From Dark and Darker Wiki

m (→‎Sources of XP: Moved comments around.)
m (→‎Experience per Level: Made first row headers.)
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{| class="wikitable stripedtable" cellspacing="0"
{| class="wikitable stripedtable" cellspacing="0"
|XP For Next||100||100||100||100||100|| 100||200||200||200|| 200||200|| 300||300|| 300|| 300|| 400|| 500||600||700||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000
|XP For Next||100||100||100||100||100|| 100||200||200||200|| 200||200|| 300||300|| 300|| 300|| 400|| 500||600||700||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000||1000

Revision as of 18:25, 19 April 2024

Stats Damage Spell Restoration Luck
Enchantments Health Impact Power Footstep Sound
Movement Healing Action/Interaction/Cast Speed Silence
Shield Looted Handled Supplied Experience
Icon Dummy.png
WIP Page

This page is work-in-progress. The information may be lacking, may not be up-to-date, however is not deleted as it provides some useful information or is capable of expansion.

Triumph level and Character level are two different things. Each uses different experience values.

Triumph Level

Triumph level is shared between all of your characters. Each Triumph level rewards:

  • 1 Bluestone ShardBluestone Shard.png

Bluestone Shards are used in Shop to buy new race, skins, and emotes.

To get Triumph experience the player needs to extract. Experience earned is determined by the level of the dungeon:

  • Normal extract : 1 triumph xp
  • Normal Inferno extract: 2 triumph xp
  • High Roller extract: 3 triumph xp
  • High Roller Inferno extract: 4 triumph xp

With each level up, required experience doubles to the maximum of 10 levels.

Triumph Level Experience Total Experience
1 25 25
2 50 75
3 100 175
4 200 375
5 400 775
6 800 1575
7 1600 3175
8 3200 6375
9 6400 12775
10 12800 25575

With each wipe level resets without losing any Bluestone Shard

  • For Bluestone Shards farming, it is recommended to get the early levels each wipe as experience doubles every level.

Character Level

Non-Sources of XP

These do not give any exp:

  • Killing Player Enemies
  • Extracting

Sources of XP

Various activities within the dungeon grant experience:

