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Clerics in Dark and Darker are devoted followers of a deity, who use their faith and divine magic to aid their allies and smite their enemies. They can heal wounds, and cleanse curses. They can also channel their deity's power to deal radiant damage to undead and other evil creatures. They can wear heavy armor and wield powerful weapons, but their true strength lies in their ability to call upon their deity's power to turn the

Class Info

Weapon of choice: Flanged Mace or Morning Star

  • Pros
    • Only class with the ability to heal others and to resurrect fallen allies, without the need of a Sacrificial Altar.
    • Access to powerful buffs and protection spells.
    • Beginner friendly due to having access to healing, allowing them and their team to take a couple of hits without being in danger.
    • Good room clearing ability.
    • Able to wield shields.
    • Good front liner support -> playing behind tight unto the friendly Fighter or similar. With higher defensive gear you can take most damage with the exception of magic dmg (from rouges and wizards).
  • Cons
    • Slow attack speed and slowest base interaction speed.
    • Limited choices of melee weapons and no ranged options.
    • Unable to regenerate spells like Wizards, resting at a campfire is necessary. (no longer true in the last playtest, resting even with no campfire restored spells, albeit at a poor rate. No definitive answer from the devs regarding this as of April 2023)
    • Slow base spell casting speed.
    • Vulnerable to rouges and wizards.

You can equip an additional perk every 5 levels. Currently maxed out at Level 15, so a total of 4 perks can be equipped.

Name Description
Perk Advanced Healer.png
Advanced Healer
Increase your base magical heal by 5.
Perk Blunt Weapon Mastery.png
Blunt Weapon Mastery
Increases Physical Damage Bonus by +10% when attacking with a blunt weapon.
Perk Brewmaster.png
You do not exhibit the detrimental drunk effects when you drink alcohol.
Perk Kindness.png
Heal yourself for 15% of the spell's total heal amount when healing another target.
Perk Perseverance.png
Reduces all types of incoming damage by 3.
Perk Protection from Evil.png
Protection from Evil
Grants -50% decreased Debuff Duration. (This effectively makes debuffs last less time.)
Perk Requiem.png
Resurrecting an ally revives them with 50% HP instead of a sliver of life. When reviving an ally at the Altar of Sacrifice, you do not need to sacrifice any of your own health.
Perk Undead Slaying.png
Undead Slaying
+20% increased Physical Power Bonus when attacking undead monsters.
Perk Holy Aura.png
Holy Aura
Increase the flat Armor Rating and Magic Resist Rating of yourself and all party members around by +15.

You can equip a total of 2 skills.

Name Description Cooldown
Skill Holy Purification.png
Holy Purification
Inflicts 100 base Magical Damage to all undead monsters within 7.5 meters. 45s
Skill Judgement.png
After focusing for 0.5 seconds, instantly deals 25 Magical Damage to a target and decreases their Movement Speed Bonus by -20% for 2 seconds. The spell can only be cast when the crosshair targets an enemy within 5m. Once Judgement starts casting on a target you will no longer need to continue targeting the crosshair. If the target goes out of range during casting, the casting fails and the skill enters cooldown. 32s
Skill Smite.png
When activated, your attacks deal an additional instance of 10 Magical Damage for 7 seconds. 16s
Skill Spell Memory.png
Spell Memory
Allows you to memorize spells to use in the dungeon. /
Skill Spell Memory.png
Spell Memory 2
Allows you to memorize spells to use in the dungeon. /
Skill Divine Protection.png
Divine Protection
Receive the blessing of the divine and boosts Physical Damage Reduction by an additional flat +30% for 4 seconds. 90s

The order in which you select spells will determine their Spell Memory Priority. You can right click spells to "forget" them, and you must drag and drop a spell to memorize it. Spell tiers determine their spell memory cost.


Tier 1

Name Description Casting Time Limit
Spell Protection.png
Creates a shield that blocks 20 physical damage for 20 seconds. 0.75s 5 Casts
Spell Bless.png
Target gains +3 to Strength, Agility, and Will attributes for 30 seconds. Casts to self if no target is found. 0.75s 5 Casts

Tier 2

Name Description Casting Time Limit
Spell Divine Strike.png
Divine Strike
Increases weapon damage by 5 for 20 seconds. 1s 5 Casts
Spell Cleanse.png
Removes all harmful magic effects from the target. 1s 5 Casts

Tier 3

Name Description Casting Time Limit
Spell Lesser Heal.png
Lesser Heal
Heals a target for 15 health. Casts to self if no target is found. 1s 5 Casts
Spell Bind.png
Binds the target for 0.75 seconds. 1s 4 Casts

Tier 4

Name Description Casting Time Limit
Spell Holy Strike.png
Holy Strike
Hits all targets within range, dealing 15 damage and blinding them for 2 seconds. 2s 4 Casts

Tier 5

Name Description Casting Time Limit
Spell Holy Light.png
Holy Light
Heals an ally for 30 HP or does 100 base magical damage to an undead target. 2s 4 Casts

Tier 6

Name Description Casting Time Limit
Spell Sanctuary.png
Channel for 5 seconds, concentrate on a specific area for a certain period of time, healing friendls beings within the area by 5 per second and dealing 14 spell damage to undead per second. 2.75s 2 Casts

Tier 7

Name Description Casting Time Limit
Spell Resurrection.png
Target an ally to resurrect them from the dead.

