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Master leathersmith at your service!


All merchants restock every 30 minutes. (12:00, 12:30, 01:00, ...)

Leathersmith is a Trader that buys and sells items in the game.


Sells Leather Armor.



Troll Pelt1
Wolf Pelt4
Old Cloth5
Bat Wing5
Leather Gloves1
Cobalt Powder4
Lightfoot Boots1
Cobalt Powder4
Leather Leggings1
Rubysilver Powder5
Rawhide Gloves1
Rubysilver Powder3
Adventurer Boots1
Rubysilver Powder3
Leather Cap1
Rubysilver Powder4
Grave Essence2
Wolf Pelt5
Gold Coin25
Grave Essence2
Wolf Pelt4
Gold Coin25
Centaur Tail1
Broken Skull2
Troll Pelt1
Wolf Pelt2
Gold Coin25
Centaur Tail1
Old Cloth2
Gold Coin25
Centaur Tail1
Gold Coin25
Centaur Tail1
Gold Coin25
Heavy Leather Leggings1
Gold Powder5
Leather Chausses1
Gold Powder5
Reinforced Gloves1
Gold Powder3
Heavy Boots1
Gold Powder3
Riveted Gloves1
Copper Powder2
Lightfoot Boots1
Copper Powder3
Feathered Hat1
Froststone Powder2
Warden Outfit1
Froststone Powder3
Dark Leather Leggings1
Froststone Powder3
Riveted Gloves1
Froststone Powder2
Runestone Gloves1
Froststone Powder1
Froststone Ore2
Rugged Boots1
Froststone Powder2
Lightfoot Boots1
Froststone Powder2
Studded Leather1
Frost Wyvern's Hide1
Extra Thick Pelt3
Gold Coin25
Spectral Fabric1
Troll Pelt1
Wolf Pelt4
Spider Silk3
Giant Bat Hide2



Chapter: Finding Hope
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Campfire TalesGreeting Text
Good to see you again. Those old campsites in the Ruins were once places of respite for us. Travelers and trappers alike knew them well. Search these areas for any hints that might shed light on my daughter's whereabouts.

Completion Text
Your efforts are deeply appreciated. Every day, I grow more weary, but I cannot give up hope. The woodsman has also tirelessly assisted me in this search, and I believe he harbors a special fondness for her. Thank you for persisting.
Explore Crypt Bandit Camp module (1x) (must escape)
75 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Leather Cap
1 Rare Regal Gambeson
50 Experience
25 Affinity
Time to HealComplete Quest:
"Campfire Tales"
Greeting Text
The Ruins have long been a place of both promise and peril. It reminds me of how much my daughter always fancied the statues in that forsaken place. My searches there have yielded little, but perhaps you might discover something new.

Completion Text
Accept these tokens of my thanks, and be sure to return soon—I have other tasks that could benefit from your skills.
Interact with Shrine of Health in Crypt dungeon (1x)
75 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Lantern
3 Common Oil Lantern
50 Experience
Cap-tivating AdventuresComplete Quest:
"Time to Heal"
Greeting Text
Greetings, adventurer. I need leather caps—any type will do. They'll be essential for keeping our fellow adventurers warm as they help with the search. Your assistance in gathering these would be greatly appreciated.

Completion Text
Ah, these are perfect and will be useful in other searches as well. Thank you. She's as adventurous as they come. If you happen to hear anything, please let me know.
Fetch Leather Cap (any rarity) (2x)
75 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Reinforced Gloves
1 Rare Rugged Boots
75 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Learning The Truth
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Oaken UpGreeting Text
I heard you can find all sorts of things inside Oak Chests scattered throughout The Frost Mountain... Would you mind opening a few for me?

Completion Text
You found all of that in just 10 Oak Chests? With loot like that, I bet it wasn't easy!
Interact with Oak Chest in Ice Cavern dungeon (10x) (must escape) (single session)
125 Unique Gold Coin
2 Unique Random Epic Weapon
175 Experience
Frosty EncountersComplete Quest:
"Oaken Up"
Greeting Text
The Frost Mountain is crawling with angry little Kobolds and animated Skeletons! If you can help clear the place up I might have something for you... also... bring back proof of your work.

Completion Text
Ears and bones... Not quite what I had in mind when I said 'proof,' but I suppose they'll do!
Fetch Kobold's Ear (any rarity) (4x)
Fetch Bone (any rarity) (4x)
125 Unique Gold Coin
2 Unique Random Epic Weapon
200 Experience
Into The AbyssComplete Quest:
"Frosty Encounters"
Greeting Text
There's word of an Ice Abyss hidden deep with the depths of The Frost Mountain... Ice Hounds and Frost Sentinels are said to be a common sight down there... take a look for me, will ya?