  • Killing Monsters
  • Interacting with following props or breaking them gives following XP values:
Prop Name XP
Altar of Sacrifice 3
Cave Exit 3
Casket 1
Old Coffin 1
Coffin 1
Wood Coffin 1
Royal Coffin 5
Flat Chest 2
Flat Chest 3
Dungeon Portal 5
Escape Portal 5
Golden Chest 6
Treasure Hoard 4
Treasure Hoard 3
Jail Door 3
Lifeleaf 1
Marvelous Chest 1
Cobalt Ore 3
Cobalt Ore 4
Gold Ore 3
Gold Ore 4
Iron Ore 3
Rubysilver Ore 3
Rubysilver Ore 4
Silver Ore 3
Lion's Head Chest 3
Lion's Head Chest 4
Heavy Ornate Chest 3
Heavy Ornate Chest 4
Bronze Ornate Chest 1
Bronze Ornate Chest 3
Bronze Ornate Chest 4
Phantom Flower 1
Pot 1
Pot 2
Pot 3
Ruins Down Stair 3
Large Oak Chest 2
Large Oak Chest 3
Oak Chest 2
Oak Chest 1
Small Oak Chest 1
Stone Door 1
Skeleton Corpse 1
Skeleton Corpse 3
Skeleton Corpse 2
Skeleton Corpse 4
Spider Pot 3
Spider Pot 2
Shrine of Health 3
Shrine of Protection 3
Shrine of Power 3
Fountain of Speed 3
Stone Tomb 3
Stone Tomb 2
Wardweed 1
Large Reinforced Chest 1
Large Reinforced Chest 2
Large Reinforced Chest 3
Reinforced Chest 1
Reinforced Chest 2
Small Reinforced Chest 2
Wood Barrel 2
Medium Wooden Crate 2
Medium Wooden Crate 3
Small Wooden Crate 3
Small Wooden Crate 6
Wooden Door (no grating) 3
  • Extracting with any Looted item (must not be Handled/Supplied). More info on these tags here Looted/Handled/Supplied
    • The amount of XP rewarded is independent of the quantity in the stack.
      For example, a 1x Uncommon Ale rewards the same amount of XP as 3x Uncommon Ale if they are in the same stack.
      As such, splitting the stack will reward more XP.
    • Items reward XP equal to their rarity, regardless of slot size, where Junk through Unique rewards 0-7 XP
      • Junk is equivalent to rarity 0 and therefore gives 0 XP
      • Unique is equivalent to rarity 7 and therefore gives 7 XP
    • There are some items that do not follow the previously mentioned criteria, where their XP per item is listed below.
Name Rarity XP
Adventurer Boots Epic 5
Adventurer Boots Legend 6
Adventurer Boots Unique 7
Adventurer Cloak Epic 5
Adventurer Cloak Legend 6
Adventurer Cloak Unique 7
Adventurer Tunic Epic 5
Adventurer Tunic Legend 6
Adventurer Tunic Unique 7
Aegis Unique 7
Ale Poor 1
Ale Common 1
Ale Uncommon 2
Ale Rare 2
Ale Epic 3
Ale Legend 3
Ale Unique 4
Ancient Scroll Poor 1
Ancient Scroll Common 2
Ancient Scroll Uncommon 3
Ancient Scroll Rare 4
Ancient Scroll Epic 5
Ancient Scroll Legend 6
Ancient Scroll Unique 7
Armet Epic 5
Armet Legend 6
Armet Unique 7
Arming Sword Epic 5
Arming Sword Legend 6
Badger Pendant Uncommon 3
Badger Pendant Rare 4
Badger Pendant Epic 5
Badger Pendant Legend 6
Badger Pendant Unique 7
Bandage Poor 1
Bandage Common 1
Bandage Uncommon 1
Bandage Rare 1
Bandage Epic 1
Bandage Legend 1
Bandage Unique 1
Barbuta Helm Epic 5
Barbuta Helm Legend 6
Barbuta Helm Unique 7
Bardic Pants Epic 5
Bardic Pants Legend 6
Bardic Pants Unique 7
Bardiche Epic 5
Bardiche Legend 6
Bardiche Unique 7
Battle Axe Epic 5
Battle Axe Legend 6
Bear Pendant Uncommon 3
Bear Pendant Rare 4
Bear Pendant Epic 5
Bear Pendant Legend 6
Bear Pendant Unique 7
Beetle Wings Uncommon 1
Blue Eyeballs Rare 1
Blue Sapphire Poor 1
Blue Sapphire Common 2
Blue Sapphire Uncommon 3