The corpse must have a soul heart
2.75s 1 Casts

Tier 8

Name Description Casting Time Limit
Spell Locusts Swarm.png
Locusts Swarm
Concentrate for a certain period of time to summon a swarm of locusts in a specific area, dealing 2 damage per 1s to targets within the area. 2.75s 1 Casts
Spell Earthquake.png
Concentrates your mind for a fixed period of time to create an earthquake in a specific area, dealing 10 damage per step and reducing movement speed bonus by 50% when all targets on it move. 2.75s 2 Casts


Category Weapons
2-Handed Lute, Quarterstaff, Spellbook, War Maul, Wizard Staff
1-Handed Flanged Mace, Morning Star, Torch
Shields Buckler, Heater Shield, Round Shield


Slot Armors
Head Chapel De Fer, Chaperon, Hounskull, Kettle Hat, Leather Cap
Chest Frock, Oracle Robe, Padded Tunic, Regal Gambeson, Templar Armor, (Rubysilver Fine Cuirass)
Legs Cloth Pants, Heavy Leather Leggings, Leather Leggings, Loose Trousers, Padded Leggings, Plate Pants
Hands Heavy Gauntlet, Leather Gloves, Rawhide Gloves, Reinforced Gloves, Riveted Gloves
Feet Adventurer Boots, Heavy Boots, Laced Turnshoe, Lightfoot Boots, Old Shoes, Plate Boots, Rugged Boots
Back Adventurers Cloak, Radiant Cloak, Splendid Cloak, Tattered Cloak

These stats do not include the starting armor

Stat Name Base Stats
Strength 11
Agility 11
Will 30
Knowledge 18
Resourcefulness 5
Health 92
Weight Limit 0
Spell Memory * / 12
Utility Effectiveness 0
Move Speed 292 (97.3%)
Action Speed -6%
Spell Casting Speed -8%
Equip Speed -28%
Regular Interaction Speed -38%
Magical Interaction Speed 21%
Buff Duration 15%
Debuff Duration -13%
Armor Penetration 0%
Magic Penetration 0%
Headshot Reduction 0%
Projectile Damage Reduction 0%
Physical Damage Reduction -10%
From Armor Rating 0 (-10%)
From Bonuses 0%
Magic Resist 16.4%
From Resist Rating 75 (16.4%)
From Bonuses 0%
Physical Power Bonus -8%
From Physical Power 11 (-4%)
From Bonuses 0%
Magic Power Bonus 40%
From Magic Power 30 (40%)
From Bonuses 0%
Primary Weapon 0
Attack 1 (0) + 0(Blunt)
Attack 2 (0) + 0(Blunt)
Secondary Weapon 0
Impact Power 0
Primary Weapon Impact Power 1
Secondary Weapon Impact Power 0

- Be careful when using buffs and heals since you can also target monsters, corpses and enemy players.

- Pre-buff your team before a PvP encounter.

- Be sure you have campfires when entering a dungeon to enable you to replenish your spell casts when needed.

- You can increase your spell casting efficiency during PvP fights by pre-charging and holding the cast while waiting for the right opportunity to cast a heal for example.


- Stats Redistributed from 13 / 12 / 30 / 12 / 8 to 11 / 11 / 30 / 18 / 5

- Various spell casting times adjusted:

  • Protection: 1 to 0.75
  • Bless: 1 to 0.75
  • Holy Light: 1.5 to 2
  • Sanctuary: 2.5 to 2.75
  • Resurrection: 2.5 to 2.75
  • Locusts Swarm: 2.5 to 2.75
  • Earthquake: 2.5 to 2.75

2023/04/17 Alpha Playtest #5 Hotfix #2

- Cleric Lesser Heal's spell tier has been adjusted from 2 to 3.

- Cleric Locust Swarm spell tier adjusted from 7 to 8 and count adjusted to 1.

- Cleric Locust Swarm damage changed to 2 per second. This will be fine tuned in the future.

- Cleric Earthquake's spell tier has been adjusted from 7 to 8.

- Cleric Resurrection's spell tier has been adjusted from 8 to 7.

22/12/2022 Alpha Playtest #3 Hotfix #5

- Fixed an issue where excessive input could occur when using the Judgment skill.

20/12/2022 Alpha Playtest #3 Hotfix #4

- Lesser Heal's spell tier from 4 to 2.

17/12/2022 Alpha Playtest #3 Hotfix #2

- Cleric's Resurrection : Tier 9 → 8

16/12/2022 Alpha Playtest #3 Changelog

New Magic System -

- All spells have a specific memory cost associated with them.

- Magic users can customize which spells they wish to memorize through the spell capacity system.

- Your ‘Knowledge’ determines which spells are at your disposal during the game. The order of the spell memorization is important because if your ‘Knowledge’ or ‘Spell Capacity’ stat dynamically changes during the game, the last memorized spells may become available/unavailable.

- Lots of new spells added to the game including – Ice bolt, Zap, Lightning Strike, Bind, Cleanse, and more.

29/10/2022 Alpha Playtest #2 Hotfix #1

- Judgement Skill Balance (Range 300 -> 450 & Casting time 0.75 -> 0.5s).

24/09/2022 Bug squashing QA playtest Hotfix #1

- Cleric has added a small temporary message to the resurrection magic.
