From Dark and Darker Wiki

m (rarity descriptor precedes item name for potions)
(quest data completed)
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|all=Iron Powder,Copper Powder,Cobalt Powder,Rubysilver Powder,Silver Powder,Gold Powder,Fangs of Death Necklace,Grimsmile Ring,Uncommon Potion of Healing,Rare Potion of Healing,Uncommon Potion of Protection,Rare Potion of Protection,Uncommon Magic Protection Potion,Rare Magic Protection Potion
|all=Iron Powder,Copper Powder,Cobalt Powder,Rubysilver Powder,Silver Powder,Gold Powder,Fangs of Death Necklace,Grimsmile Ring,Uncommon Potion of Healing,Rare Potion of Healing,Uncommon Potion of Protection,Rare Potion of Protection,Uncommon Magic Protection Potion,Rare Magic Protection Potion
|more important matters={{#switch:{{lc:{{{4|}}}}}
|a father's legacy={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Can you believe my brother, the Surgeon, still clings to our father's legacy of medicine? Once I thought the same, but alchemy showed me a different path. Help me gather a variety of potions to prove the power of my art.
|completetext=Ah, these will do nicely. I left traditional medicine, much to my brother's dismay. Hopefully he will open his eyes and mind to the power of alchemy.
|fetch=[[Potion of Healing]]
|summary=Fetch [[Potion of Healing]] (1x)
|fetch=[[Potion of Protection]]
|summary=Fetch [[Potion of Protection]] (1x)
|fetch=[[Potion of Invisibility]]
|summary=Fetch [[Potion of Invisibility]] (1x)
|objectivessummary=Fetch [[Potion of Healing]] (1x), Fetch [[Potion of Protection]] (1x), Fetch [[Potion of Invisibility]] (1x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>3 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Potion of Invisibility]]<br>3 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Potion of Protection]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|golden opportunity={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Ah, good to see you again. It seems adventurers are increasingly drawn to the cold and perilous zones nearby. As an alchemist, I see this as a golden opportunity to study the native creatures of these regions. There may be valuable insights we can glean for new alchemical concoctions.
|completetext=Thanks to your contributions, I can delve deeper into understanding the unique properties of creatures in cold climates. Imagine if we could unlock the secrets of nature and forge new potions of remarkable potency.
|requiredquest=A Father's Legacy
|killtarget=[[Ice Kobold Axeman]]
|summary=Kill [[Ice Kobold Axeman]] (5x)
|killtarget=[[Ice Kobold Archer]]
|summary=Kill [[Ice Kobold Archer]] (5x)
|objectivessummary=Kill [[Ice Kobold Axeman]] (5x), Kill [[Ice Kobold Archer]] (5x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Ring of Finesse]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Falchion]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>
|frozen secrets={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Legend has it, fierce wolves guard a secret that could unveil mysteries long buried in time. I won't reveal too much just yet, but I'm counting on you. Time's of the essence, so let's move quickly.
|completetext=With the information we've gathered, we can now delve deeper into unlocking these hidden secrets.
|requiredquest=Golden Opportunity
|module=Wolf Cave
|summary=Explore IceCavern Wolf Cave module (must escape) (1x)
|objectivessummary=Explore IceCavern Wolf Cave module (must escape) (1x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>2 <span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Wolf Pelt]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Frost Amulet]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|all=A Father's Legacy,Golden Opportunity,Frozen Secrets
|all=More Important Matters
Line 324: Line 406:
|all=Cobalt Heavy Gauntlet,Cobalt Plate Boots,Cobalt Viking Helm,Cobalt Chapel De Fer,Cobalt Plate Pants,Cobalt Templar Armor,Rubysilver Gauntlets,Rubysilver Plate Boots,Rubysilver Barbuta Helm,Rubysilver Plate Pants,Rubysilver Cuirass,Golden Hounskull,Golden Armet,Golden Gjermundbu,Golden Plate,Golden Plate Pants,Golden Gauntlets,Golden Plate Boots,Copperlight Kettle Hat,Copperlight Sanctum Plate Armor,Copperlight Plate Pants,Copperlight Gauntlets,Copperlight Plate Boots
|all=Cobalt Heavy Gauntlet,Cobalt Plate Boots,Cobalt Viking Helm,Cobalt Chapel De Fer,Cobalt Plate Pants,Cobalt Templar Armor,Rubysilver Gauntlets,Rubysilver Plate Boots,Rubysilver Barbuta Helm,Rubysilver Plate Pants,Rubysilver Cuirass,Golden Hounskull,Golden Armet,Golden Gjermundbu,Golden Plate,Golden Plate Pants,Golden Gauntlets,Golden Plate Boots,Copperlight Kettle Hat,Copperlight Sanctum Plate Armor,Copperlight Plate Pants,Copperlight Gauntlets,Copperlight Plate Boots
|echoes of regret={{#switch:{{lc:{{{4|}}}}}
|mining for piece of mind={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Greetings, adventurer! I require Cobalt Ingots. They forge sturdy armor, the type I wish I had possessed years ago. It was a dark period I'd prefer not to delve into extensively, but I will mention that perhaps with more reliable armor, I might have found the courage to confront my fears directly.
|completetext=I used to be hailed as a hero, yet inside, I was anything but. Crafting armor for adventurers as brave as you, it's my way of making amends.
