From Dark and Darker Wiki

Revision as of 14:01, 5 February 2023 by Ta1ha (talk | contribs) (Bot Edit)

Drop Table
Name Type Chance
[[Demon Dog#Elite]] Monster 7.5%
[[Lava Monster]] Monster 6.0%
[[Demon Dog#Nightmare]] Monster 5.625%
[[Demon Dog]] Monster 5.25%
[[Lava Monster#Elite]] Monster 4.2857%
[[Skeleton Mage#Nightmare]] Monster 4.2857%
[[Skeleton Mage]] Monster 4.2856%
[[Lava Monster#Nightmare]] Monster 3.2142%
[[Skeleton Mage#Elite]] Monster 3.2142%
[[Wraith]] Monster 2.1212%
[[LootTable:Golden Room]] Loose Loot 2.0967%
[[Lion's Head Chest]] Container 1.7727%
[[Lion's Head Chest#High Roller]] Container 1.6302%
[[Golden Chest]] Container 1.4084%
[[Skeleton Barrel#High Roller]] Container 1.3042%
[[Barrel#High Roller]] Container 1.3042%
[[Golden Chest#High Roller]] Container 1.1266%
[[Wraith#Elite]] Monster 0.909%
[[Bronze Ornate Chest#High Roller]] Container 0.6493%
[[Flat Chest#High Roller]] Container 0.6314%
[[Flat Chest]] Container 0.5494%
[[Bronze Ornate Chest]] Container 0.5479%
[[Stone Tomb#High Roller]] Container 0.5263%
[[Coffin#High Roller]] Container 0.516%
[[Skeleton Barrel]] Container 0.476%
[[Barrel]] Container 0.476%
[[Hoard#High Roller]] Container 0.4216%
[[Small Oak Chest#High Roller]] Container 0.4166%
[[Skeleton Bones]] Container 0.4166%
[[Small Reinforced Chest#High Roller]] Container 0.4166%
[[Small Reinforced Chest]] Container 0.3676%
[[Hoard]] Container 0.3614%
[[Skeleton Bones#High Roller]] Container 0.3571%
[[Skeleton Corpse#High Roller]] Container 0.3571%
[[Skeleton Corpse]] Container 0.238%
[[Stone Tomb]] Container 0.2197%
[[Small Oak Chest]] Container 0.147%
[[Coffin]] Container 0.1122%