Blue Sapphire Rare 4
Blue Sapphire Epic 5
Blue Sapphire Legend 6
Blue Sapphire Unique 7
Bone Common 1
Bowstring Common 1
Broken Skull Poor 1
Buckled Boots Epic 5
Buckled Boots Legend 6
Buckled Boots Unique 7
Buckler Epic 5
Buckler Legend 6
Bug Shell Rare 1
Campfire Kit Poor 1
Campfire Kit Common 1
Campfire Kit Uncommon 2
Campfire Kit Rare 2
Campfire Kit Epic 3
Campfire Kit Legend 3
Campfire Kit Unique 4
Candy Cane Unique 1
Candy Corn Unique 1
Captured Mana Flakes Epic 1
Castillon Dagger Epic 5
Castillon Dagger Legend 6
Castillon Dagger Unique 7
Centaur Hoof Epic 1
Centaur Horn Epic 1
Centaur Tail Rare 1
Ceremonial Dagger Poor 1
Ceremonial Dagger Common 2
Ceremonial Dagger Uncommon 3
Ceremonial Dagger Rare 4
Ceremonial Dagger Epic 5
Ceremonial Dagger Legend 6
Ceremonial Dagger Unique 7
Ceremonial Staff Epic 5
Ceremonial Staff Legend 6
Ceremonial Staff Unique 7
Champion Armor Epic 5
Champion Armor Legend 6
Champion Armor Unique 7
Chapel De Fer Epic 5
Chapel De Fer Legend 6
Chapel De Fer Unique 7
Chaperon Epic 5
Chaperon Legend 6
Chaperon Unique 7
Cinder Unique 7
Cloth Pants Epic 5
Cloth Pants Legend 6
Cloth Pants Unique 7
Club Epic 5
Club Legend 6
Club Unique 7
Crossbow Epic 5
Crossbow Legend 6
Crossbow Unique 7
Crusader Armor Epic 5
Crusader Armor Legend 6
Crusader Armor Unique 7
Crusader Helm Epic 5
Crusader Helm Legend 6
Crusader Helm Unique 7
Crystal Ball Epic 5
Crystal Ball Legend 6
Crystal Sword Epic 5
Crystal Sword Legend 6
Crystal Sword Unique 7
Cyclops Eye Epic 1
Cyclops Rags Rare 1
Cyclops's Club Epic 1
Dark Cuirass Epic 5
Dark Cuirass Legend 6
Dark Cuirass Unique 7
Dark Leather Leggings Epic 5
Dark Leather Leggings Legend 6
Dark Leather Leggings Unique 7
Dark Matter Epic 1
Dark Plate Armor Epic 5
Dark Plate Armor Legend 6
Dark Plate Armor Unique 7
Darkgrove Hood Epic 5
Darkgrove Hood Legend 6
Darkgrove Hood Unique 7
Darkgrove Robe Epic 5
Darkgrove Robe Legend 6
Darkgrove Robe Unique 7
Darkleaf Boots Epic 5
Darkleaf Boots Legend 6
Darkleaf Boots Unique 7
Dashing Boots Epic 5
Dashing Boots Legend 6
Dashing Boots Unique 7
Deathbloom Unique 7
Delirium Unique 7
Demon Blood Epic 1
Diamond Poor 1
Diamond Common 2
Diamond Uncommon 3
Diamond Rare 4
Diamond Epic 5
Diamond Legend 6
Diamond Unique 7
Dotted Gold Bangle Poor 1
Dotted Gold Bangle Common 2
Dotted Gold Bangle Uncommon 3
Dotted Gold Bangle Rare 4
Dotted Gold Bangle Epic 5
Dotted Gold Bangle Legend 6
Dotted Gold Bangle Unique 7
Double Axe Epic 5
Double Axe Legend 6
Doublet Epic 5
Doublet Legend 6
Doublet Unique 7
Echo of Screams Unique 7
Elkwood Crown Epic 5
Elkwood Crown Legend 6
Elkwood Crown Unique 7
Elkwood Gloves Epic 5
Elkwood Gloves Legend 6
Elkwood Gloves Unique 7
Elven Bow of Truth Unique 7
Emerald Poor 1
Emerald Common 2
Emerald Uncommon 3
Emerald Rare 4
Emerald Epic 5
Emerald Legend 6
Emerald Unique 7
Enchanted Dark Fabric Uncommon 1
Explosive Bottle Poor 1
Explosive Bottle Common 1
Explosive Bottle Uncommon 2
Explosive Bottle Rare 2
Explosive Bottle Epic 3
Explosive Bottle Legend 3
Explosive Bottle Unique 4
Falchion Epic 5
Falchion Legend 6
Famine Unique 7
Fangs of Death Necklace Epic 4
Feathered Hat Epic 5
Feathered Hat Legend 6
Feathered Hat Unique 7
Felling Axe Epic 5
Felling Axe Legend 6
Fine Cuirass Epic 5
Fine Cuirass Legend 6
