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Stats | Damage | Spell Restoration | Luck |
Enchantments | Health | Impact Power | Footstep Sound |
Movement | Healing | Action/Interaction/Cast Speed | Silence |
Shield | Looted Handled Supplied | Experience | |
Spells |
WIP Page
This page is work-in-progress. The information may be lacking, may not be up-to-date, however is not deleted as it provides some useful information or is capable of expansion.
True Healing
Magical Healing
Increases total healing done by magic (Cleric's heal spells and Warlock's Torture Mastery)
(Base Heal Amount + (Magical Healing * Scaling of Spell)) * Magic Power Bonus
Scaling info:
- Lesser Heal = 50%
- Holy Light = 50%
- Sanctuary = 50% per second (250% total)
- Magic Power Bonus = 50%
- Torture Mastery = 50%
Healing Potions
Healing Potions are a Consumable that heal a certain amount of total HP, divided across a long duration. The total HP is affected by Physical Healing, and the duration is affected by the Buff Duration Stat.
Surgical Kits
Healing Shrines
Recoverable HP
Bandages are a Consumable that heal a certain amount of Recoverable HP.
Current scaling is listed as 0.05 on the perk
With some quick math the updated formula should look like
Heal per second = (2 + 5 * 0.05)(1 + 0.1 * 0.3) * 1.2 = 2.781 HP per second
What properties are the properties of Jolly Time about the Bard?
The 40% Percent Max Health Healing doesn't change, as described, so a shorter buff time means the player will be healed faster... right? "40% percent OVER A TIME of 12s" so if you in crease buff duration it would be something like "40% percent over a time of 15s" with is the same amount of healing, except that it would take longer making buff duration bad for second wind and that whole equation wrong.... right?
There's a detailed stat in-game called "Health Recovery Bonus" with the tooltip saying that it determines how much health you recover when resting, but The wiki still says you only get a set rate of healing with no modifiers.
I know it scales with magic healing, but does magic power also factor into the equation?
Hello, cleric lesser heal dont scale with addition magic damage from spellbook and magic dmg stat from book?
I know the chart says 100% scaling from MPB but what is that exactly?. Theres no way MPB is directly applied at the % of MPB or i would heal for 59 hp the 13 from gear and 5 from advanced. sois it only affeting my total healing at an additional 59% ie (13 gear +5 advanced) 59%)
in the equation what is floor?
" 3. Starting at 80/100 with 15 Recoverable, then being true healed to 100/100 with 15 recoverable, and finally being damaged for 60 by a monster. Your new HP is 30/100, with new recoverable HP pool of " , I believe this should say 100hp/100hp - 60(monster damage) = 40/100(your new hp)? not "30/100"
I can't find anything about them scaling with phys. or mag. healing, I assume neither?
I wonder if magical healing is taken into account at the moment of the cast and affects the spell for the whole duration or is it discarded if i swap my weapon during the effect ? say if i cast curse of pain with torture mastery with my + magical healing spellbook and then swap to my melee weapon, will the magical healing bonus still apply ? ty for any help