Wizards in Dark and Darker are powerful spellcasters, who use their knowledge of arcane magic to bend reality to their will. They can cast a wide variety of spells, ranging from destructive blasts of fire to complex arcane and frost spells. Wizards can also create magical barriers protecting themselves from harm. However, their powers come at a cost - wizards need to meditate and prepare their spells in advance, making them vulnerable to surprise attacks and ambushes.
Class Info
The Wizard calls forth the immense powers of magic to suit his needs. Whether that means summoning a powerful fireball to cast asunder his foes or to temporarily vanishing into thin air, his incantations are a sight to behold.
Weapon of choice - Magic Staff or Spellbook
- Pros
- Cast powerful spells.
- Mediate to self-refresh spells. (Meditation Skill)
- Wield magical weapons.
- Cons
- Slow interaction speed.
- Low physical damage.
- Low health.
You can equip an additional perk every 5 levels.
Currently maxed out at Level 15, so a total of 4 perks can be equipped.
You can equip a total of 2 skills.
Arcane Shield |
Gain a 15 Base Shield (50% Scaling) for 12s. When the maximum amount is absorbed, the shield unleashes an Arcane Explosion, dealing 5 Arcane Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) to enemy targets in a 2m radius around you. |
Shield: 50% Scaling Arcane Explosion: 100% Scaling |
25s |
Intense Focus |
Reduce the cast time of your next spell to 0.1s. |
- |
18s |
Meditation |
Enter a meditative state and recover spells at a rate of 34 spell cost per 0.75s ( ) over 24s ( ). While meditating you are also Resting and can benefit from Campfires |
- |
45s |
Spell Memory |
Gain the ability to memorize spells to use in the dungeon. |
- |
- |
Spell Memory 2 |
Gain the ability to memorize additional spells to use in the dungeon. |
- |
- |
The order in which you select spells will determine their Spell Memory Priority. You can right click spells to "forget" them. Spell tiers determine their spell memory cost.
All Wizard Spells have a cast range of 8m (meters), unless it is a projectile (Magic Missile, Light, Fireball, Ice Bolt), or Magic Lock which has 8m range.
Spell Types:
Tier 1
Zap |
Deals 20 Light Magical Base Damage and burns the target for 1s, dealing 1 Fire Magical Base Damage. |
Damage: 75% Scaling Burn: 50% Scaling |
1.25s |
5 |
Light Orb |
Cast spheres of floating light that travels up to Infinite meters to brightly illuminate your surroundings for 40 seconds. Additionally, reveals allied and enemy hidden Rouges within 5 meters, ignoring walls.
Projectile speed: 3m/s. |
- |
1s |
5 |
Tier 2
Tier 3
Magic Missile |
Channel for up to 3s ( ) while remaining still and fire a homing missile every 0.3s ( ) that each deal 11 Arcane Magical Base Damage with 2 Impact Power. Projectile speed: 7m/s
Homing Behavior
- Magic missiles only home if the cursor is on the target's hitbox before sending *each missile* meaning some missiles can home while others might not
- Magic missiles start homing the second they are created, they don't need to be close to the target to start homing
- Homing only allows it to change direction, not increase speed
- Homing changes direction faster the further its trajected angle is from the target in degrees (so not directly distance based)
- Homes towards the part of the hitbox that the cursor was held over, i.e. aiming at head makes it home towards head, aiming at legs makes it home towards legs
- Can't home to self since it requires direct line of sight, but if it hits the caster anyways it deals 0 damage
75% Scaling |
1.25s |
10 |
Haste |
Grants the target 5% Move Speed Bonus, 10% Action Speed, 10% Spell Casting Speed for 8s. Self cast if no target is found. |
- |
0.75s |
4 |
Tier 4
Tier 5
Explosion |
When cast, places a mark on the targeted object within 8m or in the air if no object in range. The mark explodes after 3s dealing 25 Fire Magical Base Damage with 6 Impact Power to enemies within a 1m area and burns, dealing 3 Fire Magical Base Damage over 2s. When cast on a character (not an object), the mark sticks to them until it explodes. If the Wizard dies or extracts, the mark is removed from the target immediately and deals no damage. |
Damage: 75% Scaling Burn: 50% Scaling |
1.75s |
4 |
Tier 6
Main Hand + Two Handed |
Main Hand + One Handed |
Off Hand |
Utility |
[[]] |
Head |
Chest |
Legs |
Hands |
Feet |
Back |
Main Hand + Two Handed |
Main Hand + One Handed |
Off Hand |
Utility |
Head |
Chest |
Legs |
Hands |
Feet |
Back |
These Stats do not include starting armor.