Fine Cuirass Unique 7
Firefly's Abdomen Epic 1
Flanged Mace Epic 5
Flanged Mace Legend 6
Flanged Mace Unique 7
Forest Boots Epic 5
Forest Boots Legend 6
Forest Boots Unique 7
Forest Hood Epic 5
Forest Hood Legend 6
Forest Hood Unique 7
Fox Pendant Uncommon 3
Fox Pendant Rare 4
Fox Pendant Epic 5
Fox Pendant Legend 6
Fox Pendant Unique 7
Francisca Axe Epic 5
Francisca Axe Legend 6
Francisca Axe Unique 7
Frock Epic 5
Frock Legend 6
Frock Unique 7
Frost Amulet Uncommon 3
Frost Amulet Rare 4
Frost Amulet Epic 5
Frost Amulet Legend 6
Frost Amulet Unique 7
Frozen Heart Epic 1
Fulgor Unique 7
Gem Necklace Poor 1
Gem Necklace Common 2
Gem Necklace Uncommon 3
Gem Necklace Rare 4
Gem Necklace Epic 5
Gem Necklace Legend 6
Gem Necklace Unique 7
Gem Ring Poor 1
Gem Ring Common 2
Gem Ring Uncommon 3
Gem Ring Rare 4
Gem Ring Epic 5
Gem Ring Legend 6
Gem Ring Unique 7
Giant Toe Uncommon 1
Gingerbread Cookie Unique 1
Gjermundbu Epic 5
Gjermundbu Legend 6
Gjermundbu Unique 7
Glimmer Bangle Poor 1
Glimmer Bangle Common 2
Glimmer Bangle Uncommon 3
Glimmer Bangle Rare 4
Glimmer Bangle Epic 5
Glimmer Bangle Legend 6
Glimmer Bangle Unique 7
Gloves of Utility Epic 5
Gloves of Utility Legend 6
Gloves of Utility Unique 7
Glowing Blue Ice Eyes Rare 1
Goblet Poor 1
Goblet Common 2
Goblet Uncommon 3
Goblet Rare 4
Goblet Epic 5
Goblet Legend 6
Goblet Unique 7
Goblin Ear Uncommon 1
Gold Band Poor 1
Gold Band Common 2
Gold Band Uncommon 3
Gold Band Rare 4
Gold Band Epic 5
Gold Band Legend 6
Gold Band Unique 7
Gold Bowl Poor 1
Gold Bowl Common 2
Gold Bowl Uncommon 3
Gold Bowl Rare 4
Gold Bowl Epic 5
Gold Bowl Legend 6
Gold Bowl Unique 7
Gold Candelabra Poor 1
Gold Candelabra Common 2
Gold Candelabra Uncommon 3
Gold Candelabra Rare 4
Gold Candelabra Epic 5
Gold Candelabra Legend 6
Gold Candelabra Unique 7
Gold Candle Holder Poor 1
Gold Candle Holder Common 2
Gold Candle Holder Uncommon 3
Gold Candle Holder Rare 4
Gold Candle Holder Epic 5
Gold Candle Holder Legend 6
Gold Candle Holder Unique 7
Gold Candle Platter Poor 1
Gold Candle Platter Common 2
Gold Candle Platter Uncommon 3
Gold Candle Platter Rare 4
Gold Candle Platter Epic 5
Gold Candle Platter Legend 6
Gold Candle Platter Unique 7
Gold Chalice Poor 1
Gold Chalice Common 2
Gold Chalice Uncommon 3
Gold Chalice Rare 4
Gold Chalice Epic 5
Gold Chalice Legend 6
Gold Chalice Unique 7
Gold Coin Unique 1
Gold Crown Poor 1
Gold Crown Common 2
Gold Crown Uncommon 3
Gold Crown Rare 4
Gold Crown Epic 5
Gold Crown Legend 6
Gold Crown Unique 7
Gold Goblet Poor 1
Gold Goblet Common 2
Gold Goblet Uncommon 3
Gold Goblet Rare 4
Gold Goblet Epic 5
Gold Goblet Legend 6
Gold Goblet Unique 7
Gold Waterpot Poor 1
Gold Waterpot Common 2
Gold Waterpot Uncommon 3
Gold Waterpot Rare 4
Gold Waterpot Epic 5
Gold Waterpot Legend 6
Gold Waterpot Unique 7
Golden Key Unique 10
Golden Teeth Rare 1
Grand Brigandine Epic 5
Grand Brigandine Legend 6
Grand Brigandine Unique 7
Grave Essence Uncommon 1
Great Helm Epic 5
Great Helm Legend 6
Great Helm Unique 7
Grimsmile Ring Epic 4
Halberd Epic 5
Halberd Legend 6
Hand Crossbow Epic 5
Hand Crossbow Legend 6
Hand Crossbow Unique 7
Hatchet Epic 5
Hatchet Legend 6
Hatchet Unique 7
Heart Candy Unique 1
Heater Shield Epic 5
Heater Shield Legend 6
