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'The class that is not in the game yet'




Class Info

Weapon of choice: Caster.

  • Pros
    • Rawr
  • Cons
    • Squeak

You can equip an additional perk every 5 levels. A Maximum of 4 perks can be equipped.

Name Description
Perk Dreamwalk.png
When receiving damage while in human form, gain 5 Stats#Magical Power for 4 seconds and become spiritual, phasing through targets and becoming invincible, but being unable to attack or use skills, but can still cast spells. 12 second cooldown
Perk EnhancedWildness.png
Enhanced Wildness
While in animal form, gain 5 additional move speed and 10 armor rating.
Perk ForceOfNature.png
Force of Nature
When you heal a target, the recipient gains 3 physical power for 3 seconds.
Perk HerbalSensing.png
Herbal Sensing
Detect nearby herbs.
4.5 meter radius.
Perk NaturalHealing.png
Natural Healing
Recover yourself and nearby allies 1 health every 3 seconds.
4.5 meter radius.
Perk SpiritBond.png
Spirit Bond
Every second you receive 15% of damage received by party members in their place, limited to 20 damage per instance.
Perk SpiritMagicMastery.png
Spirit Magic Mastery
When you cast spirit magic, you gain 10 magical power.
Perk SunAndMoon.png
Sun and Moon
Nearby allies gain 3 vigor and 5 magical power.
4.5 meter radius.
Perk ThornCoat.png
Thorn Coat
When melee attacked, return 5 true physical damage.

You can equip a total of 2 skills.

Name Description Scaling Cooldown
Skill Shapeshift Memory.png
Shapeshift Memory
Transforms into selected creature, cannot use tools in non-human state. N/A N/A
Skill Shapeshift Memory.png
Shapeshift Memory 2
Transforms into selected creature, cannot use tools in non-human state. N/A N/A
Skill Spell Memory.png
Spell Memory
Allows you to memorize spells to use in the dungeon. N/A N/A

Skills gained when shapeshifted

Name Form Description Cooldown
Skill InsectPredation.png
Insect Predation
Chicken Eats crawling insects to recover Resourcefulness*.5 % health. 28s
Skill Rush.png
Wild Rush
Panther Dash forward entering a frenzied state for 3 seconds. You can attack midair and while jumping in the frenzied state. 28s
Skill SurvivalInstinct.png
Survival Instinct
Rat Gain 20 additional movement speed for 6 seconds. After the effect is over, lose 20% movement speed for 3 seconds. 28s
Skill WildFury.png
Wild Fury
Bear Gain 15% physical damage bonus and turn Bear's physical damage reduction multiplier from 1.5x to 1.65x for 6 seconds. 28s

The order in which you select spells will determine their Spell Memory Priority. You can right click spells to "forget" them, and you must drag and drop a spell to memorize it. Spell tiers determine their spell memory cost.

Druid has default 8 meters range on their spells unless it is a projectile (Magic Missile, Light, Fireball, Ice Bolt)
Spell Types:


Tier 1

Name Description Scaling Casting Time Limit
Spell NaturesTouch.png
Nature's Touch
Target gains 15 additional recoverable heath and healed 15 health over 12 seconds.
7 meter range.
Over time healing 100%
Recoverable health 0%
0.75s 5 Casts

Tier 2

Name Description Scaling Casting Time Limit
Spell BarkskinArmor.png
Barkskin Armor
Increase Armor rating by 20% for 8 seconds.
Infinite range.
N/A 1s 5 Casts

Tier 3

Name Description Scaling Casting Time Limit
Spell Dreamfire.png
Deals 15 magical damage within radius. Any allies or self currently affected by Nature's Touch are instantly healed for 10 health per target damaged.
Radius of 0.8 meters.
 ? 1s 4 Casts
Spell SummonTreant.png
Summon Treant
Summons a Treant to fight for 12 seconds.
Treant has 150 heath and does 35 damage per hit.
150 ms, -22 phys dmg redu, 8.9 magic dmg redu, 15% proj dmg redu
N/A 1s 4 Casts

Tier 4

Name Description Scaling Casting Time Limit
Spell ThornBarrier.png
Thorn Barrier
Creates a thorn barrier that lasts for 10 seconds. Any character stands near the thorn barrier will takes 4 physical damage per second.
Barrier has a radius of 1.5 meters.
N/A 1.25s 3 Casts
Spell EntanglingVines.png
Entangling Vines
Spreads roots across the floor in a 1m radius that last for 6 seconds. Any targets that pass through the AoE are frozen in place for 1 seconds. After the effect is removed, the target gets immunity to the entangling effects for 1 seconds. Can only have one on the field N/A 1.25s 3 Casts

Tier 5

Name Description Scaling Casting Time Limit
Spell Restore.png
Restore the health of all allies within 3m radius by 30 health for 10 seconds. 0% 1.75s 3 Casts

