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Automated data is up to date! Hover for more details.Misc Data last updated on: Patch:6.7#Hotfix 80-2.
Dark and Darker is currently on update: Patch:6.7#Hotfix 81.

Cyclops Eye.png
Stack Size:
Sell Price:
Item Achieve:
A colossal ocular relic, a dark souvenir from the realm of one-eyed beings.

Hunting Loot

Hunting Loot is various bits and ends found on slain monsters and is used for crafting and quests.


Cyclops Eye can be used in crafting:
NameIngredientsMerchantAffinity to UnlockAffinity values are collected manually by the community. If you spot an error, please kindly follow the link and fix it!
Crystal Ball1
Cyclops Eye1
Grave Essence3
Gold Coin50

Dropped By

Drop Tables last updated for Work in Progress

Drop source table at 0 luckCollapse
NameSorted by total expected value in descending order
TEV = Sum of all (Probability of 1 drop * Item count per roll * Roll count)
TypeItem countProbability of 1+ drops per instance1-(1-probability per roll)(loot table roll count)

Some loot tables are rolled multiple times per instance (i.e. monster kill/container interaction/loose loot generation).

For further information, please reference the loot tables on the associated source page.

Nothing. Currently no drop source provides this item.