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When mining I keep gettiong the prompt level not high enough for cobalt. Is it talking about my level or is it talking about the pick axe I am using?Mining in GeneralDevine0587Mar 27, 2025 at 10:47 pmGold Ore
Currently shows only the 2 primary attacks and even the recovery timing for comboing into the alt attack, but nothing on the alt attack itself. Missing alt attack's time dataSolMar 26, 2025 at 10:01 pmBattle Axe
Are you just doing +2 base dmg more on your Burns? Aside from that and having the debuff on the target longer(for the -50% healing and Melt pdr debuffs) is there any other benefit/positve from using it?Fire Mastery, how much dmg are we adding? (not including the 5% fire magic dmg)Joseperalta5706eduJoseperalta5706eduMar 16, 2025 at 9:58 amMar 16, 2025 at 9:59 amWizard
There was an issue in the wiki update pipeline that delayed info for HF80. Issue has now been resolved and automated data is back up to date.PDB and MDBRaw SaladMar 15, 2025 at 9:03 pmStats
It's on the stats page, but since it's a Hybrid stat, it has its [[Stats#Base_Health|own section]].Any Scaling on strength or Vigor info or table?Raw SaladMar 15, 2025 at 9:02 pmHealth
not finding any info on how much, for ex, 3 vigor gives or 3 strength. May just be blind too o.oAny Scaling on strength or Vigor info or table?Joseperalta5706eduMar 15, 2025 at 7:16 pmHealth
I can't believe that the physical and magical curves in a game could be modified to be the same. This is too strange. Are the basic damage of melee weapons and magic weapons the same concept? What is the difference between physical damage and magical damage? This is a ridiculous change. I think there is a better solution to weaken the magic profession.I think game planners are being lazy when making this decision.The latest magic changesZirankaoyuMar 12, 2025 at 2:34 pmStats
With this latest patch the notes have: - Flattened the Physical Damage Bonus (PDB) curve at the upper end. - Updated the Magical Damage Bonus (MDB) curve so it now matches the new PDB curve. But in testing last night I noticed that the PDB chart still matches what is in game, while the MDB chart doesn't. Was the PDB chart updated while the other wasn't or is something else going on?PDB and MDBYukinonYukinonMar 9, 2025 at 11:58 amMar 9, 2025 at 11:59 amStats
No, its should be like this (( 20 x 0,25 ) + ( 25 x 0,75 )) x 2 + 80 = 127,5 barbarian base healthI'm a bit confused about how vig/str affects base health. SAARussianMar 8, 2025 at 3:42 amHealth
While the third number exists in files, it is not used as the weapon doesn't have a corresponding hitbox area. Magic Staff only uses the first two impact zones.Magic Staff Impact ZonesRaw SaladMar 5, 2025 at 6:55 pmWeapons
Yeah that would be goodSome Feedback for SorcererCoreFinder1Mar 5, 2025 at 2:49 pmSorcerer
I see there are 3 different numbers for impact zones on Magic Staff, 100%/80%/60%(green/orange/red I'm assuming), but I'm only seeing green and orange zones under the Hitbox illustration for itMagic Staff Impact ZonesJoseperalta5706eduMar 2, 2025 at 2:58 pmWeapons
Yes both Buff modifiers and Will both effect the duration of those buffsDoes Buff Duration modify duration of ignition, invis, etc?Joseperalta5706eduMar 2, 2025 at 1:26 pmWizard
Does Melt fall under the Armor Penetration category or is it "other", like Pulverizing Prayer? I was told the "other" does apply to mobs(pve) but the stat armor penetration itself does notMelt, Physical damage reduction vs MobsJoseperalta5706eduMar 2, 2025 at 1:24 pmWizard
^there are other factors but in general, assuming the target does not have high magic resist and/or the spell can do headshot dmg then Add can potentially be betterIgnite scaling Joseperalta5706eduMar 2, 2025 at 1:22 pmWizard
This is standard procedure, called the perk tax. Rogue for example has to equip Traps & Locks perk to deal with locked containers. A Bard however can just equip a single song and get the same thing, and in an area with its perks intact. I hope that they get rid of these perks and bake them into the class itself, because they are usually a no-brainer to pick and only serve to diminish build variety because they essentially remove a perk slot.Some Feedback for SorcererObad-HaiMar 2, 2025 at 4:31 amSorcerer
It being on the loot table has no effect on Spectral Fabric's drop rate since they don't share the same luck grade. But yes, it serves no purpose other than to tease Spectral Knight farmers.Spectral Hilt useless?Raw SaladFeb 28, 2025 at 2:05 amCrafting
Luck has been confirmed to work. Unfortunately, however, the effect it has is far weaker than previously believed; it's approximately 10 times weaker.Barb Crush?Raw SaladFeb 28, 2025 at 2:03 amLuck
There's no quest or craft item that it's required for and idk if it being on the loot table takes away from the chance of him dropping the fabric? new bis useless hunting loot now that Volcanic Ash has a quest to turn in a looted one this seasonSpectral Hilt useless?Joseperalta5706eduFeb 27, 2025 at 5:16 pmCrafting
Fun fact, they used to!Race DamageSurFeb 27, 2025 at 3:15 amDamage