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Automated data is up to date! Hover for more details.Misc Data last updated on: Patch:6.7#Hotfix 80-2.
Dark and Darker is currently on update: Patch:6.7#Hotfix 81.

Spectral Coinbag.png
Stack Size:
Sell Price:
This isn't your typical bag. The inclusion of spectral fabric, a rare material that straddles both realms, gives it a capacity that defies mortal understanding.

Gold Containers

Gold containers can save space in your stash by compacting stacks of gold coins. If a gold coin would be transferred to a stash tab or your inventory while a non-full gold container is there, the coins will automatically be added to the container. Gold received from a Marketplace sale also magnets to gold containers. You can transfer gold between containers more quickly by dragging one onto the other.


Holds a total of 2500 gold coins.


Spectral Coinbag is a craftable item.
NameIngredientsMerchantAffinity to UnlockAffinity values are collected manually by the community. If you spot an error, please kindly follow the link and fix it!
Spectral Fabric1
Troll Pelt1
Wolf Pelt4
Spider Silk3
Giant Bat Hide2

Drop Tables last updated for Work in Progress

Dropped By

Nothing. Currently no drop source provides this item.