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Revision as of 09:30, 18 July 2024 by Naut112 (talk | contribs)

Patch Notes summary here (dates included)

Hotfix 57

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue where Warlock's Bolt of Darkness were not treated as projectiles.
  • Fixed an issue where items could not be obtained when interacting with the Hoard even though there was space in the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where Adventure Rank indicator was not displayed properly in the lobby UI and nameplate.
  • Physical Healing and Magical Healing tooltip is now displayed in the detailed information panel.
  • Fighter's Swift movement speed penalty reduction improved from 20% → 30%.
  • Fighter's Weapon Mastery no longer has a penalty.
  • Barbarian's Rage physical damage reduction penalty changed from -15% → -10% and movement speed bonus changed from 9% → 10%.
  • Wizard's Arcane Shield total shield changed from 20 → 15.
  • Wizard's Meditation tick interval has been changed from 1.5s → 0.75s.
  • Cleric's Perseverance damage absorption changed from 3 → 2.
  • Cleric's Protection from Evil bonus effect changed from 50% → 30%.
  • Cleric’s Holylight casting time changed from 2.25s → 1.75s.
  • Cleric's Sanctuary casting time changed from 2.75 → 2.25.
  • Cleric's Earchquake casting time changed from 2.75 → 2.5.
  • Cleric's Locust Swarm casting time changed from 2.75 → 2.5.
  • Cleric's Locust Swarm reduces the amount of physical/magical healing the target receives by 50%.
  • Cleric's Locust Swarm damage per second changed from 2 → 13 and no longer scales.
  • Warlock's Torture Mastery attribute bonus ratio changed from 0.1 → 0.05.
  • Warlock's Curse of Pain instant damage changed from 10 → 7.
  • Druid's Herbal Sensing range increased from 450 → 600.
  • Druid's Thorn Barrier height changed from 150 → 120.
  • Druid's Treant spell tier changed from 3 → 5 and count changed from 3 → 2.
  • Crystal Sword’s movement penalty changed from -30 → -25.
  • Crystal Sword's base magic weapon damage increased to parity with physical weapon damage.
  • Weapon damage increased for Bardiche, Halberd, Battle Axe, Double Axe, War Maul, and Quarterstaff.
  • Cobalt crafted items now give 3.5% armor penetration as a primary attribute.
  • New craft items have been added.
  • GCX Torch has been added.
  • Season final quests and cosmetic rewards have been added.
  • Price for Throwing knives and Francisca Axes lowered to match the individual price from the previous season.
  • Quests can no longer be completed when in the ‘Ready’ status.
  • Now you and your party members' gear scores are updated in real time.
  • Gearscore is now displayed for dead players.

Developer Comments: We thank our community for banding together to assist the St.Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in their quest to find a cure for cancer. Contributors to the GCX Charity Marathon can now obtain their GCX Charity Torch by entering their code in the in-game SHOP. You make us proud to be part of such a passionate and wonderful community. Thank you and see you in the dungeons!