|fetch=[[Cobalt Ore]]
|summary=Fetch [[Cobalt Ore]] (6x)
|objectivessummary=Fetch [[Cobalt Ore]] (6x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Templar Armor]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Plate Pants]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|facing your fears={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=They say there's bravery in confronting what haunts you. I've faced battles myself, although in ways I'm not exactly proud of... Perhaps a tussle with the undead will clear your conscience of any skeletons lurking in the recesses of your mind.
|completetext=Your courage is undeniable. Hearing of your battles stirs memories of my own past, times I regret not being braver. I've faced war, but the scars that linger most are hidden within.
|requiredquest=Mining For Piece of Mind
|killtarget=[[Undead]] [[Skeleton]]
|summary=Kill [[Undead]] [[Skeleton]] (15x)
|objectivessummary=Kill [[Undead]] [[Skeleton]] (15x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Ox Pendant]]<br>2 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Pickaxe]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>
|not a coward={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=They say fortune favors the prepared. What better way to be prepared than to master the art of escape? Ignore the rumors.
|completetext=Escaping or running away? Let them wonder. You've proven yourself capable, and that's what matters.
|requiredquest=Facing Your Fears
|summary=Survive Crypts dungeon (4x)
|objectivessummary=Survive Crypts dungeon (4x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Chapel De Fer]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Plate Boots]]<br>75 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|all=Mining For Piece of Mind,Facing Your Fears,Not A Coward
|all=Echoes Of Regret
Line 513: Line 654:
|all=Cobalt Leather Gloves,Cobalt Lightfoot Boots,Rubysilver Leggings,Rubysilver Rawhide Gloves,Rubysilver Adventurer Boots,Rubysilver Cap,Wolf Hunter Leggings,Gravewolf Gloves,Dread Hood,Tri-Pelt Northern Full Tunic,Demonclad Leggings,Foul Boots,Demon Grip Gloves,Golden Leggings,Golden Chausses,Golden Gloves,Golden Boots,Copperlight Riveted Gloves,Copperlight Lightfoot Boots
|all=Cobalt Leather Gloves,Cobalt Lightfoot Boots,Rubysilver Leggings,Rubysilver Rawhide Gloves,Rubysilver Adventurer Boots,Rubysilver Cap,Wolf Hunter Leggings,Gravewolf Gloves,Dread Hood,Tri-Pelt Northern Full Tunic,Demonclad Leggings,Foul Boots,Demon Grip Gloves,Golden Leggings,Golden Chausses,Golden Gloves,Golden Boots,Copperlight Riveted Gloves,Copperlight Lightfoot Boots
|finding hope={{#switch:{{lc:{{{4|}}}}}
|search and rescue={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=I've heard tales about the Goblin Caves. When my daughter went missing, I thought she might have gone there. Perhaps you'll find something I missed.
|completetext=So, nothing then? Well, I appreciate you looking. The woodsman and I, we've searched far and wide. Maybe it's just an old man's hope, but I will never give up on her.
|dungeon=Goblin Caves
|summary=Survive Goblin Caves dungeon (6x)
|objectivessummary=Survive Goblin Caves dungeon (6x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Leather Cap]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Regal Gambeson]]<br>75 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|one step closer={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Good to see you again. The Goblin Prison... it's a place of mystery and danger. I hesitate to send you there, but desperation compels me. I've searched its depths countless times, but hope dwindles with each passing day. Still, I must ask for your aid. Please, seek out any clues that might shed light on my daughter's whereabouts.
|completetext=Even though nothing of significance was found, I still feel one step closer. I am humbled by your courage, traveler. Your commitment to aiding a grieving father speaks volumes of your character. Together, let us persevere in our quest to uncover the truth.
|requiredquest=Search And Rescue
|dungeon=Goblin Caves
|module=Goblin Prisons A
|summary=Explore Goblin Caves Goblin Prisons A module (must escape) (1x)
|objectivessummary=Explore Goblin Caves Goblin Prisons A module (must escape) (1x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Lantern]]<br>3 <span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Oil Lantern]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>
|cap-tivating adventures={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Greetings, adventurer. I require leather caps – any variety will suffice. They'll prove invaluable in keeping our fellow adventurers warm as they aid in the search. If you could procure five of them, it would be greatly appreciated.
|completetext=Ah, these are just right. Thank you. She is as adventurous as they come. If you hear anything do let me know.
|requiredquest=One Step Closer
|fetch=[[Leather Cap]]
|summary=Fetch [[Leather Cap]] (5x)
|objectivessummary=Fetch [[Leather Cap]] (5x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Reinforced Gloves]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Rugged Boots]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|all=Search And Rescue,One Step Closer,Cap-tivating Adventures
