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Games! Oooh I love playing games! Let's play a simple one you clever human. You pay me gold and I give you whatever I want. Sounds absolutely delightful!


Goblin Merchant sells random item with random rarities. The items are unidentified before the sale.


Each restock renews the items Goblin Merchant offers.

The amount of items available can be increased by earning affinity through the progression of the Goblin merchants Quests line.

See the updated public spreadsheet on the probability of item rewards as of Season Four.

Old public spreadsheet.


"Found these goodies on a poor soul left to rot in the dungeon. Kind of reminded me of you. I'll be willing to let them go for a pretty penny. I won't be able to hold onto these for too long."

Dungeon Recovery

Goblin Merchant will randomly bring back some items left on your body through the dungeon recovery system.
The Goblin Merchant gives a 25% discount at 75 Affinity and a 50% discount at 150 Affinity when selling back items.


Prices are determined according to item type


  • 1h: 75
  • 2h: 100


  • Head: 50
  • Chest: 75
  • Gloves: 50
  • Pants: 75
  • Boots: 50


  • Amulet: 125 (except for Necklace of Peace which is 100)
  • Ring: 100

Additionally, these prices are discounted by 10% at 75 Affinity and by 20% at 150 Affinity.


Goblin Merchant

Chapter: Everyone's Favorite Goblin
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Away With The Green SkinsGreeting Text
Eh, just the sort of fleshy me wanted to see! There be a bit of a situation, something peculiar brewing and 'tis not me famous stew. Me wagering a clever fleshy like you could unravel these little knots. Up for some mischief?

Completion Text
Huzzah! You served them da BIG bing-bong, with side of smiggity shming-bop! Hee-hee.
Kill Goblin Axeman in Goblin Cave dungeon (5x)
Kill Goblin Warrior in Goblin Cave dungeon (5x)
Kill Goblin Archer in Goblin Cave dungeon (5x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
3 Common Bandage
1 Uncommon Laced Turnshoe
25 Experience
Secrets Of The DeadComplete Quest:
"Away With The Green Skins"
Greeting Text
Erm, me used to hear stories of a bad, bad wizard that had some precocious information on him. Last me heard, me kin caught him and locked him up till he died dead, dead. Me thinks maybe these special information still hidden away in his cell or secret pocket. Go looks for me and me promises to make it worth your while.

Completion Text
Yip, yip! Me is happy! You've done me proud, me fleshy friend. However, these only seem to be a piece to a larger puzzle. But these isa okies because me likes puzzles!
Explore Goblin Cave Cave Altar module (1x) (must escape)
50 Unique Gold Coin
1 Uncommon Spellbook
1 Uncommon Magic Staff
25 Experience
A Goblin's PrideComplete Quest:
"Secrets Of The Dead"
Greeting Text
You wanting to disgrace those filthy goblin scoundrels? Them ears be their pride, jus as antlers be to stags, chop, chop chop!

Completion Text
Yowza, no ears, no pride! Well done, very well indeed. Hee-hee.
Fetch Goblin Ear (any rarity) (10x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Mercurial Cloak
40 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Tricks And Treasures
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Buggy BondsComplete Quest:
"A Goblin's Pride"
Greeting Text
Fancy a little game of fetch? Need a pair of beetle wings and a bug shell. Bring 'em to me, and I might just spill some beans on that elusive lass you're after.

Completion Text
Aha! Well done, well done! Now, listen close fleshy. That missing girl ain't what she seems, I tell ya. But that's all you're gettin' from me for now.
Fetch Bug Shell (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Beetle Wings (any rarity) (2x)
75 Unique Gold Coin
3 Common Surgical Kit
3 Common Oil Lantern
75 Experience
Killing CrittersComplete Quest:
"Buggy Bonds"
Greeting Text
Me got a plan, a real sneaky sneaky one. Those critters in the caves – they be messing wit stuffs they shouldn't. Clear dem out whizzbang style!

Completion Text
By me pointy ears, ya did it! Gobbo happy happy! Huzzah!
Kill Goblin Mage in Goblin Cave dungeon (5x)
Kill Giant Centipede in Goblin Cave dungeon (2x)
Kill Giant Spider in Goblin Cave dungeon (2x)
300 Unique Gold Coin
50 Experience
Step by StepComplete Quest:
"Killing Critters"
Greeting Text
Yip, yip! Well, look who's back for another round! Think ye gots what it takes to outwit dem gobos? Survive them dark caves a few times and maybe, just maybe, ye'll impress me wit' yer sneakin' skills!

Completion Text
Well, well, well, look who's back in one piece! Ye got guts, I'll give ye that.
Survive Goblin Cave dungeon (2x)
75 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Rawhide Gloves
1 Rare Wind Locket
50 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Favorite Soft Skin
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
My Favorite FleshyComplete Quest:
"Step by Step"
Greeting Text
You back already soft skin? Seems like there be a bunch of bafoonery going on in da gobo caves. Wallop the wanderers before they find me secrets! What be me secrets?! Hush, hush for now, all will be revealed in time, heh-he.