- Use Meditation wisely. It will force your perspective downwards and lock your camera, as well as apply an audio filter to make it more difficult to hear enemies approaching. Try to Meditate on elevated surfaces to increase your field of view.
- Fireball can be used to destroy doors, and its splash damage can hurt enemies on the other side.
- Light Orb will reveal enemy Rogues, preventing ambushes.
- Use Invisibility to get out of sticky situations and re-position. You can use the Haste ability beforehand to further boost your movement speed.
- You can use Clarity Potions, Campfires, or a Bard on your team to replenish spells, allowing you to forgo Meditation in favor of another Skill.
- Zap and Ignite burns will not tick if your target has any debuff duration - this is all classes with 16+ Will by default. If you want either to do burn damage, you need to run Fire Mastery which causes it to tick 2 times on these targets. This results in a functional 33% "scaling".
All bolded numbers are automatically updated; however, non-boldened phrasing/numbers are written manually by the community. See Class Ability Documentation for more.
Of spells in general? Also, does Will influence that, or other stats? Thanks!
-And if yes, do you need to reapply it on each projectile used?
If the shild absorbs the intital damage from things like barb achiles or rouge rupture WITHOUT breaking, will you still gain the effect?
What about the knockback form forceful shot or fireball?
So I'm just going to go straight into an example with zap and how I think it works, someone please tell me if it's right or wrong :
So Zap has a base damage (Base) of 20 on the hit and Base = 1 on burn; the scaling for the hit = 1.0, burn = 0.5.
So say I have a blue book (5 MD), +4 AddMD in jewelry, and 0.3 MPBonus.
So the hit damage would be: (Base + 5MD*SCL)*(1+MPB(SCL)) + AddMD*SCL ? =>
=> (20+5*(1.0))*(1 + 0.3*(1.0)) + 4*(1.0) = 36.5 damage before enemy MR; burn = (1+2.5)*(1+0.15) + 2 = 6.025 in 1 sec.
But is +trueMD still subject to scaling and the "modified/scaled" damage just then ignores the MR of enemy?
like if I had the previous formulas and damage numbers with +4 trueMD and not addMD. Assume enemy MR is 0.2.
Would I just have (on direct hit of opponent) 32.5*(1-0.2) + 4 ; and (4.025*(1-0.2) + 2) or (4.025*(1-0.2) + 4) for burn?
I just wanna know if mainly my calculations are correct and if trueMD is subject to scaling or if it always deals flat +x damage.
Can explosion stick to warlock when they phantomize? I'm curious if it's coded as a projectile or not
Will chain lightning transfer off of a friendly druid treant to enemies?
Wish it was better. Is a cool weapon and i like the concept of battlemage, but weak af early
Ignite is kind for "Buff" Weapon Damage or "N Magical Damage" ?
why does light orb list 6 possible casts? chain lightning no longer can be transferred to corpses. clarity potions can no longer be used.
What does spell counts refer to with the spell overload perk
Am I correct in assuming that Ice Mastery does NOT proc off Ice Shield (since the latter does not do any damage)?
What is the range of the slow spell and whare can I find the range of the other spells
If I have plus 10 magic damage will ignite add 15 magic damage to my weapon instead of 5 and will it add the damage to each magic missile so if I have the plus 5 from ignite and each missile dose 12 now it dose 17 and if I have plus 10 magic damage it dose the 15 (5+10) from ignite and 22(12+10) from each missile? (Sorry for such a long question)
Would reactive shield absorb poison damage, Achilles strike damage, curse of pain, or any other dots after hit? Or would it just be other incoming damage after the hit
Do they just mean all wizard spells??
like if i had a staff w/ +8 damage on it, used ignite then switched to a 0 damage dagger, does it do the dagger's spell damage or the staff?