Completion Text
You really went down there, and lived to tell the tale... I knew you were up for it. By the way... Did you hear anything unusual while you were down there?
Kill Ice Hound in Ice Cavern dungeon (3x)
Kill Frost Sentinel in Ice Cavern dungeon (2x)
125 Unique Gold Coin
2 Unique Random Epic Armor
200 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Midnight Stories
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Whispers in the RuinsComplete Quest:
"Into The Abyss"
Greeting Text
Our search leads us to the Ruins—a place where the line between past and present blurs. Amidst the crumbling stones, ethereal glows hover in the gloom, bound by the same dark force we've encountered before. To continue our quest for answers, we must confront these remnants.

Completion Text
The soft lights have dimmed, and with them, my hope flickers. I'm not giving up, but an old man's heart grows weary with each passing day. Still, I'll keep searching—for her, I must. Just please be patient as I regain my strength.
Kill Undead Skeleton in Crypt dungeon (7x) (single session)
Kill Wisp in Crypt dungeon (2x) (single session)
200 Unique Gold Coin
2 Unique Random Epic Armor
350 Experience
25 Affinity
The Weary RequestComplete Quest:
"Whispers in the Ruins"
Greeting Text
One of my merchant friends has asked for a favor, and given their past aid, I must oblige. I'm in no condition to tackle this myself, so I'm relying on you to handle it.

Completion Text
Thank you for handling that task. My old bones needed the rest, and I'm grateful you could step in. Your help has ensured I can uphold my promises.
Explore Crypt Bandit Forest module (1x) (must escape)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Unique Random Epic Weapon
1 Unique Random Epic Armor
350 Experience
Story TimeComplete Quest:
"The Weary Request"
Greeting Text
As I continue to rest, I find myself reflecting on our time in the Ruins. If you have the chance, perhaps take another look around. Just be careful—I'd prefer not to have to worry about you as well.

Completion Text
It's a relief to see you back and well. I'm reminded of a bedtime story I used to tell my daughter about that place. ‘The Midnight Stag' was said to appear in the woods nearby from time to time. She was so captivated by the tale and always said, 'Papa, I'm going to find that Midnight Stag one day, you'll see.' Humph, I need to rest for a while...
Survive Crypt dungeon (8x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
2 Unique Random Legendary Armor
300 Experience
50 Affinity
Chapter: It's All In The Details
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Community ServiceComplete Quest:
"Cap-tivating Adventures"
Greeting Text
That castle is full of traps! Clearing the way is the first step toward creating a safe passage for all adventurers. Start by disarming those deadly floor spikes—but don't forget to bring plenty of disarming kits!

Completion Text
You might be a little bit too good at disarming things... but who am I to judge. Many will be grateful for your efforts!
Interact with Floor Spikes in Crypt dungeon (8x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
2 Unique Random Epic Weapon
300 Experience
25 Affinity
Dukes of The DeadComplete Quest:
"Community Service"
Greeting Text
Death's lieutenants have corrupted every corner of The Forgotten Castle. Eliminating them will deliver an irreparable blow to their evil. This is just the beginning of cleansing our land.

Completion Text
This blow will be noticed by the warlord himself... His presence weakens with every act of justice, bringing us closer to breaking his hold over the Crypts.
Kill Wraith in Crypt dungeon (1x) (single session)
Kill Skeleton Champion in Crypt dungeon (1x) (single session)
Kill Demon Centaur in Crypt dungeon (1x) (single session)
Kill Demon Berserker in Crypt dungeon (1x) (single session)
200 Unique Gold Coin
2 Unique Random Legendary Armor
300 Experience
Warlord's BaneComplete Quest:
"Dukes of The Dead"
Greeting Text
You've proven yourself worthy of a task I once deemed unspeakable. The fallen warlord who haunts the Crypts with his deathly grip has revealed himself once more. I cannot say how much longer his presence will endure, now is the time to act!

Completion Text
It is true! The souls are free, and his corrupted blade lies in pieces! This victory will echo in songs sung at the Tavern for generations! No reward could ever fully honor this deed, but I hope these weapons serve as a worthy start!
Kill Skeleton Warlord in Crypt dungeon (1x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
2 Unique Random Legendary Weapon
1000 Experience
50 Affinity

Squire Offers

Affinity Items Offered by the Squire

Squire offers poor items

Squire offers poor items

Squire offers common items

Squire offers common items