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Revision as of 03:17, 14 August 2024 by Raw Salad (talk | contribs) (Changed to use Template:GeneratePropTable.)

There are currently 5 types of shrines which each give a specific buff.

The following shrines will regenerate over 3 minutes:

Name *Use ShrineMagical Interaction Speed Shrine Effect *AP/XPAdventure Points Page
Experience Points Page
5 s
Magical Interaction Speed

10 Move Speed Add for 60sAP: 5
XP: 3
5 s
Magical Interaction Speed

100 Magical Base HealingAP: 5
XP: 3
5 s
Magical Interaction Speed

5% Physical Damage Reduction and 5% Magical Damage Reduction for 60sAP: 5
XP: 3
5 s
Magical Interaction Speed

15 Physical Power for 60sAP: 5
XP: 3

The following shrines are one-time use:

Name *Use ShrineMagical Interaction Speed Shrine Effect *AP/XPAdventure Points Page
Experience Points Page
20 s
Magical Interaction Speed

Hold a fallen ally's soul heart to interact with this shrine. When the interaction completes, the shrine resurrects the ally.AP: 20
XP: 3
Shrine of Protection.png

Shrine Of Protection

Fountain of Speed.png

Fountain Of Speed

Shrine of Health.png

Shrine Of Health

Shrine of Power.png

Shrine Of Power

Altar of Sacrifice.png

Altar Of Sacrifice