Completion Text
By me green skin the fleshy has done it again! Here be your share. No need to check to see if gobo was fair, me promises to never scam you squishy one.
Kill Player in Goblin Cave dungeon (3x)
125 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Ring of Courage
1 Epic Light Gauntlets
200 Experience
Crate ChaosComplete Quest:
"My Favorite Fleshy"
Greeting Text
Hey there, me ol' chum! Me got a bit of a job for ya, if ye interested. Them Goblin Caves are overrun with them pesky crates, brought by invaders, and me thinks it's time we give 'em a good bashin'. What say ya? Fancy a bit of crate smashing?

Completion Text
Me happy me haves such a strong fleshy fren that gives BIG boom smash. Heh-he.
Destroy Small Wooden Crate in Goblin Cave dungeon (15x)
125 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Ring of Resolve
1 Epic Bear Pendant
175 Experience
Gobo BrawlComplete Quest:
"Crate Chaos"
Greeting Text
Huzzah, ye back! Me thinks of you fondly squishy one, like dis soft mold to me warm bread. But those elites are not being so nice to ya gobo fren, boo. I bet issa due to me findin' them up to no good! Dark, dark stuff me soft fren. Smash them before they smash us!

Completion Text
Ye smashed 'em like ya did those crates, wiz-bang style!
Kill Beast Goblin in Goblin Cave dungeon (12x) (single session)
125 Unique Gold Coin
3 Epic Surgical Kit
1 Epic Open Sallet
200 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Greater Threats
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Shiny SecretsComplete Quest:
"Gobo Brawl"
Greeting Text
Treasures? Me got 'em, deep in caves! Go, go find shiny, but watch out for big teeth! No becoming dinner, understand?

Completion Text
If you were a green skin, me would call you 'shiny-seeker'! Heh-he.
Interact with Lion's Head Chest in Goblin Cave dungeon (2x) (single session)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Watchman Cloak
1 Epic Stitched Turnshoe
300 Experience
25 Affinity
GambaComplete Quest:
"Shiny Secrets"
Greeting Text
Let's make a friendly wager, gobo loves to gamba! Take a stroll in the cozy caves, no bruises or scratches, or you will lose!

Completion Text
Escaped without a scratch me is seeing! Collect your winnings. Huzzah!
Kill Giant Centipede in Goblin Cave dungeon (2x)
Explore Goblin Cave Cave Pit Hall module (1x) (must escape)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Rapier
1 Legend Spellbook
350 Experience
One Eyed FoeComplete Quest:
Greeting Text
That Cyclops is no friend to your favorite green skin, challenge the stinky behemoth of these underground domains and make the tunnels safer for poor helpless gobos, heh-he.

Completion Text
BIG wowza! You have steely nerves and sturdy arms! Take your rewards from gobo, but remember, the caves harbor even greater threats!
Kill Cyclops in Goblin Cave dungeon (1x)
500 Unique Gold Coin
2 Unique Gold Coin Bag
1000 Experience
50 Affinity
Chapter: Spooky Adventures
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Feathered FortuneComplete Quest:
"One Eyed Foe"
Greeting Text
Gobo likes to gamba gamba but been bad bad and no lucky lately. Help yer favorite green skin by fetchin' me a lucky feather from dem nasty birdies. Make 'em disappear whilst yer at it so those stinky feather bearers don't help others get lucky, heehee!

Completion Text
Huzzah! With lucky feather, me sure to be winning! Member, keep hush hush, here is some shiny things to making sure you no forgetting.
Fetch Cockatrice's Lucky Feather (any rarity) (1x)
Kill Cockatrice in Crypt dungeon (5x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Rondel Dagger
1 Epic Leather Cap
300 Experience
25 Affinity
Grave GoodsComplete Quest:
"Feathered Fortune"
Greeting Text
My gamba losses took a toll, sad sad. Me smart thinker and realized the unalived ones no longer needing their goodies. Gather these and help me replenish me shinies!

Completion Text
Lots of shiny things! Hopefully no ghouls or ghosties followed you back, heehee!
Interact with Stone Tomb in Crypt dungeon (25x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Club
1 Epic Lightfoot Boots
350 Experience
Angry GhostyComplete Quest:
"Grave Goods"
Greeting Text
Oh great! I telling you not to mess with ghosties stuffs. Now mad banshee looking for her lost treasures. Me do hard part guarding the shinnies, while you deal with this spooky spook!

Completion Text
Phew, scary ghost lady no more. Staying close to gobo a good idea, more tasks needing your help soon!
Kill Banshee in Crypt dungeon (1x)
250 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Ceremonial Staff
1 Legend Ox Pendant
1000 Experience
50 Affinity
Chapter: Wing Man
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Gobbo's Lady FriendComplete Quest:
"One Eyed Foe"
Greeting Text
Psst, over here! Gobbo needs me favorite squishy to make a big mess of the critters and gather all the bits for me lady friend. Don't ask me nothing more—just go, go, go!

Completion Text
Yowza! You smashed ‘em all flat! Good thing too—me gots to hurry and meet me lady friend, thinkin' she'll be happy pleased! You did good, fleshy!
Kill Skeleton Champion in Goblin Cave dungeon (3x)
Kill Giant Spider in Goblin Cave dungeon (7x)
Kill Giant Bat in Goblin Cave dungeon (7x)
Fetch Spider Silk (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Beetle Wings (any rarity) (2x)
1000 Experience
Character Skin "Felidian Cat Man"