Tier 6

Name Description Scaling Casting Time Limit
Spell TreeOfLife.png
Tree of Life
Sprout a tree of life, granting +5 All Attributes and granting 40 Recoverable Health over 8 seconds. Cannot casted on self. 0% 1s 2 Casts
Spell MendingGrove.png
Mending Grove
Create a forest area centered around you within a 3m radius. Targets in the area gain MaxHealthMod 10% and are healed for 10 health per second.  ? 2s 3 Casts

Shapeshift Name Shapeshift Description Attack Attack Description
ShapeShift DefaultCharacter.png
Transforms into a human.
ShapeShift Bear.png
Transforms into a wild bear. Too big to pass through doors. Gain a multiplicative 50% more physical damage reduction and 50% increased max health bonus. Lose 30% move speed bonus and 20% action speed. Lowers jump by 30%
Swipe: Claws with right hand inflicting (Strength*1.5)+10 base physical damage and push the target away. 5 impact power
Bash: Raise your body and slam down inflicting Strength*3 base physical damage. This knocks enemies away and is able to destroy chests and doors. 10 impact power
Swipe (Left Click) Claws with right hand inflicting (Strength*1.0)+5 base physical damage with 5 Impact Power and push the target away.
Bash (Right Click) Raise your body and slam down inflicting Strength*2.0 base physical damage with 10 Impact Power, knocking enemies further or destroying chests and doors.
ShapeShift Chicken.png
Transforms into a chicken. Can spread their wings and jump twice. Lose 60% max health bonus as well as 60% incoming physical and magical healing.
Pecking: Peck with your beak inflicting Resourcefulness*2 base physical damage. This attack has 30% armor penetration. 3 impact power
Cluck: The chicken clucks loudly.
Pecking (Left-Click) Pecks the target with its beak. Inflicting resourcefulness*1.5 physical damage. This attack penetrates 30(1.0)% of target's armor.
Clucking (Right-Click) The chicken clucks loudly
ShapeShift Panther.png
Transforms into a wild panther. Gain 5% move speed bonus. Lose 30% max health bonus as well as 30% incoming physical and magical healing. Can jump 20% higher
Scratch: Swipe with right hand inflicting Agility+5 base physical damage and inflicting a 5 physical damage bleed over 3 seconds. This bleed can stack up to twice and has 50% scaling. 5 impact power
Bite: Bite with your teeth inflicting (Agility*2)+5 base physical damage. This attack silences the target for 0.5 seconds if used while frenzied from Wild Rush. 5 impact power
Scratch (Left-Click) Claws the target with his right hand. Inflicting agility*1(1.0) physical damage and causing the target to bleed. Inflicting 5(0.5) physical damage for 3 seconds
Neckbite (Right-Click) Bite the target's neck. Inflicting agility*1.5(1.0) physical damage. While you are frenzied, Neckbite silences the target for 0.5 seconds.
ShapeShift Rat.png
Transforms into a wild Rat. Gain 10% move speed bonus. Lose 95% max health bonus as well as 95% incoming physical and magical healing. Can jump 10% higher.
Infected Fangs: Bite the target dealing 1 base physical damage and poison them for 3 magical damage over 3 seconds (50% scaling). Impact power 2
Squeak: Makes a squeak.
Infected Fangs (Left Click) Bites the target. Inflicting 1(1.0) physical damage and spreading a plague that deals 3(0.5) magical damage for 3 seconds.
Squeak (Right Click) Makes a squeak.

Hand/Slot Type Weapons
Main Hand + Two Handed
Main Hand + One Handed
Off Hand

Slot Type Armors

Hand/Slot Type Weapons
Main Hand + Two Handed
Main Hand + One Handed
Off Hand

Slot Type Armors

These Stats do not include starting armor.

Stat Name Base Stats
Strength 12
Vigor 13
Agility 12
Dexterity 12
Will 18
Knowledge 20
Resourcefulness 18
Health 105.5
Memory Capacity 14
Utility Effectiveness 0
Luck 0
Health Recovery Bonus -6%
Spell Recovery Bonus 73%
Move Speed 297 ( 99% )
Action Speed -4%
Manual Dexterity -3%
Spell Casting Speed 15%
Equip Speed -21%
Regular Interaction Speed 4.2%
Magical Interaction Speed 21%
Persuasiveness 18
Buff Duration 3%
Debuff Duration -2.9%
Armor Penetration 0%
Magic Penetration 0%
Headshot Reduction 0%
Projectile Damage Reduction 0%
Physical Damage Reduction -22%
        From Armor Rating 0 ( -22% )
        From Bonuses 0%
Magic Resistance 11.7%
        From Resist Rating 42 ( 11.7% )
        From Bonuses 0%
Physical Power Bonus -6%
        From Physical Power 12 ( -6% )
        From Bonuses 0%
Magic Power Bonus 7.5%
        From Magic Power 18 ( 7.5% )
        From Bonuses 0%
Primary Weapon 0
Secondary Weapon 0
Impact Power 0
        Primary Weapon Impact Power 0
        Secondary Weapon Impact Power 0