Heavy Boots Epic 5
Heavy Boots Legend 6
Heavy Boots Unique 7
Heavy Gambeson Epic 5
Heavy Gambeson Legend 6
Heavy Gambeson Unique 7
Heavy Gauntlets Epic 5
Heavy Gauntlets Legend 6
Heavy Gauntlets Unique 7
Heavy Leather Leggings Epic 5
Heavy Leather Leggings Legend 6
Heavy Leather Leggings Unique 7
Horseman's Axe Epic 5
Horseman's Axe Legend 6
Hounskull Epic 5
Hounskull Legend 6
Hounskull Unique 7
Hunting Trap Poor 1
Hunting Trap Common 1
Hunting Trap Uncommon 2
Hunting Trap Rare 2
Hunting Trap Epic 3
Hunting Trap Legend 3
Hunting Trap Unique 4
Illusory Unique 7
Infected Flesh Common 1
Intact Skull Uncommon 1
Kettle Hat Epic 5
Kettle Hat Legend 6
Kettle Hat Unique 7
Kobold's Ear Common 1
Kris Dagger Epic 5
Kris Dagger Legend 6
Kris Dagger Unique 7
Kuma's Claw Unique 7
Kuma's Fang Unique 7
Laced Turnshoe Epic 5
Laced Turnshoe Legend 6
Laced Turnshoe Unique 7
Lantern Poor 1
Lantern Common 2
Lantern Uncommon 3
Lantern Rare 4
Lantern Epic 5
Lantern Legend 6
Lantern Unique 7
Leaf Gold Bangle Poor 1
Leaf Gold Bangle Common 2
Leaf Gold Bangle Uncommon 3
Leaf Gold Bangle Rare 4
Leaf Gold Bangle Epic 5
Leaf Gold Bangle Legend 6
Leaf Gold Bangle Unique 7
Leather Bonnet Epic 5
Leather Bonnet Legend 6
Leather Bonnet Unique 7
Leather Cap Epic 5
Leather Cap Legend 6
Leather Cap Unique 7
Leather Chausses Epic 5
Leather Chausses Legend 6
Leather Chausses Unique 7
Leather Gloves Epic 5
Leather Gloves Legend 6
Leather Gloves Unique 7
Leather Leggings Epic 5
Leather Leggings Legend 6
Leather Leggings Unique 7
Life after Death Unique 7
Lifeleaf Poor 1
Lifeleaf Common 2
Lifeleaf Uncommon 3
Lifeleaf Rare 4
Lifeleaf Epic 5
Lifeleaf Legend 6
Lifeleaf Unique 7
Light Aketon Epic 5
Light Aketon Legend 6
Light Aketon Unique 7
Light Gauntlets Epic 5
Light Gauntlets Legend 6
Light Gauntlets Unique 7
Light Gold Bangle Poor 1
Light Gold Bangle Common 2
Light Gold Bangle Uncommon 3
Light Gold Bangle Rare 4
Light Gold Bangle Epic 6
Light Gold Bangle Legend 7
Light Gold Bangle Unique 5
Lightfoot Boots Epic 5
Lightfoot Boots Legend 5
Lightfoot Boots Unique 5
Longbow Epic 5
Longbow Legend 6
Longsword Epic 5
Longsword Legend 6
Loose Trousers Epic 5
Loose Trousers Legend 6
Loose Trousers Unique 7
Low Boots Epic 5
Low Boots Legend 6
Low Boots Unique 7
Maggots Common 1
Magic Protection Potion Poor 1
Magic Protection Potion Common 1
Magic Protection Potion Uncommon 2
Magic Protection Potion Rare 2
Magic Protection Potion Epic 3
Magic Protection Potion Legend 3
Magic Protection Potion Unique 4
Magic Staff Epic 5
Magic Staff Legend 6
Marauder Outfit Epic 5
Marauder Outfit Legend 6
Marauder Outfit Unique 7
Mercurial Cloak Epic 5
Mercurial Cloak Legend 6
Mercurial Cloak Unique 7
Mimic Tongue Uncommon 1
Mimic Tooth Common 1
Moldy Bread Poor 1
Monkey Pendant Uncommon 3
Monkey Pendant Rare 4
Monkey Pendant Epic 5
Monkey Pendant Legend 6
Monkey Pendant Unique 7
Morning Star Epic 5
Morning Star Legend 6
Mystic Gloves Epic 5
Mystic Gloves Legend 6
Mystic Gloves Unique 7
Mystic Vestments Epic 5
Mystic Vestments Legend 6
Mystic Vestments Unique 7
Mystical Gem Unique 15
Necklace of Peace Uncommon 3
Necklace of Peace Rare 4
Necklace of Peace Epic 5
Necklace of Peace Legend 6
Necklace of Peace Unique 7
Nipalan Unique 7
Norman Nasal Helm Epic 5
