From Dark and Darker Wiki

Armor Rating 18
Headshot Damage Reduction 8%
Magical Resistance 15
Vigor 5
Move Speed -3
Physical Damage Reduction 1%
Up to 4 extra enchantments
Slot Type:
Gear Score:
Sell Price:
Item Achieve:
A hood cut from red fabric made with Rubysilver.
Head Armor
Beside adding armor rating like other armors, Head Armors have "Headshot Reduction Mod" stat that decreases the damage taken to the head by flat %.
Rubysilver Hood is a craftable item.Name | Ingredients | Merchant | Affinity to UnlockAffinity values are collected manually by the community. If you spot an error, please kindly follow the link and fix it! |
Tailor | 100 |
Drop Tables
Where to find specific rarity of this weapon
DropTable:Rubysilver Hood 2
DropTable:Rubysilver Hood 3
DropTable:Rubysilver Hood 4
DropTable:Rubysilver Hood 5
DropTable:Rubysilver Hood 6
DropTable:Rubysilver Hood 7