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If you intend to survive below, you've come to the right person.


All merchants restock every 30 minutes. (12:00, 12:30, 01:00, ...)

Woodsman is a Trader that buys and sells items in the game.


Sells Bows, Throwables, Arrows, Bolts, Torches, Lanterns .


Chapter: Amidst the Wilderness
Quest Prerequisites *NarrativeBold indicates intentional miss-spellings to replicate the text in game *Task(s)* indicates the item does not need to be looted Rewards
Fire's Compassion Fetch Starter Quest Introduction:
Ever hear about how we red-beards got our color? Too many nights by the campfire, that's how! Speaking of which, I need campfire kits. I am not sure if you heard but the Leathersmith's daughter is still missing and we need these campfires to help aid us in our search.

You've gathered them all I see, thank you. I pray we find her before winter hits. She makes me feel like I have a fire inside my soul. Oh, uh... don't tell the Leathersmith I said that please.
Campfire Kit15
250 Gold
3 Uncommon Surgical Kits
5 Epic Explosion Bottles
75 XP
50 Affinity
Invasive Species Kill Reach level 10
Complete 'Fire's Compassion'
A lot of people are helping the search for the Leathersmiths lost daughter, unfortunately not all of them are skilled adventures

Thanks to you, we can explore uncharted territories and my heart is ablaze with newfound hope.
10 Giant Bats
5 Cockatrice
25 Dire Wolves
300 Gold
1 Troll Pelt
Epic Rawhide Gloves
150 XP
50 Affinity
Far From Over Survive Reach level 15
Complete 'Invasive Species'
I don't care how many times it takes, I will never give up hope. Besides, I rather be searching under the stars and listening to howls of dire wolves versus that horrendous bard.

Escape Ruins or Ruins HR 30 Times 200 Gold
Legendary Vigilant Cloak
Epic Gravewolf Gloves
300 XP
50 Affinity