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'The Spell Manipulator'


Class Info

The Sorcerer is a master of the elements and can weave together multiple spells to devastating results. With an innate aptitude for magic, they can cast spells using their bare hands.

Weapon of choice - Crystal Sword/Bare Hands

  • Pros
    • Can cast spells without a magical item
    • Ability to merge spells
    • Unlimited spell uses
  • Cons
    • Long casting times
    • Long spell cooldowns

You can equip an additional perk every 5 levels.
Currently maxed out at Level 15, so a total of 4 perks can be equipped.

Name Description
Icon Perk ApexOfSorcery.png
Apex of Sorcery
While casting spells, move at 1% movement speed, but gain 50% Magical Power Bonus and 50% Spell Casting Speed.
Icon Perk ManaFold.png
Mana Fold
Your cooldowns are 0.75x as long, but suffer -15% Spell Casting Speed.
Icon Perk SpellMerge.png
Spell Merge
While using bare hands, casting two combinable spells simultaneously allows you to use a new spell.
Icon Perk SpellSculpting.png
Spell Sculpting
Increases the range of all spells to 125% and the area of effect by 25%, but increase the Cooldown of your Spells that have a radial component to 1.25x.
Icon Perk SpellStride.png
Spell Stride
Gain 5% Move Speed Bonus while casting spells.
Icon Perk TimeDistortion.png
Time Distortion
All spell casting times are reduced to 0, but cooldown times are 4x as long.

You can equip a total of 2 skills.

Name Description Scaling Cooldown
Icon Skill Sorcery.png
Sorcery Memory
Gain the ability to use sorcery in the dungeon. N/A N/A
Icon Skill Sorcery.png
Sorcery Memory 2
Gain the ability to use sorcery in the dungeon. N/A N/A
Icon Skill SorceryCombat.png
Sorcery Combat
Gain the ability to wield magical casting weapons in melee combat. N/A N/A

The order in which you select spells will determine their Spell Memory Priority. You can right click spells to "forget" them, and you must drag and drop a spell to memorize it. Spell tiers determine their spell memory cost.

Unlike other spellcasters, Sorcerer Spells do not have a common cast range.

Spell Types:

Fire Fire
Ice Ice
Earth Earth
Air Air
Lightning Lightning

Name Description Tier Casting Time Cooldown
Icon Spell FireArrow.png
Fire Arrow
Fire a homing arrow every 0.2s (Perk Quick Chant.png) for 0.6s (Perk Quick Chant.png) in a radial pattern, each dealing 10 Projectile Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) with 4 Impact Power and inflicting Burn.

Burn: The target takes 5 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) over 3s.
1 1.5s 3s
Icon Spell StoneSkin.png
Stone Skin
Surround yourself with stone for 10s, gaining 10% Physical Damage Reduction and 5% Physical Power Bonus, but suffering -10 Move Speed Add. 1 1.5s 3s
Icon Spell WaterBolt.png
Water Bolt
Launch a condensed water orb with a radius of 0.2m at 6m/s, dealing 20 Projectile Ice Ice Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) with 4 Impact Power to targets it touches and inflicting Wet for 2s.

The orb stops upon hitting an object or reaching its maximum range of 6m and lasts for 12 seconds. Up to 3 water orbs can exist simultaneously.

Wet: The target suffers -20% Move Speed Bonus and jump height is reduced by 30%.
1 1.5s 3s
Icon Spell Windblast.png
Deal 10 Air Air Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) to a target within 7m and push them back 3m. 1 1.5s 3s
Icon Spell Eruption.png
Cause a ground explosion up to 7m away that is 0.8m wide, dealing 20 Earth Earth Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) with 4 Impact Power and lifting all targets within the area into the air 1000 over 0.75s. 2 1.75s 6s
Icon Spell Flamestrike.png
Create a fire pillar lasting 3.1s, dealing 35 (100%) Fire Damage on creation and 10 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) with 6 Impact Power per second in 0.2s ticks to enemies inside while inflicting Burn.

Burn: The target takes 3 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) over 3s.
2 1.75s 6s
Icon Spell Glaciate.png
Envelop your weapon in ice for 15s, inflicting Frostbite for 1s on hit.