|all=Finding Hope
Line 532: Line 734:
|0=<span class="colorrarity0">Junk</span> [[Bandage]]
|0=<span class="colorrarity0">Junk</span> [[Bandage]]
|family medicine={{#switch:{{lc:{{{4|}}}}}
|reliable medicine={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=I'm in need of quality bandages. My brother, the Alchemist, might think his potions are superior, but true healing comes from skill and precision, not in unpredictable alchemical concoctions.
|completetext=Oh, these bandages are... adequate. Hmm, is that a blood stain? You didn't use these before bringing them to me, did you?! Of course not, I must be mistaken, my old eyes aren't what they used to be. A thorough sanitization is in order before they're fit for use, anyway.
|summary=Fetch [[Bandage]] (5x)
|objectivessummary=Fetch [[Bandage]] (5x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Surgical Kit]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Ring of Survival]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|alchemy's dangers={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=There's a myriad of strange creatures out there with ‘potential' healing properties. The thought of my brother utilizing their venoms and techniques in his alchemy is troubling. By thinning their numbers and possibly finding proof of alchemy's dangers, we can make a case for traditional medicine.
|completetext=Well done. This is a stark reminder of the potential dangers of alchemical experiments. The old fool probably drinks those concoctions for recreation.
|requiredquest=Reliable Medicine
|killtarget=[[Goblin Mage]]
|summary=Kill [[Goblin Mage]] (3x)
|killtarget=[[Giant Centipede]]
|summary=Kill [[Giant Centipede]] (1x)
|objectivessummary=Kill [[Goblin Mage]] (3x), Kill [[Giant Centipede]] (1x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Necklace of Peace]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Ring of Vitality]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>
|natural aid={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=In my ongoing pursuit of quality bandages, I've heard rumors of a nest of unique spider webs deep within the goblin caves. These webs could serve as excellent material for medical purposes.
|completetext=The use of natural resources like these could potentially help promote faster healing.
|requiredquest=Alchemy's Dangers
|dungeon=Goblin Caves
|module=Stone Graves A
|summary=Explore Goblin Caves Stone Graves A module (must escape) (1x)
|objectivessummary=Explore Goblin Caves Stone Graves A module (must escape) (1x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>3 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Explosive Bottle]]<br>3 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Bandage]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|all=Reliable Medicine,Alchemy's Dangers,Natural Aid
|all=Family Medicine
Line 747: Line 1,017:
|all=Cobalt Hat,Cobalt Hood,Cobalt Trousers,Cobalt Regal Gambeson,Cobalt Frock,Rubysilver Hood,Rubysilver Doublet,Rubysilver Vestments,Cloak of Darkness,Robe of Darkness,Cowl of Darkness,Shoes of Darkness,Tri-Pelt Doublet,Brave Hunter's Pants,Golden Scarf,Golden Leaf Hood,Golden Robe,Golden Padded Tunic,Golden Cloak,Copperlight Straw Hat,Copperlight Shadow Hood,Copperlight Tunic,Copperlight Outfit,Copperlight Attire,Copperlight Pants
|all=Cobalt Hat,Cobalt Hood,Cobalt Trousers,Cobalt Regal Gambeson,Cobalt Frock,Rubysilver Hood,Rubysilver Doublet,Rubysilver Vestments,Cloak of Darkness,Robe of Darkness,Cowl of Darkness,Shoes of Darkness,Tri-Pelt Doublet,Brave Hunter's Pants,Golden Scarf,Golden Leaf Hood,Golden Robe,Golden Padded Tunic,Golden Cloak,Copperlight Straw Hat,Copperlight Shadow Hood,Copperlight Tunic,Copperlight Outfit,Copperlight Attire,Copperlight Pants
|keep it professional={{#switch:{{lc:{{{4|}}}}}
|creative space={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Oh, it's you. Listen, there are some terribly unsightly beings disturbing my creative head space. How can one focus on haute couture amidst such chaos? I'd deal with it myself, but I wouldn't dare risk a crease. Perhaps you could... tidy up a bit?
|completetext=Here's a little something. And no, I didn't just give you this task so I could have an excuse to reward you with higher quality items than you're probably used to.
|killtarget=[[Skeleton Mage]]
|summary=Kill [[Skeleton Mage]] (3x)
|killtarget=[[Demon Bat]]
|summary=Kill [[Demon Bat]] (2x)
|killtarget=[[Demon Berserker]]
|summary=Kill [[Demon Berserker]] (1x)
|objectivessummary=Kill [[Skeleton Mage]] (3x), Kill [[Demon Bat]] (2x), Kill [[Demon Berserker]] (1x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>3 <span class="colorrarity5">Epic</span> [[Silver Powder]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Ornate Jazerant]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|quid pro quo={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=In search of the perfect ensemble, are we? If you help me out, I will help you. I have just the task that might pique your interest. Fetch copper attire for me and gain my favor.
|completetext=Impressive. Here, accept this as a token of appreciation. It's the least I can do for someone who understands the value of refinement.
