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Fortune Teller.png
I am the conduit between the realms, offering to weave increased fortune into the tapestry of your fates.


All merchants restock every 30 minutes. (12:00, 12:30, 01:00, ...)

Fortune Teller is a Trader that buys and sells items in the game.


Sells Potion of Luck.


Fortune Teller

Chapter: By The Stars
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Mystic TiesGreeting Text
The stars have conspired to lead you to me today. A wave of seekers surrounds me, yet one story drips with darkness. To uncover the truth, I need certain objects. Don't ask questions—just bring them.

Completion Text
Just as the fates predicted, you've returned with what I needed. The veil begins to lift, and your contributions are deeply valued. Prepare yourself, as more revelations lie ahead.
Fetch Old Cloth (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Bowstring (any rarity) (2x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
1 Uncommon Crystal Ball
3 Common Potion of Healing
40 Experience
25 Affinity
Slime AnalysisComplete Quest:
"Mystic Ties"
Greeting Text
The creeping darkness has birthed slimes far more sinister than mere beasts; they pulse with ancient magic twisted by shadow. Their gelatinous forms are a volatile blend of primal forces and corruption. We must uncover the secrets of this dark union, to see if the threads can be unraveled and the true magic restored.

Completion Text
I'll bring these findings to the alchemist for further study. With luck, we may soon uncover more about this corruption—and whether its curse can ever be undone. For now, take this as a token for your efforts.
Kill Slime in Crypt dungeon (3x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
4 Uncommon Francisca Axe
4 Uncommon Throwing Knife
25 Experience
Intertwined FatesComplete Quest:
"Slime Analysis"
Greeting Text
We meet again, as the threads of fate weave tighter around us. The ruins are veiled in ancient shadows, and within them, dark forces stir. To walk your destined path, you must confront these hidden powers. Only by facing the lurking dangers will the true shape of your journey be revealed.

Completion Text
The forces observing you from beyond the veil are both wary and impressed. Proceed with caution and keep your focus.
Kill Mimic (3x)
Kill Giant Spider (3x)
Kill Living Armor (3x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
1 Uncommon Ring of Vitality
3 Uncommon Potion of Luck
40 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Guided Path
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Sacrifices Must Be MadeGreeting Text
Welcome back, seeker of fate's wisdom. The time has come to delve deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos. To further unravel the tapestry of your path, you must commune with the ancient altars of sacrifice. Offerings made here will attune your spirit to the celestial energies, paving the way for greater, deeper connection to the threads of fate that bind us all.

Completion Text
Your presence exudes a heightened energy, as if the very essence of Eba flows more freely within you. But tread carefully, for the path ahead stretches far and the forces of darkness will now sense your strength.
Interact with Altar of Sacrifice (3x)
100 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Recurve Bow
1 Rare Padded Leggings
150 Experience
Secret OmensComplete Quest:
"Sacrifices Must Be Made"
Greeting Text
The recent reading requested by a hooded figure led to my crystal ball being shattered by a dark force. Since I had already agreed to their terms, I couldn't refuse them, so I asked them to return later. While I work on repairing the orb, I need you to uncover the answer they sought the old-fashioned way.

Completion Text
Just in time! Praise the gods of wisdom. However, you must leave before they return. Check back later, as I will still need your assistance. I see your journey has only just begun, and oh, what delights await you.
Explore Ice Cavern Icicle Cave module (1x) (must escape)
100 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Studded Leather
1 Rare Pourpoint
125 Experience
UnseenComplete Quest:
"Secret Omens"
Greeting Text
The paths of fate have shifted, but my vision falters. The darkness has shattered my crystal, and I require new conduits of energy to glimpse what lies beyond. Bring them to me, and perhaps we shall unveil the unseen.

Completion Text
Do not fear the unknown. Though the path ahead may be shrouded in darkness, find comfort in knowing there is something much more powerful at play here. The universe has chosen you for a reason; trust in its wisdom.
Fetch Rare Crystal Ball (3x)
Fetch Rotten Fluids (any rarity) (1x)
100 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Crystal Sword
1 Rare Hand Crossbow
150 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Dark Omens
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Obscured PathsComplete Quest:
Greeting Text
To grasp the essence of light's strength, one must first dance with darkness. Snuff out the torches one by one and let the shadows cloak you in their embrace, for it is within the depths of darkness that true enlightenment may be found.

Completion Text
As the torches dim, so too do the veils of illusion that cloak the secrets of this place. Your journey into darkness has only just begun.
Interact with Torch in Crypt dungeon (12x) (single session)
175 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Dark Plate Armor
1 Epic Barbuta Helm
200 Experience
Webs Of DarknessComplete Quest:
"Obscured Paths"
Greeting Text
Beware, for it's not just the web of destiny you face. Amidst the shadows, the spiders weave their traps. Shatter the vessels that fuel their darkness, and thwart their plans to ensnare the unwary.