Frostbite: The target suffers -5% Move Speed Bonus and -20% Action Speed.
2 1.5s 6s
Icon Spell IceSpear.png
Ice Spear
Fire an ice spear that travels 16.5m/s and pierces all targets along its path, dealing 30 Projectile Ice Ice Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) with 4 Impact Power. 2 1.75s 6s
Icon Spell FireOrb.png
Fire Orb
Launch a fire orb forward, dealing 5 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) per second to nearby targets. The orb lasts for 6 seconds and deals 30 Projectile Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) with 12 Impact Power to targets it touches.

Upon contact, it explodes, dealing 15 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) to nearby targets and inflicting Burn.
Fire Orb travels a maximum of 6m.

Burn: The target takes 5 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) over 3s.
3 2s 9s
Icon Spell LightningBolt.png
Lightning Bolt
Channel a lightning beam for 5s (Perk Quick Chant.png) while moving, Electrifying a target within 7m and dealing 5 Lightning Lightning Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) per 0.1s (Perk Quick Chant.png).

Electrified: The target loses -20% Move Speed Bonus for 1s.
3 1.75s 9s
Icon Spell Vortex.png
Create a vortex centered on the caster. Targets touching the vortex take 15 Air Air Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) and are pushed back. 3 2s 9s
Icon Spell Levitation.png
Instantly lift a target within 7m into the air over 1s and gently lower them back down over 3s. 5 1.5s 15s
Icon Spell LightningSphere.png
Lightning Sphere
Surround yourself with an electromagnetic field for 6s, Electrifying all targets within 1.75m for 5 Lightning Lightning Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) per second.

Electrified: The target loses -20% Move Speed Bonus for 1s.
5 2s 15s
Icon Spell SummonEarthElemental.png
Summon Earth Elemental
Summon an Earth Elemental within a cast range of 7m that lasts 24s. The Earth Elemental has a radius of 0.75m, grants the caster 30 Armor Rating, and deals 40 Projectile Physical Base Damage (100% Scaling) to nearby enemies. 7 2s 21s

When using the Spell Merge perk, using spells from either hand at the same time will instead use a merged spell from below.

Unlike other spellcasters, Sorcerer Spells do not have a common cast range.

Spell Types:

Fire Fire
Ice Ice
Earth Earth
Air Air
Lightning Lightning

Merged Spell Base Spell 1 Base Spell 2 Description Casting Time
Icon Spell ElectricDash.png
Electric Dash
Icon Spell Vortex.png
Icon Spell LightningBolt.png
Lightning Bolt
Transform into a lightning orb and quickly move to the selected location within 7m, Electrifying all targets along the path and dealing 10 Lightning Lightning Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling). Upon reaching the destination, unleash a lightning strike, dealing 15 Lightning Lightning Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) to nearby targets.

The caster is immune to physical attacks while moving but remains affected by area magic.

Electrified: The target loses -20% Move Speed Bonus for 1s.
Icon Spell ElementalBolt.png
Elemental Bolt
Icon Spell FireArrow.png
Fire Arrow
Icon Spell WaterBolt.png
Water Bolt
Deal 50 Projectile Fire/Ice Hybrid Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) with 4 Impact Power to a target within Infinite meters, inflicting Burn and Frostbite.

Burn: The target takes 3 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) over 3s.
Frostbite: The target suffers -20% Move Speed Bonus and -20% Action Speed for 2s.
Icon Spell FlamefrostSpear.png
Flamefrost Spear
Icon Spell IceSpear.png
Ice Spear
Icon Spell Flamestrike.png
Throw a Flamefrost Spear that travels 16.5m/s and pierces all targets along its path, dealing 30 Projectile Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) with 4 Impact Power, 30 Projectile Ice Ice Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling), and inflicting both Burn and Frostbite.

Burn: The target takes 3 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) over 3s.
Frostbite: The target suffers -20% Move Speed Bonus and -20% Action Speed for 3s.
Icon Spell Flamethrower.png
Icon Spell FireArrow.png
Fire Arrow
Icon Spell WindBlast.png
Wind Blast
While moving, Channel a radial flame forward 4m for 5s (Perk Quick Chant.png), dealing 10 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) and inflicting Burn every 0.1s (Perk Quick Chant.png) in 0.1s ticks.

