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Hope you find the armor that suits your needs! Get it? Hur Hur Hur


All merchants restock every 30 minutes. (12:00, 12:30, 01:00, ...)

Armourer is a Trader that buys and sells items in the game.


Sells Plate Armors.



Heavy Gauntlets1
Cobalt Ingot2
Plate Boots1
Cobalt Ingot3
Viking Helm1
Cobalt Ingot3
Chapel De Fer1
Cobalt Ingot3
Plate Pants1
Cobalt Ingot4
Templar Armor1
Cobalt Ingot4
Heavy Gauntlets1
Rubysilver Ingot2
Plate Boots1
Rubysilver Ingot3
Barbuta Helm1
Rubysilver Ingot3
Plate Pants1
Rubysilver Ingot4
Fine Cuirass1
Rubysilver Ingot4
Gold Ingot2
Gold Ingot3
Gold Ingot3
Fine Cuirass1
Gold Ingot4
Plate Pants1
Gold Ingot4
Heavy Gauntlets1
Gold Ingot2
Heavy Boots1
Gold Ingot3
Kettle Hat1
Copper Ingot2
Dark Plate Armor1
Copper Ingot3
Plate Pants1
Copper Ingot3
Heavy Gauntlets1
Copper Ingot2
Plate Boots1
Copper Ingot3
Crusader Helm1
Froststone Ingot2
Norman Nasal Helm1
Froststone Ingot2
Fine Cuirass1
Froststone Ingot2
Plate Pants1
Froststone Ingot2
Heavy Gauntlets1
Froststone Ingot1
Plate Boots1
Froststone Ingot2
Cobalt Ore3
Copper Ore3
Froststone Ore3
Gold Ore3
Iron Ore3
Rubysilver Ore3
Silver Coin60



Chapter: Echoes Of Regret
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Mining For Piece of MindGreeting Text
Greetings, adventurer! I require Cobalt Ingots. They forge sturdy armor, the type I wish I had possessed years ago. It was a dark period I'd prefer not to delve into extensively, but I will mention that perhaps with more reliable armor, I might have found the courage to confront my fears directly.

Completion Text
I used to be hailed as a hero, yet inside, I was anything but. Crafting armor for adventurers as brave as you, it's my way of making amends.
Fetch Cobalt Ore (any rarity) (6x)
75 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Templar Armor
1 Rare Plate Pants
50 Experience
25 Affinity
Battle ScarsComplete Quest:
"Mining For Piece of Mind"
Greeting Text
They say there's bravery in confronting what haunts you. I've faced battles myself, sometimes in ways I'm not exactly proud of... The cursed corpses, with their putrid green stench, always seem to linger, advancing upon us uninvited. Perhaps putting down some of these vile creatures will help silence the relentless thoughts clawing their way back into our minds.

Completion Text
The stench of the battlefield clings to you. I hope in completing this task, your past missteps no longer torment you, though mine are carved so deeply they refuse to fade. Take it from me, never let fear guide your actions.
Kill Zombie in Crypt dungeon (10x)
Kill Giant Dragonfly in Crypt dungeon (3x)
75 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Ox Pendant
2 Uncommon Pickaxe
50 Experience
Not A CowardComplete Quest:
"Battle Scars"
Greeting Text
They say fortune favors the prepared. What better way to ensure your readiness than to master the art of escape? Ignore the whispers—who we were is not always who we become.

Completion Text
There's a difference between fleeing from fear and surviving to fight another day. I learned that too late. You don't have to.
Survive Crypt dungeon (5x)
75 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Chapel De Fer
1 Rare Plate Boots
75 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Guiding Light
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Fire WithinGreeting Text
As you venture forth into the depths, keep an eye out for the precious Rubysilver Ore. Its fiery hue mirrors the flames of my forge. We could use it for the battles yet to come.

Completion Text
The legends of silver are known far and wide, but the secrets of this crimson ore are still being discovered.
Fetch Rubysilver Ore (any rarity) (6x)
125 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Dark Cuirass
1 Epic Vigilant Cloak
175 Experience
The UnseenComplete Quest:
"Fire Within"
Greeting Text
Within the ruin's graveyard, darkness holds more than memories. Venture into the shadows and discover what they're hiding. What you find there may change more than you expect.

Completion Text
Remember to always be resolute, especially when no one seems to be watching, for these moments shape your future more than you realize. The truth is, something—or someone—is always watching...
Explore Crypt Graveyard module (1x) (must escape)
125 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Rapier
1 Epic Spangenhelm
200 Experience
Cursed LandsComplete Quest:
"The Unseen"
Greeting Text
Even without limbs, these pesky creatures still manage to be a thorn in our side, infesting the area more than ever. I'll check in with the other merchants to see what they think. In the meantime, handle this quickly to prevent further spread.