|requiredquest=Creative Space
|fetch=[[Copperlight Attire]]
|summary=Fetch [[Copperlight Attire]] (1x)
|fetch=[[Copperlight Pants]]
|summary=Fetch [[Copperlight Pants]] (1x)
|objectivessummary=Fetch [[Copperlight Attire]] (1x), Fetch [[Copperlight Pants]] (1x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Shoes of Darkness]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Frost Amulet]]<br>75 [[Experience]]<br>
|sewn in secrecy={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=A socialite like myself often hears intriguing whispers. At a recent masquerade, I overheard tales. I need your help, as I can't risk my attire.
|completetext=My intuition was correct, but there's more to uncover. However, it will have to wait. Check back later; I have urgent matters. I'm crafting a special garment for a powerful client who won't tolerate delays.
|requiredquest=Quid Pro Quo
|module=Blood Platforms
|summary=Explore Crypts Blood Platforms module (must escape) (1x)
|objectivessummary=Explore Crypts Blood Platforms module (must escape) (1x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity5">Epic</span> [[Rubysilver Vestments]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|all=Creative Space,Quid Pro Quo,Sewn in Secrecy
|all=Keep It Professional
Line 769: Line 1,121:
|greetingtext=Gold and silver is my language. How may I help you with your financial needs?
|greetingtext=Gold and silver is my language. How may I help you with your financial needs?
|hidden riches={{#switch:{{lc:{{{4|}}}}}
|ceremonial secret={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=In my line of work, you learn a thing or two about unique relics. We're after some with a history in rituals. As for their purpose now... better left unsaid. Just bring them to me.
|completetext=Thank you for your swift and efficient work. You've managed to gather all of them and just in time.
|fetch=[[Ceremonial Dagger (Cracked)]]
|summary=Fetch [[Ceremonial Dagger (Cracked)]] (5x)
|objectivessummary=Fetch [[Ceremonial Dagger (Cracked)]] (5x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Crystal Sword]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Castillon Dagger]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>
|forbidden rituals={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=I wonder if the ritual associated with these artifacts has been completed already? Seek out clues or any evidence that might shed light on this mystery. The truth may hold more significance than we realize.
|completetext=Ah, the pieces of the puzzle begin to slowly fall into place. I wonder if one of my old associates I used to travel the trade routes with might have any leads.
|requiredquest=Ceremonial Secret
|module=Old Tomb
|summary=Explore Crypts Old Tomb module (must escape) (1x)
|objectivessummary=Explore Crypts Old Tomb module (must escape) (1x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Adventurer Tunic]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Adventurer Boots]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>
|echoes of eternity={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Welcome, I trust you've heard whispers of the wraiths haunting the corridors of the Forgotten Castle? It seems their presence may hold clues to the completion of that ritual. Do what you have to do to bring us closer to uncovering these secrets.
|completetext=Well done! As you thin the ranks of those spectral fiends haunting the halls of the Forgotten Castle, I can't help but feel we're one step closer to unlocking the secrets of the ritual we've been pursuing.
|requiredquest=Forbidden Rituals
|summary=Kill [[Wraith]] (3x)
|objectivessummary=Kill [[Wraith]] (3x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>5 <span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Lockpick]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Tattered Cloak]]<br>40 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|all=Ceremonial Secret,Forbidden Rituals,Echoes of Eternity
|into the unknown={{#switch:{{lc:{{{4|}}}}}
|lies in the coffins={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Your previous discoveries have led to another breakthrough. It seems we're on the brink of unraveling some of the castle's deepest secrets. Today, our journey takes us to the royal coffins, where you will need to investigate the truth behind their occupants' demise.
|completetext=Oh no... I was hoping they were wrong. It seems these souls didn't die naturally, but at the hands of horrific beasts once believed to be mere legend. The proof of their existence and danger is undeniable. I must research further. Check back later.
|summary=Explore Crypts Pyramid module (must escape) (1x)
|objectivessummary=Explore Crypts Pyramid module (must escape) (1x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Golden Teeth]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Spellbook]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>
|silver lore={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=What took you so long? Time is the most valuable currency. No matter. As we delve deeper into our research on the perils of this realm, it's becoming increasingly clear that silver may be our strongest defense against the lurking adversaries concealed within the shadows of these lands.