Burn: The target takes 3 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) over 3s.
Icon Spell IceBound.png
Ice Bound
Icon Spell Glaciate.png
Icon Spell StoneSkin.png
Stone Skin
Upon casting, become frozen for 6s, becoming immune to all damage. The ice can be shattered by a powerful impact. 1.5s
Icon Spell LightningStorm.png
Lightning Storm
Icon Spell Levitation.png
Icon Spell LightningSphere.png
Lightning Sphere
Channel for 5s (Perk Quick Chant.png) to summon a lightning storm, dealing 10 Lightning Lightning Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) and Electrifying all targets within the 1.75m area every 1s (Perk Quick Chant.png) for 1s.

Electrified: The target loses -20% Move Speed Bonus.
Icon Spell LightningVortex.png
Lightning Vortex
Icon Spell Vortex.png
Icon Spell LightningSphere.png
Lightning Sphere
Deal 30 Lightning Lightning Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) to all targets within the 1.75m area, pushing them back, and Electrifying them for 2s.

Electrified: The target loses -20% Move Speed Bonus.
Icon Spell MudShield.png
Mud Shield
Icon Spell WaterBolt.png
Water Bolt
Icon Spell StoneSkin.png
Stone Skin
Create a 0.5m wide mud shield in front of the caster for 8s, blocking all damage. The shield remains fixed in its initial direction. 1.5s
Icon Spell SummonLavaElemental.png
Summon Lava Elemental
Icon Spell FireOrb.png
Fire Orb
Icon Spell SummonEarthElemental.png
Summon Earth Elemental
Summon a Lava Elemental within a cast range of 7m that lasts 24s. The Lava Elemental has a radius of 0.75m and deals 10 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) and applying Burn to nearby enemies.

Burn: The target takes 3 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) over 3s.
Icon Spell ThornofEarth.png
Thornof Earth
Icon Spell Eruption.png
Icon Spell Levitation.png
Erupts a thorn of earth with a cast range of 7m, dealing 25 Earth Earth Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) with 4 Impact Power to all targets within the 0.5m area. 1.5s
Icon Spell WallofFire.png
Wallof Fire
Icon Spell Eruption.png
Icon Spell Flamestrike.png
Erupt a 3m wide wall of fire within 7m for 12s, dealing 20 Fire/Earth Hybrid Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) with 4 Impact Power instantly and 10 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (100% Scaling) per second in 0.2s ticks to all targets it touches and inflicting Burn.

Burn: The target takes 3 Fire Fire Magical Base Damage (50% Scaling) over 3s.

Hand/Slot Type Weapons
Main Hand + Two Handed
Main Hand + One Handed
Off Hand

Slot Type Armors

Hand/Slot Type Weapons
Main Hand + Two Handed
Main Hand + One Handed
Off Hand

Slot Type Armors

These Stats do not include starting armor.

Stat Name Base Stats
Strength 10
Vigor 10
Agility 10
Dexterity 18
Will 25
Knowledge 20
Resourcefulness 12
Health 100
Memory Capacity 14
Utility Effectiveness 0
Luck 0
Health Recovery Bonus -15%
Spell Recovery Bonus 73%
Move Speed 295 ( 98.33% )
Action Speed 1%
Manual Dexterity 9%
Spell Casting Speed 15%
Equip Speed 15%
Regular Interaction Speed -5.7%
Magical Interaction Speed 70%
Persuasiveness 12
Buff Duration 10%
Debuff Duration -9.1%
Armor Penetration 0%
Magic Penetration 0%
Headshot Reduction 0%
Projectile Damage Reduction 0%
Physical Damage Reduction -22%
        From Armor Rating 0 ( -22% )
        From Bonuses 0%
Magic Resistance 19.25%
        From Resist Rating 70 ( 19.25% )
        From Bonuses 0%
Physical Power Bonus -11%
        From Physical Power 10 ( -11% )
        From Bonuses 0%
Magic Power Bonus 23%
        From Magic Power 25 ( 23% )
        From Bonuses 0%
Primary Weapon 0
Secondary Weapon 0
Impact Power 0
        Primary Weapon Impact Power 0
        Secondary Weapon Impact Power 0

All bolded numbers are automatically updated; however, non-boldened phrasing/numbers are written manually by the community. See Class Ability Documentation for more.