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The Collector.png
I'll pay you top price for any unique trinkets you can bring back from below.


Buys Misc items that the player brings out from the dungeon.


The Collector

Chapter: Frozen Harvest
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Chilling ExpeditionGreeting Text
Good to see you again. I need your assistance with a pressing issue. The land is plagued with an array of frost beasts that threaten to impede my progress for collecting something rather unique. I require your skill in combat to clear the way, so I may uncover the truth hidden within.

Completion Text
Thanks to your skill in combat, it has made it possible to proceed with my investigation. We are all collectors in our own way, and from what I've observed, you seem to be a collector of extinguishing others quite effectively. What else do you collect, I wonder?
Kill Frost Walker in Ice Cavern dungeon (5x)
Kill Frost Wolf in Ice Cavern dungeon (3x)
Kill Frost Giant Berserker in Ice Cavern dungeon (1x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
1 Uncommon Round Shield
1 Uncommon Survival Bow
25 Experience
More Like HomeComplete Quest:
"Chilling Expedition"
Greeting Text
I've stumbled upon something intriguing in my studies, something I'm keeping close to the chest. For this, I need some unique artifacts. They're not just for research; they make fantastic décor too. Find these items, and I assure you, it'll be worth your while.

Completion Text
Each item is of artistic and historical importance and will also spruce up my room while I'm staying at the tavern. You continue to impress me, adventurer.
Fetch Ancient Scroll (any rarity) (2x)
Fetch Gold Waterpot (any rarity) (2x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Lantern
3 Uncommon Magic Protection Potion
25 Experience
Frosty PestsComplete Quest:
"More Like Home"
Greeting Text
Welcome back! I've got a hand-picked task for you this time. Those pesky Kobolds have been causing trouble, so it's time to make them pay the price.

Completion Text
Those pesky creatures will now think twice before pilfering owned items.
Fetch Kobold's Ear (any rarity) (8x)
50 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Kris Dagger
1 Uncommon Rat Pendant
40 Experience
Chapter: Cold Collections
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Guiding LightGreeting Text
I've heard that the search for the missing girl continues, but with each passing hour, the shadows grow deeper. I want to contribute, and they need oil lanterns to help light the way.

Completion Text
Well done, these oil lanterns will help to illuminate the path and guide them through the darkness as they continue the search for that poor missing girl.
Fetch Oil Lantern (any rarity) (7x)
100 Unique Gold Coin
6 Rare Potion of Protection
6 Rare Magic Protection Potion
3 Rare Surgical Kit
150 Experience
Frost Mountain AscentComplete Quest:
"Guiding Light"
Greeting Text
Our objective today is to locate the wooden lift nestled within The Frost Mountain's embrace. Once found, please report back to me with potential measurements and capacity. There's something of great value in there that I'm itching to collect, and I need to explore all my options on the best way to extract it. And no, I can't tell you what it is... yet.

Completion Text
Your thoroughness is much appreciated. I'll analyze the data promptly. Here is a token of my appreciation.
Explore Ice Cavern Four Route module (1x) (must escape)
100 Unique Gold Coin
5 Rare Campfire Kit
1 Rare Ring of Survival
125 Experience
Peculiar CollectionsComplete Quest:
"Frost Mountain Ascent"
Greeting Text
I have a task for you, a rather peculiar one. Gather the items on this list but keep it discreet. We wouldn't want any unwanted attention.

Completion Text
Ah, you've returned. I was starting to worry. These aren't for me, let's just say a friend of a friend.
Fetch Grave Essence (any rarity) (4x)
Fetch Moldy Bread (any rarity) (4x)
Fetch Wolf Fang (any rarity) (2x)
Fetch Wolf Pelt (any rarity) (2x)
100 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Wolf Hunter Leggings
1 Rare Phoenix Choker
150 Experience
Chapter: Frozen Assets
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Glacial ConquestComplete Quest:
"Peculiar Collections"
Greeting Text
Amidst the frozen wastes lies a challenge of great importance—an expedition to eradicate the skeletons that plague these lands.

Completion Text
This should help with the search. Please, accept this reward as a token of my gratitude.
Kill Undead Skeleton in Ice Cavern dungeon (10x) (must escape) (single session)
175 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Laced Turnshoe
1 Epic Padded Leggings
200 Experience
Not FriendlyComplete Quest:
"Glacial Conquest"
Greeting Text
In this business, sometimes it's equally important to be not so friendly. Show me you can be as cold and dark as some of your surroundings by vanquishing other adventurers.

Completion Text
Were the challenges greater than you anticipated? You are here now, that's all that matters.
Kill Player in Ice Cavern dungeon (3x)
175 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Lantern
1 Epic Heater Shield
200 Experience
Morbid SouvenirsComplete Quest:
"Not Friendly"
Greeting Text
In Frost Mountain, elusive creatures roam, their rare materials coveted far and wide. Gather what's needed, and rest assured, your efforts will be generously rewarded.