Completion Text
I haven't had the chance to speak with everyone yet, and I'd prefer to gather all the details before jumping to conclusions. Still, it's difficult to shake the feeling—like something is hammering away at the balance. I fear the darkness that once cursed these lands might be clawing its way back.
Kill Wisp in Crypt dungeon (7x)
Kill Slime in Crypt dungeon (7x)
125 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Club
1 Epic Fine Cuirass
175 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Harsh Truth
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Quality Over QuantityComplete Quest:
"Cursed Lands"
Greeting Text
Salutations! The shadows and monsters lurking within grow stronger, but so do we. Help me prepare so that we can equip ourselves and our brethren for the trials ahead.

Completion Text
The ever-reliable adventurer! Your efforts ensure our readiness against the encroaching shadows. Together, we'll make quite the formidable team.
Fetch Epic Armor (5x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Buckler
1 Epic Crystal Ball
300 Experience
25 Affinity
Bridge to NowhereComplete Quest:
"Quality Over Quantity"
Greeting Text
The destroyed bridge inside The Forgotten Castle is surrounded by speculation. Many theories exist, but none have been confirmed. Investigate the area and see if you can uncover any clues about its collapse. Also, be cautious of the Axe traps—they're quite dangerous if you're not careful.

Completion Text
It's intriguing to ponder why the bridge inside The Forgotten Castle fell. Many stories circulate, but none have been proven true.
Explore Crypt Long Bridge module (1x) (must escape)
Interact with Axe Trap in Crypt dungeon (5x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Ring of Resolve
1 Legend Ring of Vitality
350 Experience
Beyond Death's GraspComplete Quest:
"Bridge to Nowhere"
Greeting Text
We stand on the precipice of our greatest challenge yet; your bravery is needed more than ever. Time to look upon the many faces of death.

Completion Text
You provided us with a moment's respite from the shadows. We are indebted to your bravery, Adventurer.
Kill Lich in Crypt dungeon (1x)
Kill Ghost King in Crypt dungeon (1x)
Kill Skeleton Warlord in Crypt dungeon (1x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Ornate Jazerant
1 Legend Champion Armor
1000 Experience
50 Affinity
Chapter: Tough Stuff
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Ruins ReconnaissanceComplete Quest:
"Cursed Lands"
Greeting Text
The Ruins are known for having many valuable resources amidst their decay. I need you to gather some blue eyeballs and wolf pelts. These will come in handy to help us prepare for battles ahead. Be cautious—those ruins are filled with dangers.

Completion Text
The Ruins are as dangerous as ever, but your efforts have provided us with much-needed resources. Stay vigilant—more challenges lie ahead.
Fetch Blue Eyeballs (any rarity) (2x)
Fetch Wolf Pelt (any rarity) (5x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Dread Hood
1 Epic Mystic Vestments
300 Experience
25 Affinity
Ale-Soaked InsightsComplete Quest:
"Ruins Reconnaissance"
Greeting Text
Last night, I had a bit too much to drink at the tavern and ended up speaking with the Fortune Teller. She gave me a cryptic message suggesting there might be something worth investigating around this location. I'm not entirely convinced by her mumbo jumbo, but I figured it's worth a look. See if you can find anything unusual here.

Completion Text
I'm glad you checked out the area. Although I'm still skeptical about that fortune teller's cryptic message, it seems like there might be something to it after all.
Explore Crypt Stables module (1x) (must escape)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Ritual Robe
1 Epic Darkleaf Boots
350 Experience
Cloaked SecretsComplete Quest:
"Ale-Soaked Insights"
Greeting Text
It seems the fortune teller's words held more truth than I first believed. While at the tavern, I overheard her mention a hidden lever on a statue in conversation with a cloaked figure. I need you to investigate this and see what you can uncover.

Completion Text
Perhaps my drunken state caused me to miss some crucial details. I wonder if this is a spot where some of those fanatics might gather, or if there's another explanation. Keep your eyes open and investigate carefully.
Interact with Hidden Statue Lever in Crypt dungeon (1x)
Kill Giant Worm in Crypt dungeon (1x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Longsword
1 Legend Armet
1000 Experience
50 Affinity

Squire Offers

Affinity Items Offered by the Squire

Squire offers poor items

Squire offers poor items

Squire offers common items

Squire offers common items