From Dark and Darker Wiki

Wizard(Hotfix #54)

Playing wizard can be difficult, but it can also be highly rewarding. This guide will serve as a general overview to the tactics that a wizard has in their magical toolbox. It's intended for beginner/intermediate players, so some experienced players may not gain much from this.

When playing wizard the rule of the game is simple: no spells, you're dead. So you always want to be taking stock of how many spells you have left, and trying to only use them when the time is right. If you're in a party don't be afraid to ask to Rest before engaging an enemy team. That extra spell or two could win the fight. At the same time when resting you'll want to be extra cautious, as resting is the most venerable state in the game. Made even more so if using the Meditation skill, which muffles audio making it even easier for someone to get the drop on you.

Before you picking your build: generally speaking there are 3 categories of wizards. Melee wizards, DPS casters, and support wizards. Each is good in its own way, so pick one that will fit your personal play style best. You can always change your build later, but keep your style in mind when picking the rest of your abilities

Perks and Skills

Melee Wizard Arcane Shieldis a great pick for any melee wizard. It immediately applies a shield for 20hp of any damage type. This is really good especially with lower gear. Reactive Shieldanother solid option for melee wizards, when you take damage you will gain a shield for 15hp of any damage type. This could potentially stack with your other shield for 35hp. Ignite will add 5 magic damage to every melee attack you do, it scales at 50% which isn't terrible. If you are running melee wizard this is a must pick. Ice Armor provides 20 armor rating and slows attackers when they hit you by 20% move speed and attack speed. Guaranteeing that you can escape or slow them down while you're engaging DPS caster Sage Give

Armor and Weapon


Play Style

Game Play Video

Coming soon.