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Revision as of 23:35, 31 January 2023 by Snowpaw (talk | contribs) (Added Guide for Lich)

Movement Speed

Adventure Points


Summons an army of skeletons to his aid, curses players with different damage dealing debuffs and shoots homing projectiles.


  • Normal Attack = Launches a magic projectile at the target player.
  • Close Attack = Executes a melee attack that knocks back.
  • Strong Attack = Launches a homing projectile that follows the target player until it hits something.
  • Soul Steal = Uses the soul of your fallen teammates to cast a protective barrier on himself.
  • Resurrection = Resurrects skeleton army.
  • Curse of Isolation = Spawns a blue circle underneath the player that detonates after a few seconds. The more players and monsters are inside the circle at the time of detonation, the more damage the player incurs. If you survive the detonation, you will receive a healing buff.
  • Curse of Gathering = Spawns a purple circle underneath the player that detonates after a few seconds. The damage will be spread across the number of players and monsters inside the circle at the time of detonation. If you survive the detonation, you will receive a healing buff.

High Roller

  • Death swarm = Casts a purple death swarm with a safe zone in the middle, being outside the safe zone damages you over time. Furthermore, buffs any living skeleton with Frenzy.
  • Frenzy = Applies a buff to the skeletons that increases movement speed and attack speed.


Lich can be located in the middle of the Inferno maps having a 50% to spawn. He can be spotted waiting alone in the middle of the room. As soon as a player walks in to the room Lich will resurect 3 Skeleton Archers and 3 Skeleton Guardsman.


The team composition for this fight is very flexible. There has been a group who have completed Lich with 3 Wizards but this is very risky due to Lich's strongest abilities, curse of gathering and isolation, triggering at certain percentage HPs. This means killing Lich too fast is not optimal. Most common and safe comps include a Barbarian, Cleric, and Ranger.

You will be required to bring decent amount of Healing potions with different rarities to be able to stack healing. However, it should be noted that Potion of Protections do not work due to it only blocking physical damage, but can be useful against skeleton archers and guardsman. It is very important your Cleric has all his spells available prior to this fight so bringing Campfires is essential.

When it comes to equipment quality for each player, you will need better gear than your basic gear but you do not need all legendries.

If you also have any of the skeleton skins that was available through Shop it is very helpful since it gives +10 Magic Resistance.


Ranged DPS

  • As a Ranged DPS you need to keep your distance and deal headshots as much as possible while rotation either counterclockwise or clockwise.
  • It is curtail for you to stay not too far from your friends or Lich due to his Curse of Gathering dealing increased damage as you are isolated and most of to the one shotting you.
  • It is optional to focus on skeleton archers at the start of the fight since they can be annoying during the fight.
  • If you are running a bow as a Ranger you have to run Quickshot as it deals a burst of damage. Optionally for more damage you can add Multishot and if not use Field Ration for sustain.

Melee DPS

  • As a Melee DPS you need to be very cautious since there will be 3 Skeleton Archers and 3 Skeleton Guardsman that in addition to the Lich.
  • It is harder for you to run away from Strong Attack so pay close attention to the purple orb that will follow you and it does a lot of damage on contact.
  • As a Barbarian Savage Roar is very useful as it fears all the skeletons.
  • This fight is very hard for melee players so make sure to use Potion of Protections to sustain yourself.


  • You are the pillar of this comp, without you it is very difficult for your allies to stay alive.
  • Make sure all your abilities are available and communicate with your team how much you have left.
  • Always top-up your allies after any of the circle attacks to prevent them from an inevitable second circle.
  • You can run Holy Purification to deal with the Skeletons but this is not optimal since they will be resurrected shortly after.
  • Select both healing spells and some buff spells depending on your spell capacity.


As you enter the room Lich will resurrect 3 Skeleton Archers and 3 Skeleton Guardsman. Easiest way to deal with skeletons is to kill only the archers and leave the guardsman alive as they can be used later on. Most common ability you will see is his Normal attack which is a fast projectile that is easily avoidable by moving in one direction. However, his Strong attack will be a purple orb that will follow a player until it collides with an object. Best way to deal with the orb is running it to either skeletons or to pillars of the boss room. In addition, you can bring a Pavise that can be mounted on the floor as an extra object that can block the orb.

Sometimes Lich will resurrect his fallen skeletons with his resurrect ability. This will only be cast if there are one or more fallen skeletons.

At certain percentage HPs Lich will either cast Curse of Isolation or Curse of Gathering that are blue and purple respectively. These abilities hit for a lot of damage if not done correctly.

  • Lich will cast Curse of Isolation blue circle on an ally at random marking them with a debuff. To mitigate the most damage targeted person needs to have no one in the circle. This will still do a decent amount of magic damage but will not kill in most cases.
  • Lich will cast Curse of Gathering purple circle on an ally at random marking them with a debuff. To mitigate the most damage targeted person needs to have as many units in the circle as possible. This includes skeletons, Lich, allies or even enemy players. The damage will be split amongst all in the circle.

If at any point of the fight a player dies Lich will cast Soul Steal to cast a protective barrier on himself. The barrier will block some amount of damage then disappear.

Occasionally, if there is a character at melee range, Lich will cast his Close Attack swiping at the player knocking them back.

Lich Normal Attack.gif

Lich Normal Attack

Lich Strong Attack.gif

Lich Strong Attack

Lich Resurrect.gif

Lich Resurrect

Lich Curse of Gathering.gif

Lich Curse of Gathering

Lich Curse of Isolation.gif

Lich Curse of Isolation

Lich Soul Steal.gif

Lich Soul Steal

Lich Close Attack.gif

Lich Close Attack


Lich will drop 3 items from drop table and 1 from Misc table (High Roller will drop better loot). There will also be some chests in the room that can be looted but most importantly the room will have a change spawn a Treasure which will give you the ability to loot indefinitely as long as you have space in your inventory.

High Roller

High Roller Lich will have am additional ability. Lich will cast Death Swarm, a very large purple circle that is similar color to Curse of Gathering but it will not do damage to the players that is inside it rather do damage over time to the players outside of it. The circle will buff any Skeletons inside it giving it bonus attack and movement speed.

Lich Death Swarm.gif

Lich Death Swarm


Loot Table

Loot Summary at 0 Luck
Loot Table at 0 Luck
NameLuck GradeLuck Grades present on the graph but missing in the column below are associated with dropping nothing.RarityTypeItem CountProbability