing to carry into battle, adventurer. I've been there. Back in my day, I'd hammer away at scrap metal whenever the anger boiled over. There's a bunch of dusty pots in the Forgotten Castle just waiting to be smashed. Give it a try, and see if it helps.

Completion Text
You did it! Feeling lighter now? There's no better way to shake off the anger before a fight. Just be sure the Collector doesn't catch wind of our stress relief tactics—he's quite protective of old relics.
Destroy Pot in Crypt dungeon (8x) (single session)
125 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Castillon Dagger
1 Epic Zweihander
1 Epic Crystal Sword
200 Experience
Silent WitnessesComplete Quest:
"Anger Management"
Greeting Text
I've caught wind of murmurs about the stone tombs and ancient coffins within The Forgotten Castle—whispers that these relics might hold secrets tied to the creatures haunting these lands. It's time we investigate for ourselves. As you explore, open those tombs and coffins, delve into what lies within, and see if anything has been overlooked. We need to uncover whatever clues have been buried in the shadows.

Completion Text
Our suspicions are confirmed. I will take our findings to someone I trust. It's imperative that we maintain discretion about what we've uncovered. Excellent work, my friend. Let us proceed cautiously.
Interact with Stone Tomb in Crypt dungeon (7x)
Interact with Casket in Crypt dungeon (7x)
125 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Magic Staff
1 Epic Old Shoes
1 Epic War Maul
175 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Iron In Blood
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Stone ColdComplete Quest:
"Silent Witnesses"
Greeting Text
Our investigations are slowly revealing more than just whispers—starting with the statues in the Ruins. These statues aren't merely decorations; they've been cursed to guard something, brought to life by a dark force. But what are they guarding, and why? We need to destroy them. In doing so, we might uncover more of what's been hidden.

Completion Text
Excellent work. The statues were formidable, but now they're nothing more than rubble. While you were on your mission, I was informed that with each one destroyed, the dark force behind them weakens, bringing us closer to uncovering the truth.
Kill Living Armor in Crypt dungeon (10x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Horseman's Axe
1 Epic Morning Star
350 Experience
25 Affinity
Small DelightsComplete Quest:
"Stone Cold"
Greeting Text
To unravel these mysteries, you'll need to keep your resources well-maintained. You know the saying, ‘Good things come in small packages'? Let's see if that includes small chests. Let's uncover the truth together.

Completion Text
Impressive haul! I guess this saying is true after all.
Interact with Small Oak Chest in Crypt dungeon (25x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Lightfoot Boots
1 Legend Plate Boots
350 Experience
Bright IdeasComplete Quest:
"Small Delights"
Greeting Text
I've been speaking with another merchant who believes they can help shed some light on our current situation. They're after some rare, peculiar ingredients; for now, focus on finding one of those glowing bug parts. It's a tough one, but I know you've got this.

Completion Text
By my black beard, I knew you could do it! I hope it wasn't too difficult. I guess it makes sense—in order to shed some light on a situation, you actually need light sometimes. This should help us out quite a bit.
Fetch Firefly's Abdomen (any rarity) (1x) (Looted/Handled)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Leather Chausses
1 Legend Plate Pants
1000 Experience
50 Affinity
Chapter: Carving a Legacy
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Culling the EnemyComplete Quest:
"Bright Ideas"
Greeting Text
Good timing. Unfortunately, we'll have to put our side mission on hold. A surge in monsters is wreaking havoc, and I'm almost certain it's tied to what we were investigating. It feels like something doesn't want us getting any closer. Even my trade routes are overrun by these beasts, so the sooner you help me clear them out, the sooner we can get back on track.

Completion Text
Well done, adventurer. With those beasts cleared out, my trade routes are safe again, and we can finally get back on track. I have a feeling we're closer to uncovering the truth than ever before. Hopefully, nothing else slows us down.
Kill Harpy in Crypt dungeon (5x)
Kill Living Armor in Crypt dungeon (5x)
Kill Ruins Golem in Crypt dungeon (3x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Rawhide Gloves
1 Epic Northern Full Tunic
350 Experience
25 Affinity
Ill-Fated FortuneComplete Quest:
"Culling the Enemy"
Greeting Text
Plans will have to be delayed—I've just received word that my wife is ill, and I'll need to be with her after work. The timing is unfortunate, but make sure you stay stocked up. There are golden chests in the Ruins that could help with that.

Completion Text
You've done well, adventurer. Unfortunately, my wife's condition has worsened, and I need to stay late at the forge to earn more gold for the extra care and medicine she needs. Don't worry, we'll hammer things out soon enough.
Interact with Golden Chest in Crypt dungeon (5x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Heavy Leather Leggings
1 Epic Occultist Boots
350 Experience
Gathering ProgressComplete Quest:
"Ill-Fated Fortune"
Greeting Text
Remember that list I mentioned earlier with the glowing bug parts? There are a few more items we need to gather: some rotten fluids, a blue eyeball, and five armor scraps. It's not a pleasant task, but I know you can handle it.

Completion Text
Excellent work. While my wife's health remains unchanged, the presence of family has lifted my spirits. These items should help us make progress, and I'm grateful for your dedication.
Fetch Rotten Fluids (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Blue Eyeballs (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Armor Scrap (any rarity) (5x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Lantern Shield
1 Epic Rondel Dagger
1000 Experience
50 Affinity

Squire Offers

Affinity Items Offered by the Squire

Squire offers poor items

Squire offers poor items

Squire offers common items

Squire offers common items