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Revision as of 00:50, 10 August 2023 by Ta1ha (talk | contribs) (Updated to 6.1)

Cave Troll.png
Cave Troll
Depends on the attack
Movement Speed

Adventure Points

Sometimes curiosity is best left unchecked... but it's too late now.


Cave Troll is the boss of Goblin Cave map. Cave Troll has high damage dealing but shieldable and dodgeable attacks.

In High Roller Dungeon, Cave Troll respawns after 1 minutes of its death.


Elite deals 15% more damage

  • Passive Healing:
    • Heals 2 Health per second
  • Ground Shake:
    • 100 Damage on direct hit + 70 Area Damage
    • Slams the ground with its mace
  • Regular Attack:
    • 150 Damage
    • Attacks from left or right
  • Low Swing:
    • 180 Damage
    • Attacks low from left with bigger range
  • High Swing:
    • 180 Damage
    • Attacks high from left with bigger range
  • Roar:
    • Slows the player by 35% for 4 seconds
    • After the slow, it charge you with a High or Low Swing.


Fighter, Cleric or Ranger (with a Pavise) are recommended as blocking Cave Troll's attacks are more consistent.

  • Ground Shake:
    • Press 'X' and run away when Cave Troll holds the mace with two hands. You want to put around 3-4 meters of distance.
  • Regular Attack:
    • Block with a shield
    • Dodge by crouching under
    • Or if you are not close simply walk away
  • Low Swing:
    • Block with a shield 90 degrees to the left
    • Jump to left over its mace, it is difficult to identify the attack from high swing
  • High Swing:
    • Block with a shield 90 degrees to the left
    • Crouch down and look down to dodge, it is difficult to identify the attack from high swing
  • Roar:
    • Prepare for Low or High Swing
    • If you are Ranger there is usually enough time to equip a Pavise for shield block.

Cavetroll high attack.gif

High Swing

Cavetroll low attack.gif

Low Swing

High Swing and Low Swing are very difficult to distinguish, making shields more viable.


You can check other items, monsters and etc. locations from maps.

Boss Loot Room

Upon killing the boss you can loot their loot rooms.

Cave Troll's loot room has:

Loot Table

Cave Troll#Common drops:

  • 2 Common
  • 1 Common


Fighter and Cleric Guide:

Ranger Guide:


Community Puzzle
Community Puzzle


13/02/2023 - Patch:4.5

  • Fixed an issue with Cave Troll not recognizing the Pavise.
  • Cave Troll's magic resistance has been removed.

09/02/2023 - Patch:4.3

  • Charge Attack pattern is changed. It mixes high/low swings which requires crouch, jump dodges respectively.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cave Troll could get stuck on walls.

08/02/2023 - Patch:4.2

  • Cave trolls now drop ‘Troll’s Blood’.


  • Cave Troll was announced for playtest #4 with the solution of community puzzle
  • Cave Troll is rumoured to be a future first floor boss as it is not Undead(Crypt) nor Demon(Inferno).