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Chapter: Always Intrigued Collapse
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
More Than Meets the EyeGreeting Text
You've heard of the Frost Wolves, no doubt. The rumors say they're guarding something precious, but I believe there's more to it. My work with potions and alchemy has taught me that nothing is ever as simple as it seems. These wolves are just another puzzle to solve. I need you to investigate what they're keeping from us. If there's something powerful hidden away, it could hold the answers to many questions... perhaps even questions I never wanted to ask.

Completion Text
Impressive. You've uncovered more than I anticipated. The wolves were indeed guarding something of great value, something that could aid my studies. As I suspected, there's more to this world than science can explain. You've done well, but we're not finished. I'll need time to study what you found—come back when I've made some progress.
Explore Ice Cavern Wolf Cave module (1x) (must escape)
50 Unique Gold Coin
3 Uncommon Potion of Invisibility
3 Uncommon Potion of Protection
25 Experience
25 Affinity
The Kobold's ChemistryComplete Quest:
"More Than Meets the Eye"
Greeting Text
I've always been intrigued by the Ice Kobolds. Their adaptability, their strange tenacity... it's more than mere survival—it's something we can learn from. Their biology, their resistance to the cold, could unlock new alchemical properties. What I need from you is to search their territory—there may be something in their environment, or even within their own flesh, we can use. Their blood, their marrow, perhaps even their mucus.

Completion Text
Excellent. What you've uncovered is fascinating. The Kobolds are far more than just beasts—they're carriers of hidden potential. This reminds me of another experiment I need to conduct. Visit me when you have the time.
Kill Ice Kobold Axeman in Ice Cavern dungeon (2x)
Kill Ice Kobold Archer in Ice Cavern dungeon (2x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
1 Uncommon Ring of Finesse
1 Uncommon Falchion
25 Experience
Oh BrotherComplete Quest:
"The Kobold's Chemistry"
Greeting Text
You know, my brother, the Surgeon, has never forgiven me for abandoning traditional medicine. He still believes in the old ways, as if stitching up the body can heal the soul—curses, for example. I learned that lesson too late. Our mother died in agony, and I was powerless to help. That's when alchemy called to me—its promise of real power, of true healing. I need these potions, not just for myself, but to show him the way forward. He'll see the truth eventually... even if I have to make him understand the hard way.

Completion Text
Good. This is only the beginning, but it's a step in the right direction. My brother's methods are futile, bound by the limitations of the past. Alchemy has no such boundaries. I can feel it working already. The potions, the combinations—each one brings us closer to something greater. He may not see it now, but I will show him the power we could wield if he just opened his eyes.
Fetch Potion of Healing (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Potion of Protection (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Potion of Invisibility (any rarity) (1x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
2 Common Wolf Pelt
1 Uncommon Frost Amulet
25 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: The Darkness Within Collapse
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Hidden Within The LinesGreeting Text
Rumor has it that deep within The Forgotten Castle lies a library filled with cursed grimoires... Do you think you can find it?

Completion Text
The rumors were true all along... and you brought a book back as well?! Give me some time to study this text and let's see what we can uncover.
Explore Crypt Dark Magic Library module (1x) (must escape)
100 Unique Gold Coin
1 Random Rare Weapon
1 Random Rare Accessory
125 Experience
Test RunComplete Quest:
"Hidden Within The Lines"
Greeting Text
Here, take this list and fetch me these ingredients right away! There might be something to that book you brought me... and there's only one way to find out.

Completion Text
That was quick! I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you. Now, it's time to cook!
Fetch Phantom Flower (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Wardweed (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Lifeleaf (any rarity) (1x)
100 Unique Gold Coin
2 Random Rare Armor
150 Experience
Hocus PocusComplete Quest:
"Test Run"
Greeting Text
I never thought much of old texts... but the power in that last recipe was undeniable. This next one is a little grim, but I think you can handle it.