Completion Text
You've once again demonstrated your resourcefulness. Keep up the excellent work, for greater challenges await.
Fetch Wendigo's Hoof (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Wendigo's Sharp Claws (any rarity) (1x)
175 Unique Gold Coin
1 Rare Demon Grip Gloves
1 Epic Heavy Leather Leggings
250 Experience
Chapter: Submerged Secrets
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Gold-Cloaked SecretsComplete Quest:
"Morbid Souvenirs"
Greeting Text
Within the Forgotten Castle lies a trove of golden relics. Their true value is yet to be determined, but we must first gather them. Only then can we see what knowledge they might unlock.

Completion Text
You've done well to collect these items. The next step is to analyze them—hopefully, they'll provide the insights we need. Take this for your troubles.
Fetch Epic Gold Waterpot (2x)
Fetch Epic Gold Candle Holder (2x)
Fetch Epic Gold Candelabra (2x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Lantern
1 Epic Battle Axe
300 Experience
Fable or FactComplete Quest:
"Gold-Cloaked Secrets"
Greeting Text
We've only scratched the surface of the castle's hoard. There are chests still sealed, some marked with lion heads, others gleaming with gold. Find and open them—rumor has it they might contain relics from an ancient city far beneath the sea, procured by the king long ago.

Completion Text
No luck yet, but that's okay. If you ever find any odd relics, bring them to me. I'm hoping they might one day lead to the discovery of this lost underwater city from which they were forged. But who knows, it might all just be a fable.
Interact with Golden Chest in Crypt dungeon (3x)
Interact with Lion's Head Chest in Crypt dungeon (5x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Spangenhelm
1 Epic Shadow Mask
350 Experience
Silent ObserverComplete Quest:
"Fable or Fact"
Greeting Text
I paid a visit to the fortune teller, seeking insight into the underwater realm. Don't judge me—I promise to drop it for a bit after this. Anyway, she's given me a list of items that might reveal some answers. Fetch them for me, won't you? Let's see if her visions hold any truth.

Completion Text
She mentioned that the timing isn't right yet—something about the moon needing to be in a specific phase. Once she's ready, we'll know more. In the meantime, there are other tasks to attend to.
Fetch Lifeleaf (any rarity) (3x)
Fetch Ale (any rarity) (3x)
Fetch Epic Gold Bowl (1x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Regal Gambeson
1 Legend Frock
1000 Experience
Chapter: Icy Oddities
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Chilled VengeanceComplete Quest:
"Morbid Souvenirs"
Greeting Text
The icy lands once thrived until their greed angered the frosty foes, leading to their demise. Now, these snowbound beings threaten to expand, bringing death and destruction. Your strength is needed to push back such chilling threats.

Completion Text
You have kept these threats at bay. Our people can now live without fear. Accept this reward as a token of our gratitude.
Kill Ice Harpy in Ice Cavern dungeon (8x)
Kill Yeti in Ice Cavern dungeon (2x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Forest Boots
1 Epic Reinforced Gloves
300 Experience
Bottoms UpComplete Quest:
"Chilled Vengeance"
Greeting Text
As you traverse the icy expanse of Frost Mountain, why not take a moment to enjoy a few ales along the way? It's the perfect blend of bravery and brew.

Completion Text
Your ability to enjoy ales amidst the frosty terrain clearly showcases that you have an adventurous spirit. Ha!
Use Item Ale (any rarity) in Ice Cavern dungeon (5x) (single session)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Epic Ring of Finesse
1 Epic Bardic Pants
300 Experience
Mountain's InhabitantsComplete Quest:
"Bottoms Up"
Greeting Text
Amidst the chilling winds of Frost Mountain, there lies a quest of great importance: to procure the treasures of the mountain's inhabitants. I think these could prove useful in the future.

Completion Text
Ah, back already? Let me have a look at what you've brought. Hmm, some of these are a bit bloody, but no worries, I'll have them cleaned up in no time.
Fetch Yeti's Teeth (any rarity) (1x)
Fetch Extra Thick Pelt (any rarity) (2x)
200 Unique Gold Coin
1 Legend Sallet
1 Legend Mystic Vestments
500 Experience
Chapter: Hearty Haul
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)Items need to be looted unless specified otherwise. Rewards
Frozen HeirloomsComplete Quest:
"Mountain's Inhabitants"
Greeting Text
I've got a hankering for some collectibles that don't come cheap. Think you can wrestle them out of the hands—or claws—of some frostbitten foes?

Completion Text
Marvelous! You're shaping up to be quite the asset. Who knows? You might just be the perfect accomplice for my next grand collection caper. Stay close; things are about to get interesting.
Kill Frost Giant Shielder in Ice Cavern dungeon (7x)
Kill Frost Giant Berserker in Ice Cavern dungeon (7x)
Kill Yeti in Ice Cavern dungeon (3x)
Fetch Wolf Pelt (any rarity) (4x)
Fetch Frosted Feather (any rarity) (1x)
1000 Experience
Emote "Mummy Shuffle"