From Dark and Darker Wiki
Automated data is up to date! Hover for more details.Armors last updated on: Patch:6.7#Hotfix 80-2.
Dark and Darker is currently on update: Patch:6.7#Hotfix 80-2.
Leg Armors
Leg armor, also known as leggings or pants, is a type of protective gear worn on the legs to defend against attacks in a game. They are the second most armor giving armor type after chest armors. Some Leg armor may provide additional benefits, such as stats and increased magic resistance.
Frostlight Leather Leggings is a craftable item.Name | Ingredients | Merchant | Affinity to UnlockAffinity values are collected manually by the community. If you spot an error, please kindly follow the link and fix it! |
Leathersmith | 150 |