|completetext=I'll count and examine each one with care to ensure their purity. The best part is, even if we find we don't need it for defense against beasts, its inherent value ensures it will always serve us well, no matter the circumstance.
|requiredquest=Lies in the Coffins
|fetch=[[Silver Coin]]
|summary=Fetch [[Silver Coin]] (200x)
|objectivessummary=Fetch [[Silver Coin]] (200x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>10 <span class="colorrarity7">Unique</span> [[Gold Coin Purse]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>
|mimics and money={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=I never have to deal with such things back home. Mimics – the bane of any honest transaction. Deceptive creatures posing as treasures. I need someone to eradicate these frauds. A matter of financial security.
|completetext=Ah, splendid! Less mimics makes for a cleaner, more trustworthy environment for our ventures. Here's your well-earned compensation.
|requiredquest=Silver Lore
|killtarget=[[Beast]] [[Mimic]]
|summary=Kill [[Beast]] [[Mimic]] (7x)
|fetch=[[Mimic Tooth]]
|summary=Fetch [[Mimic Tooth]] (2x)
|objectivessummary=Kill [[Beast]] [[Mimic]] (7x), Fetch [[Mimic Tooth]] (2x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Bear Pendant]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Ring of Survival]]<br>75 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|all=Lies in the Coffins,Silver Lore,Mimics and Money
|all=Hidden Riches,Into The Unknown
Line 1,100: Line 1,578:
|all=Void Blade,Troll’s Bane,Spear of Rot,Demon's Glee,Mana Sphere,Falchion of Honor,Light Bringer,Centaur's Madness,Cyclops Vision Crystal,Boneshaper,Hunting Trap,Francisca Axe,Throwing Knife,Pickaxe,Lockpick,Trap Disarming Kit,Sterling Staff,Staff of Righteousness,Divine Staff,Sterling Blade,Blade of Righteousness,Divine Blade,Sterling Rod,Rod of Righteousness,Divine Rod,Sterling Short Sword,Short Sword of Righteousness,Divine Short Sword,Sterling Axe,Axe of Righteousness,Divine Axe,Sterling Dagger,Dagger of Righteousness,Divine Dagger,Sterling Bow,Bow of Righteousness,Divine Bow,Golden Felling Axe,Golden Viking Sword
|all=Void Blade,Troll’s Bane,Spear of Rot,Demon's Glee,Mana Sphere,Falchion of Honor,Light Bringer,Centaur's Madness,Cyclops Vision Crystal,Boneshaper,Hunting Trap,Francisca Axe,Throwing Knife,Pickaxe,Lockpick,Trap Disarming Kit,Sterling Staff,Staff of Righteousness,Divine Staff,Sterling Blade,Blade of Righteousness,Divine Blade,Sterling Rod,Rod of Righteousness,Divine Rod,Sterling Short Sword,Short Sword of Righteousness,Divine Short Sword,Sterling Axe,Axe of Righteousness,Divine Axe,Sterling Dagger,Dagger of Righteousness,Divine Dagger,Sterling Bow,Bow of Righteousness,Divine Bow,Golden Felling Axe,Golden Viking Sword
|lessons learned={{#switch:{{lc:{{{4|}}}}}
|aiding a legacy={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Ah, good to see a friendly face. I'm crafting a series passed down since my great-great-grandfather, who learned from a dwarf, no less. I need rare weapons to fuse with, 5 should do. You're aiding a legacy here.
|completetext=Quite the collection you've brought! These will serve as excellent inspiration. Here's something for your help.
|fetch=<span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> Weapon
|summary=Fetch <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> Weapon (5x)
|objectivessummary=Fetch <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> Weapon (5x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Castillon Dagger]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[War Maul]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Longbow]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Crystal Ball]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|blades of myth={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=It seems the rumors of beasts of legend within these lands may hold more truth than fiction, judging by the bodies we've discovered. Additionally, whispers speak of an ancient sword hidden within Frost Mountain, said to possess the power to vanquish such mythical creatures. Check it out and let me know if you find anything.
|completetext=Wow, you found it! Not quite how I imagined it, but excellent work nonetheless. I'll start examining what metals or components were used and if it can be replicated. This may take some time, so in the meantime, I may have another task you can help out with.
|requiredquest=Aiding A Legacy
|summary=Explore IceCavern Pyramid module (must escape) (1x)
|objectivessummary=Explore IceCavern Pyramid module (must escape) (1x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>3 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Trap Disarming Kit]]<br>3 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Potion of Protection]]<br>50 [[Experience]]<br>
|the search continues={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=In the frozen depths of the Frost Mountain, beasts of frost roam unchecked. Let's do our part and help thin out these beasts for the search to continue for that poor missing girl.
|completetext=Still no sign, but thanks to your efforts more are now able to help in the search.
|requiredquest=Blades of Myth
|summary=Kill [[Wendigo]] (3x)