Completion Text
May your path now be free from their entanglements, both literal and metaphorical.
Destroy Spider Pot in Crypt dungeon (10x)
175 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Bear Pendant
1 Epic Low Boots
200 Experience
Glimpse of the DarkComplete Quest:
"Webs Of Darkness"
Greeting Text
The shadows speak in riddles, and I need the remnants of dark beings to better decipher their whispers. Bring me these items, and I will aid you in your quest.

Completion Text
As you continue on your path, remember there's a difference between listening and truly hearing. You're unique and important in this journey. Be patient—answers will come in time.
Fetch Demon Dog Thorn (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Bat Claw (any rarity) (2x)
Fetch Torn Bat Wing (any rarity) (1x)
175 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Falchion
1 Legend Club
500 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Knowing The Unknown
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Veiled OnesComplete Quest:
"Glimpse of the Dark"
Greeting Text
The icy winds carry whispers of danger as frosty foes gather in the shadows, awaiting your challenge.

Completion Text
As the last echoes of battle wane, the veiled ones' screams rise, a chorus of calls. Are they cries for aid or warnings of your fate?
Kill Undead Skeleton in Ice Cavern dungeon (7x) (single session)
Kill Beast Kobold in Ice Cavern dungeon (7x) (single session)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Crossbow
1 Epic Felling Axe
350 Experience
25 Affinity
Visit From A StrixComplete Quest:
"Veiled Ones"
Greeting Text
I recently received unsettling tidings from an old friend, a Strix named Mookia. She brought word that chatter of doubt surrounds the efficacy of my luck potions. Let us showcase the true power of these elixirs and cast aside any shadows of disbelief from the masses.

Completion Text
Are you familiar with the ancient tales that speak of the premonitions accompanying a Strix's visit? In any case, thank you for your help.
Use Item Epic Potion of Luck in Ice Cavern dungeon (3x)
Interact with Lion's Head Chest in Ice Cavern dungeon (10x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Doublet
1 Legend Oracle Robe
350 Experience
The TormentedComplete Quest:
"Visit From A Strix"
Greeting Text
I have been receiving unsettling visits from spirits who cannot find peace due to the violent nature of their deaths. Their whispers claw at my thoughts, clouding my vision of the path ahead. The only thing that can ease their unrest is the blood of the Wendigo, creatures of insatiable hunger that roam the frozen mountains. Slay these beasts before the spirits grow beyond my control and unleash their wrath upon us.

Completion Text
With the Wendigo slain, the spirits have quieted, their restless cries fading into the cold winds. Now, I can focus once more, and our path lies clear before us.
Kill Wendigo in Ice Cavern dungeon (2x) (single session)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Heavy Boots
1 Legend Turnshoe
1000 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: The Alignment
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Mystic EndeavorComplete Quest:
"Glimpse of the Dark"
Greeting Text
Welcome, traveler of destiny's path. The challenge before you will test your luck and mettle. Shall we begin?

Completion Text
The webs of fate are spinning as we speak. Be careful some path's are venomous.
Interact with Floor Spikes in Crypt dungeon (10x)
Use Item Potion of Luck (any rarity) in Crypt dungeon (1x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Kris Dagger
1 Epic Halberd
300 Experience
25 Affinity
Sanctified RitualsComplete Quest:
"Mystic Endeavor"
Greeting Text
Seeker of enlightenment, the altars of ascendance beckon you forth! Within their hallowed halls, the powers of transformation await, eager to shape your destiny with their divine influence.

Completion Text
Within the stars lie the answers to life's greatest mysteries, and it is your destiny to unravel them.
Interact with Shrine of Health in Crypt dungeon (1x) (single session)
Interact with Altar of Sacrifice in Crypt dungeon (1x) (single session)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Darkleaf Boots
1 Legend Pourpoint
350 Experience
Tide Of DarknessComplete Quest:
"Sanctified Rituals"
Greeting Text
As the darkness coils around you, remember that it is merely a fleeting obstacle on your path to greatness. The time for reckoning draws near. As you confront these powerful foes, remember: you are not alone and are more powerful than you realize.

Completion Text
As the night wanes, so too does the grip of darkness. Your bravery has temporarily dispelled its shadowy reign.
Kill Skeleton Warlord in Crypt dungeon (1x)
Kill Demon Centaur in Crypt dungeon (2x)
Kill Skeleton Crossbowman in Crypt dungeon (5x)
Kill Skeleton Spearman in Crypt dungeon (5x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Elkwood Gloves
1 Legend Cloth Pants
500 Experience
25 Affinity