Norman Nasal Helm Legend 6
Norman Nasal Helm Unique 7
Northern Full Tunic Epic 5
Northern Full Tunic Legend 6
Northern Full Tunic Unique 7
Occultist Boots Epic 5
Occultist Boots Legend 6
Occultist Boots Unique 7
Occultist Hood Epic 5
Occultist Hood Legend 6
Occultist Hood Unique 7
Occultist Pants Epic 5
Occultist Pants Legend 6
Occultist Pants Unique 7
Occultist Robe Epic 5
Occultist Robe Legend 6
Occultist Robe Unique 7
Occultist Tunic Epic 5
Occultist Tunic Legend 6
Occultist Tunic Unique 7
Oil Lantern Common 1
Old Cloth Common 1
Old Rusty Key Unique 15
Old Shoes Epic 5
Old Shoes Legend 6
Old Shoes Unique 7
Open Sallet Epic 5
Open Sallet Legend 6
Open Sallet Unique 7
Oracle Robe Epic 5
Oracle Robe Legend 6
Oracle Robe Unique 7
Ornate Jazerant Epic 5
Ornate Jazerant Legend 6
Ornate Jazerant Unique 7
Owl Pendant Uncommon 3
Owl Pendant Rare 4
Owl Pendant Epic 5
Owl Pendant Legend 6
Owl Pendant Unique 7
Ox Pendant Uncommon 3
Ox Pendant Rare 4
Ox Pendant Epic 5
Ox Pendant Legend 6
Ox Pendant Unique 7
Padded Leggings Epic 5
Padded Leggings Legend 6
Padded Leggings Unique 7
Padded Tunic Epic 5
Padded Tunic Legend 6
Padded Tunic Unique 7
Patterned Gold Bangle Poor 1
Patterned Gold Bangle Common 2
Patterned Gold Bangle Uncommon 3
Patterned Gold Bangle Rare 4
Patterned Gold Bangle Epic 5
Patterned Gold Bangle Legend 6
Patterned Gold Bangle Unique 7
Pavise Epic 5
Pavise Legend 6
Pavise Unique 7
Pearl Necklace Poor 1
Pearl Necklace Common 2
Pearl Necklace Uncommon 3
Pearl Necklace Rare 4
Pearl Necklace Epic 5
Pearl Necklace Legend 6
Pearl Necklace Unique 7
Pestilence Unique 7
Phantom Flower Poor 1
Phantom Flower Common 2
Phantom Flower Uncommon 3
Phantom Flower Rare 4
Phantom Flower Epic 5
Phantom Flower Legend 6
Phantom Flower Unique 7
Phoenix Choker Uncommon 3
Phoenix Choker Rare 4
Phoenix Choker Epic 5
Phoenix Choker Legend 6
Phoenix Choker Unique 7
Pickaxe Poor 1
Pickaxe Common 1
Pickaxe Uncommon 2
Pickaxe Rare 2
Pickaxe Epic 3
Pickaxe Legend 3
Pickaxe Unique 4
Plate Boots Epic 5
Plate Boots Legend 6
Plate Boots Unique 7
Plate Pants Epic 5
Plate Pants Legend 6
Plate Pants Unique 7
Potion of Clarity Poor 1
Potion of Clarity Common 1
Potion of Clarity Uncommon 2
Potion of Clarity Rare 2
Potion of Clarity Epic 3
Potion of Clarity Legend 3
Potion of Clarity Unique 4
Potion of Healing Poor 1
Potion of Healing Common 1
Potion of Healing Uncommon 2
Potion of Healing Rare 2
Potion of Healing Epic 3
Potion of Healing Legend 3
Potion of Healing Unique 4
Potion of Invisibility Poor 1
Potion of Invisibility Common 1
Potion of Invisibility Uncommon 1
Potion of Invisibility Rare 1
Potion of Invisibility Epic 1
Potion of Invisibility Legend 1
Potion of Invisibility Unique 1
Potion of Protection Poor 1
Potion of Protection Common 1
Potion of Protection Uncommon 2
Potion of Protection Rare 2
Potion of Protection Epic 3
Potion of Protection Legend 3
Potion of Protection Unique 4
Poupoint Epic 5
Poupoint Legend 6
Poupoint Unique 7
Pulverizing Prayer Unique 7
Quarterstaff Epic 5
Quarterstaff Legend 6
Radiant Cloak Epic 5
Radiant Cloak Legend 6
Radiant Cloak Unique 7
Ranger Hood Epic 5
Ranger Hood Legend 6
Ranger Hood Unique 7
Rapier Epic 5
Rapier Legend 6
Rat Pendant Uncommon 3
Rat Pendant Rare 4
Rat Pendant Epic 5