Completion Text
Excellent! Don't bother telling me where you found all of these... Here, take these for your trouble.
Fetch Broken Skull (any rarity) (3x)
Fetch Grave Essence (any rarity) (3x)
Fetch Maggots (any rarity) (3x)
100 Unique Gold Coin
1 Random Rare Weapon
1 Random Rare Armor
150 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Other Solutions Collapse
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Mixing Things UpComplete Quest:
"Hocus Pocus"
Greeting Text
Have you ever thought about what might happen if you used four different potions at the same time?! Well, I need you to find out! And, well... try to survive.

Completion Text
You really did it, and lived to tell the tale! Although... That didn't turn out quite how I expected.
Use Item Potion of Healing (any rarity) in Crypt dungeon (1x) (must escape) (single session)
Use Item Potion of Protection (any rarity) in Crypt dungeon (1x) (must escape) (single session)
Use Item Potion of Invisibility (any rarity) in Crypt dungeon (1x) (must escape) (single session)
Use Item Magic Protection Potion (any rarity) in Crypt dungeon (1x) (must escape) (single session)
175 Unique Gold Coin
1 Random Epic Accessory
1 Random Epic Armor
200 Experience
Death In The AirComplete Quest:
"Mixing Things Up"
Greeting Text
Flying skulls of the dead have infested parts of The Forgotten Castle... I need you to get rid of as many as you can... but you only have one shot.

Completion Text
Not bad... once you kill enough of those flying filth it starts getting easier and easier.
Kill Death Skull in Crypt dungeon (7x) (single session)
175 Unique Gold Coin
2 Random Epic Weapon
250 Experience
Death AwakensComplete Quest:
"Death In The Air"
Greeting Text
It seems my experiments have not gone unnoticed... Wraiths have risen, surrounded by animated skeletons. The longer we wait, the larger the undead horde will become... I need you to get rid of as many as you can. Please, hurry before this spirals out of control!

Completion Text
Thanks for taking care of that mess for me... I was beginning to think I might have gone too far with that last experiment. Here, these should cover any trouble I caused you.
Kill Skeleton Swordman in Crypt dungeon (10x)
Kill Skeleton Axeman in Crypt dungeon (10x)
Kill Skeleton Archer in Crypt dungeon (10x)
Kill Wraith in Crypt dungeon (3x)
175 Unique Gold Coin
2 Random Legendary Weapon
500 Experience
25 Affinity
Chapter: Not For The Weak Collapse
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Vials and VenomComplete Quest:
"Death Awakens"
Greeting Text
Ah, there you are! The Ruins are infested with eight-legged artisans. Time to make a mess of their nests, because their venom has been seeping into my alchemical ingredients, contaminating everything I work with. I need those pots destroyed before their poison spoils another batch of my precious brews!

Completion Text
Well done! With those spider pots destroyed, my alchemical experiments are back on track. Now I can work without the fear of toxins creeping into my concoctions.
Destroy Spider Pot in Crypt dungeon (15x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
2 Random Epic Weapon
300 Experience
25 Affinity
Endure And PrevailComplete Quest:
"Vials and Venom"
Greeting Text
Here, amidst the darkness and chaos, your mettle will be tested as you strive to survive against the odds. During your journey do what you can to rid the area of any Skeletons in your path!

Completion Text
In the damp recesses of this place, you've emerged victorious once more. Keep your spirit ablaze, for greater challenges lie ahead.
Survive Crypt dungeon (6x)
Kill Undead Skeleton in Crypt dungeon (44x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
2 Random Legendary Armor
350 Experience
A King Once PastComplete Quest:
"Endure And Prevail"
Greeting Text
Echoes have been heard deep below The Forgotten Castle... I dare not believe it, but it may be the ghost of the long-lost king. Freeing his soul could finally break the demonic curse that has plagued the castle for generations.

Completion Text
A triumph beyond measure! The king's soul is finally at peace, and I could feel the air itself grow lighter. You've accomplished more than I could ever repay, but I hope this reward brings you some measure of gratitude.
Kill Ghost King in Crypt dungeon (1x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
2 Random Legendary Armor
1000 Experience
25 Affinity