|killtarget=[[Frost Walker]]
|summary=Kill [[Frost Walker]] (8x)
|objectivessummary=Kill [[Wendigo]] (3x), Kill [[Frost Walker]] (8x)
|rewards=75 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Ring of Courage]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity4">Rare</span> [[Watchman Cloak]]<br>75 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|all=Aiding A Legacy,Blades of Myth,The Search Continues
|all=Lessons Learned
Line 1,112: Line 1,658:
|100=<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Crossbow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Hand Crossbow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Longbow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Recurve Bow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Survival Bow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Windlass Crossbow]]
|100=<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Crossbow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Hand Crossbow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Longbow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Recurve Bow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Survival Bow]],<span class="colorrarity2">Common</span> [[Windlass Crossbow]]
|igniting secret fires={{#switch:{{lc:{{{4|}}}}}
|fire's compassion={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Ever hear about how we red-beards got our color? Too many nights by the campfire, that's how! Speaking of which, I need campfire kits. I am not sure if you heard but the Leathersmith's daughter is still missing and we need these campfires to help aid us in our search.
|completetext=You've gathered them all I see, thank you. I pray we find her before winter hits. She makes me feel like I have a fire inside my soul. Oh, uh… Don't tell the Leathersmith I said that please.
|fetch=[[Campfire Kit]]
|summary=Fetch [[Campfire Kit]] (5x)
|objectivessummary=Fetch [[Campfire Kit]] (5x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Surgical Kit]]<br>3 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Explosive Bottle]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|invasive species={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=A lot of people are helping in the search for the Leathersmiths lost daughter, unfortunately not all of them are skilled adventures like yourself. Please help clear the way making it safe for those who are less skilled.
|completetext=Your assistance will pave the way for safer journeys. Thank you for your help.
|requiredquest=Fire's Compassion
|killtarget=[[Demon Dog]]
|summary=Kill [[Demon Dog]] (5x)
|killtarget=[[Demon Centaur]]
|summary=Kill [[Demon Centaur]] (1x)
|objectivessummary=Kill [[Demon Dog]] (5x), Kill [[Demon Centaur]] (1x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Potion of Luck]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Heavy Leather Leggings]]<br>40 [[Experience]]<br>
|fortune's guidance={{#switch:{{lc:{{{5|}}}}}
|greetingtext=Good to see you again! Been scouring for any leads on the Leathersmith's missing daughter. Got desperate and even visited the fortune teller. Let's check the location she suggested for clues.
|completetext=I can't believe she was right?! This gives me so much hope. Thank you!
|requiredquest=Invasive Species
|module=Prisons A
|summary=Explore Crypts Prisons A module (must escape) (1x)
|objectivessummary=Explore Crypts Prisons A module (must escape) (1x)
|rewards=50 [[Gold Coin]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Leather Cap]]<br>1 <span class="colorrarity3">Uncommon</span> [[Dashing Boots]]<br>25 [[Experience]]<br>25 [[Affinity]]<br>
|all=Fire's Compassion,Invasive Species,Fortune's Guidance
|all=Igniting Secret Fires
|all=Alchemist,Armourer,Fortune Teller,Goblin Merchant,Jack O' Lantern,Leathersmith,Nicholas,Squire,Surgeon,Tailor,Tavern Master,The Collector,Treasurer,Valentine,Weaponsmith,Woodsman
|all=Alchemist,Armourer,Fortune Teller,Goblin Merchant,Jack O' Lantern,Leathersmith,Nicholas,Squire,Surgeon,Tailor,Tavern Master,The Collector,Treasurer,Valentine,Weaponsmith,Woodsman
Example 1 - Squire offer at 50 affinity
<pre style="width:fit-content;">{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|squireoffers|50}}</pre>
Outputs {{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|squireoffers|50}}
Example 2 - Ingredients of Rubysilver Powder
<pre style="width:fit-content;">{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|crafts|Rubysilver Powder|ingredients}}</pre>
Outputs {{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|crafts|Rubysilver Powder|ingredients}}
Example 3 - Objective 1's Summary
<pre style="width:fit-content;">{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|questchapters|More Important Matters|A Father's Legacy|objectives|1|summary}}</pre>
Outputs {{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|questchapters|More Important Matters|A Father's Legacy|objectives|1|summary}}
Example 4 - Objective 2's required quest
<pre style="width:fit-content;">{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|questchapters|More Important Matters|Golden Opportunity|requiredquest}}</pre>
Outputs {{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|questchapters|More Important Matters|Golden Opportunity|requiredquest}}