Rat Pendant Legend 6
Rat Pendant Unique 7
Rawhide Gloves Epic 5
Rawhide Gloves Legend 6
Rawhide Gloves Unique 7
Recurve Bow Epic 5
Recurve Bow Legend 6
Regal Gambeson Epic 5
Regal Gambeson Legend 6
Regal Gambeson Unique 7
Reinforced Gloves Epic 5
Reinforced Gloves Legend 6
Reinforced Gloves Unique 7
Ring of Courage Uncommon 3
Ring of Courage Rare 4
Ring of Courage Epic 5
Ring of Courage Legend 6
Ring of Courage Unique 7
Ring of Finesse Uncommon 3
Ring of Finesse Rare 4
Ring of Finesse Epic 5
Ring of Finesse Legend 6
Ring of Finesse Unique 7
Ring of Quickness Uncommon 3
Ring of Quickness Rare 4
Ring of Quickness Epic 5
Ring of Quickness Legend 6
Ring of Quickness Unique 7
Ring of Resolve Uncommon 3
Ring of Resolve Rare 4
Ring of Resolve Epic 5
Ring of Resolve Legend 6
Ring of Resolve Unique 7
Ring of Survival Uncommon 3
Ring of Survival Rare 4
Ring of Survival Epic 5
Ring of Survival Legend 6
Ring of Survival Unique 7
Ring of Vitality Uncommon 3
Ring of Vitality Rare 4
Ring of Vitality Epic 5
Ring of Vitality Legend 6
Ring of Vitality Unique 7
Ring of Wisdom Uncommon 3
Ring of Wisdom Rare 4
Ring of Wisdom Epic 5
Ring of Wisdom Legend 6
Ring of Wisdom Unique 7
Ritual Robe Epic 5
Ritual Robe Legend 6
Ritual Robe Unique 7
Riveted Gloves Epic 5
Riveted Gloves Legend 6
Riveted Gloves Unique 7
Rogue Cowl Epic 5
Rogue Cowl Legend 6
Rogue Cowl Unique 7
Rondel Dagger Epic 5
Rondel Dagger Legend 6
Rondel Dagger Unique 7
Rotten Fluids Rare 1
Round Shield Epic 5
Round Shield Legend 6
Round Shield Unique 7
Ruby Poor 1
Ruby Common 2
Ruby Uncommon 3
Ruby Rare 4
Ruby Epic 5
Ruby Legend 6
Ruby Unique 7
Rugged Boots Epic 5
Rugged Boots Legend 6
Rugged Boots Unique 7
Runestone Gloves Epic 5
Runestone Gloves Legend 6
Runestone Gloves Unique 7
Rusty Broken Sword Uncommon 1
Sallet Epic 5
Sallet Legend 6
Sallet Unique 7
Shadow Hood Epic 5
Shadow Hood Legend 6
Shadow Hood Unique 7
Shadow Mask Epic 5
Shadow Mask Legend 6
Shadow Mask Unique 7
Shine Bangle Poor 1
Shine Bangle Common 2
Shine Bangle Uncommon 3
Shine Bangle Rare 4
Shine Bangle Epic 5
Shine Bangle Legend 6
Shine Bangle Unique 7
Short Sword Epic 5
Short Sword Legend 6
Short Sword Unique 7
Silver Chalice Poor 1
Silver Chalice Common 2
Silver Chalice Uncommon 3
Silver Chalice Rare 4
Silver Chalice Epic 5
Silver Chalice Legend 6
Silver Chalice Unique 7
Silver Coin Common 1
Simple Gold Bangle Poor 1
Simple Gold Bangle Common 2
Simple Gold Bangle Uncommon 3
Simple Gold Bangle Rare 4
Simple Gold Bangle Epic 5
Simple Gold Bangle Legend 6
Simple Gold Bangle Unique 7
Skull Key Unique 15
Slim Bangle Poor 1
Slim Bangle Common 2
Slim Bangle Uncommon 3
Slim Bangle Rare 4
Slim Bangle Epic 5
Slim Bangle Legend 6
Slim Bangle Unique 7
Soulscraper Unique 7
Spangenhelm Epic 5
Spangenhelm Legend 6
Spangenhelm Unique 7
Spear Epic 5
Spear Legend 6
Spear Unique 7
Spellbook Epic 5
Spellbook Legend 6
Spellweaver Unique 7
Spider Silk Rare 1
Splendid Cloak Epic 5
Splendid Cloak Legend 6
Splendid Cloak Unique 7
Stiletto Dagger Epic 5
Stiletto Dagger Legend 6
Stinky Stick Unique 7
Stitched Turnshoe Epic 5
Stitched Turnshoe Legend 6
Stitched Turnshoe Unique 7
Straw Hat Epic 5
Straw Hat Legend 6
Straw Hat Unique 7
Studded Leather Epic 5
Studded Leather Legend 6
Studded Leather Unique 7
