From Dark and Darker Wiki

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WIP Page

This page is work-in-progress. The information may be lacking, may not be up-to-date, however is not deleted as it provides some useful information or is capable of expansion.




There are currently 5 types of shrines which each give a specific buff.

The following shrines will regenerate over 3 minutes:

  • Shrine Of Protection: Grants a protective buff of 5% Physical and Magical Damage Resistance for 60s.
  • Fountain Of Speed: Grants a speed buff of extra 10 movement speed for 60s.
  • Shrine Of Health: Restores 100 HP.
  • Shrine Of Power: Grants a damage buff of 15 Physical Power for 60s.

The following shrines are one-time use:

  • Altar of Sacrifice: Allows you to resurrect fallen players at the cost of some of your own health. You will need to equip the Soul Heart of the fallen player to be able to begin the resurrection process.

Using any shrine gives 2 Experience.


Shrine Of Protection


Fountain Of Speed


Shrine Of Health


Shrine Of Power


Altar Of Sacrifice



Information is up to date! Hover for more details.Portal Data last updated on: Patch:6.5#Hotfix 56.
Dark and Darker is currently on update: Patch:6.5#Hotfix 57.

Curently, there is only one type of portal in the game, Blue Portal, allowing player to escape the dungeaon.

Previously Red Portals existed that allowed players to go down one level deeper.

How to Use

Locate the portal and initiate its activation by pressing the F key. Once activated, a blue/red circle will materialize. Once the portal is fully materialized the escape process will commence when you step into it. It's crucial to exercise caution and be mindful of your surroundings, as any disruptions or enemy attacks while entering the portal could result in a failed escape.

Escape Portal

Static Escape Portals appear as a blue glow on the ground, after some time they will emerge from the ground as a set of 3.

You can check Escape Portals Location on the Map.

EscapePortalIcon.png Escape Portal Icon in game.

EscapePortal.png Activated Escape Portal in game.



This page is a work in progress. Erroneous information and formatting bugs are to be expected.Container Data last updated on: WIP.
Dark and Darker is currently on update: Patch:6.5#Hotfix 57.

Select Container Source:

Goblin Cave & Ice Cave
Inferno & Ice Abyss

Loose Loot


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WIP Page

This page is work-in-progress. The information may be lacking, may not be up-to-date, however is not deleted as it provides some useful information or is capable of expansion.

This page will be the primary directory for Loose Loot spawns.

It will be similar to the Containers page.



This section will feature props like the Golden Door, Rusty Iron Door, etc.

Perhaps not the most useful info, but it will provide users with information on base interaction time.

Icon Dummy.png
WIP Page

This page is work-in-progress. The information may be lacking, may not be up-to-date, however is not deleted as it provides some useful information or is capable of expansion.


This section will feature props like the Golden Door, Rusty Iron Door, etc.

Perhaps not the most useful info, but it will provide users with information on base interaction time or whether unchained harmony works.

Format will be similar to the other main directory pages like Weapons or Armor.