<pre>{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|crafts|Rubysilver Powder|ingredients}}</pre>
{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|crafts|Rubysilver Powder|ingredients}}

Example 5 - All objective summaries
<pre style="width:fit-content;">{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|questchapters|More Important Matters|A Father's Legacy|objectives|objectivessummary}}</pre>
Outputs {{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|questchapters|More Important Matters|A Father's Legacy|objectives|objectivessummary}}

Revision as of 22:00, 24 March 2024




  • name
    • greetingtext
    • servicetypes
    • squireoffers
      • <affinity>
    • crafts
      • <item_to_craft>
        • rarity
        • quantity
        • conversationtext
        • craftcompletetext
        • ingredients
    • questchapters
      • <quest_chapter>
        • <quest>
          • greetingtext
          • completetext
          • requiredquest
          • objectives
            • objectivessummary
            • <objective_number>
              • type
              • quantity
              • fetch
              • summary

Example 1 - Squire offer at 50 affinity


Outputs Poor Crystal Sword,Poor Spellbook,Poor Magic Staff

Example 2 - Ingredients of Rubysilver Powder

{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|crafts|Rubysilver Powder|ingredients}}

Outputs 2-Rubysilver Ore-5

Example 3 - Objective 1's Summary

{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|questchapters|More Important Matters|A Father's Legacy|objectives|1|summary}}

Outputs Fetch Potion of Healing (1x)

Example 4 - Objective 2's required quest

{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|questchapters|More Important Matters|Golden Opportunity|requiredquest}}

Outputs A Father's Legacy

Example 5 - All objective summaries

{{Merchant_Data|Alchemist|questchapters|More Important Matters|A Father's Legacy|objectives|objectivessummary}}

Outputs Fetch Potion of Healing (1x), Fetch Potion of Protection (1x), Fetch Potion of Invisibility (1x)