Surgical Kit Poor 1
Surgical Kit Common 1
Surgical Kit Uncommon 2
Surgical Kit Rare 2
Surgical Kit Epic 3
Surgical Kit Legend 3
Surgical Kit Unique 4
Survival Bow Epic 5
Survival Bow Legend 6
Tattered Cloak Epic 5
Tattered Cloak Legend 6
Tattered Cloak Unique 7
Templar Armor Epic 5
Templar Armor Legend 6
Templar Armor Unique 7
Throwing Knife Epic 5
Throwing Knife Legend 6
Throwing Knife Unique 7
Token of Honor Epic 1
Topfhelm Epic 5
Topfhelm Legend 6
Topfhelm Unique 7
Torq of Soul Uncommon 3
Torq of Soul Rare 4
Torq of Soul Epic 5
Torq of Soul Legend 6
Torq of Soul Unique 7
Triple Gem Bangle Poor 1
Triple Gem Bangle Common 2
Triple Gem Bangle Uncommon 3
Triple Gem Bangle Rare 4
Triple Gem Bangle Epic 5
Triple Gem Bangle Legend 6
Triple Gem Bangle Unique 7
Troll Pelt Rare 1
Troll's Club Epic 1
Troubadour Outfit Epic 5
Troubadour Outfit Legend 6
Troubadour Outfit Unique 7
Turnshoe Epic 5
Turnshoe Legend 6
Turnshoe Unique 7
Turquoise Gem Bangle Poor 1
Turquoise Gem Bangle Common 2
Turquoise Gem Bangle Uncommon 3
Turquoise Gem Bangle Rare 4
Turquoise Gem Bangle Epic 5
Turquoise Gem Bangle Legend 6
Turquoise Gem Bangle Unique 7
Vigilant Cloak Epic 5
Vigilant Cloak Legend 6
Vigilant Cloak Unique 7
Viking Helm Epic 5
Viking Helm Legend 6
Viking Helm Unique 7
Viking Sword Epic 5
Viking Sword Legend 6
Viking Sword Unique 7
Viola Unique 7
Visored Barbuta Helm Epic 5
Visored Barbuta Helm Legend 6
Visored Barbuta Helm Unique 7
Visored Sallet Epic 5
Visored Sallet Legend 6
Visored Sallet Unique 7
Volcanic Ash Epic 1
Wanderer Attire Epic 5
Wanderer Attire Legend 6
Wanderer Attire Unique 7
War Hammer Epic 5
War Hammer Legend 6
War Hammer Unique 7
War Maul Epic 5
War Maul Legend 6
War Maul Unique 7
Warden Outfit Epic 5
Warden Outfit Legend 6
Warden Outfit Unique 7
Wardweed Poor 1
Wardweed Common 2
Wardweed Uncommon 3
Wardweed Rare 4
Wardweed Epic 5
Wardweed Legend 6
Wardweed Unique 7
Watchman Cloak Epic 5
Watchman Cloak Legend 6
Watchman Cloak Unique 7
Wendigo's Hoof Uncommon 1
Wendigo's Sharp Claws Uncommon 1
Wind Locket Uncommon 3
Wind Locket Rare 4
Wind Locket Epic 5
Wind Locket Legend 6
Wind Locket Unique 7
Windlass Crossbow Epic 5
Windlass Crossbow Legend 6
Windlass Crossbow Unique 7
Wizard Hat Epic 5
Wizard Hat Legend 6
Wizard Hat Unique 7
Wizard Shoes Epic 5
Wizard Shoes Legend 6
Wizard Shoes Unique 7
Wolf Claw Common 1
Wolf Fang Common 1
Wolf Pelt Common 1
Zirkzi's Eye Unique 7
Zweihander Epic 5
Zweihander Legend 6
Zweihander Unique 7

Experience per Level

Despite patch notes saying otherwise, experience is not shared between teammates.

The experience level will increase as you gain experience points. Every 5 levels you will get a new perk slot(Level 5,10 and 15) for your class.

The XP for the next level stops growing at Level 20. Level 30 is included in this table for illustration purposes, though there is no level limit and it continues at the same rate from level 20.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
XP For Next 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 500 600 700 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Total XP 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1900 2200 2500 2800 3200 3700 4300 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000