Hotfix 56

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue that could cause crashes.
  • Fixed a cause of minor client performance degradation.
  • Fixed an issue where sound was not played when the raft spawns in the Ice Cavern
  • Fixed an issue where the Cleric's Locust Swarm could not damage monsters.
  • Fixed an issue where hitboxes left by the corpses of summoned monsters could block projectiles.
  • Fixed an issue where a second attack from a swapped weapon could be activated after throwing a torch.
  • Fixed an issue where the Froststone Torch's glow effect was stronger than intended.
  • Fixed issue where unique grade hatchet had incorrect movement speed.
  • Fixed an issue that Druids were incorrectly able to equip the Rubysilver Cuirass.
  • Fixed an issue that Druids were incorrectly able to use silver crafted Short Swords.
  • Fixed an issue where Druids were unable to use silver crafted Daggers.
  • Fixed an issue where Druids were unable to use Light Bringer.
  • Fixed an issue where flickering occurred in the lobby when a character's equipment or ready status was updated.
  • Cleric's Faithfulness now has a 3 second cooldown after activation.
  • Cleric’s Smite attribute bonus ratio changed from 100% → 75%.
  • Druid attacks that are triggered beforehand will no longer register a hit after Dreamwalk is triggered.
  • When a Druid attacks in Rat form, the hit slow duration has been changed from 1s → 0.1s, and the movement speed reduction has been changed from -20% → -1% for the target.
  • When a Druid attacks in Panther form, the hit slow duration has been changed from 1s → 0.25s, and the movement speed reduction has been changed from -20% → -3% for the target.
  • When a Druid attacks in Chicken form, the hit slow duration has been changed from 1s → 0.25s, and the movement speed reduction has been changed from -20% → -3% for the target.
  • Druid's movement speed reduction when attacking in Panther form has been changed from -20% → -25%.
  • Druid Panther form's neckbite attribute ratio bonus has been changed from 150% → 125%.
  • Druid Panther form's neckbite silence duration changed from 0.5s → 0.1s.
  • Stinky Stick's poison cloud damage changed from 6 → 15.
  • Stinky Stick's poison cloud lasts for 12 seconds and can generate up to 3 clouds.
  • Stinky Stick's poison cloud creation chance increased from 15% → 25%.
  • Stinky Stick's poison cloud no longer scales.
  • Changed so that it takes less time to interact with the corpse of an enemy player that has already been previously interacted with.
  • Item holders now collide more accurately.
  • The statue oppressing the Frost Wyvern has been changed so that it can be removed through interaction.
  • A simple version of the quest log that can be checked in-game has been added.
  • Gear score is now displayed in the lobby when party members and you are in Ready status. This will be updated in the future so that it is reflected in real time when an item is equipped.
  • Community and support link menu has been added to game options. Through this menu, you can submit an inquiry ticket in real time during the game without logging in to the official website.
  • A product has been added to the shop that allows you to change your account name for 3 Redstone Shards.

Developer Comments: This hotfix continues to address minor bugs and adds quality of life improvements such as accessing a (non-dynamic) quest log from within the dungeon and the display of gear score for all party members in the lobby when readying up. We’ve updated the Frost Wyvern initiation process so it no longer requires the assistance of other teams. Finally, we’ve added a new shop item that allows customers to change their account name. Thanks and see you in the dungeons!

Hotfix 55-1

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue where payments could not be made on the Steam platform.
  • (Reverted) Fixed an issue where certain item holders that could float in the air, such as arrows, had a blocking effect. This fixes will be corrected again later due to side effects.
  • Druid's Dreamwalk duration changed from 4s → 3s, cooldown changed from 12s → 15s.
  • To prevent abuse, characters created on Legend status accounts can now be deleted 1 day after creation.

Hotfix 55

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when completing a quest using the quest log.
  • Fixed an issue where platform-specific payments could not be completed properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the cooldown was not activated if the Warlock jumped while channeling Dark Offering.
  • Fixed the inventory so it cannot be interacted with when the Druid is in an animal form.
  • Fixed an issue where certain item holders that could float in the air, such as arrows, had a blocking effect.
  • Fixed an issue where some boss monsters could not break down the Pavise.
  • Fixed an issue where Yeti could attack 4 times instantly.
  • Fixed an issue where one of the ladders in the Cave Tomb was buried in the wall and was not visible.
  • Fixed an issue where the visual effect was not displayed when escaping through a portal.
  • Continuing to fix areas that the Druid rat form should not be able to access.
  • Increased the interaction time required when interacting with an enemy player’s corpse. Interacting with an ally’s corpse remains the same as before.
  • Cleric's Blunt Weapon Mastery physical attack bonus has been changed from 15% → 10%.
  • Warlock's Demon Form health cost per second changed from 3% → 1.5%.
  • Druid's Rat form now squeaks at random intervals.
  • Lycan's Vigor bonus has been increased from 3 → 4, and headshot damage reduction has been added by 10%.
  • Armor penetration of Rondel Dagger and Stiletto Dagger changed from 10% → 5%.
  • Spellbook, Crystal Ball, and Wizard Staff now have 5%, 10%, 15% magic penetration respectively.
  • Increased the damage of Longbows by 1.
  • Slightly lowered the amount of Magic Resistance earned per Will within the sweet spot of the curve (WILL 21 to 29.)
  • Slightly lowered the amount of Physical Damage Resistance earned per Armor Rating within the upper sweet spot of the curve (~200 Armor Rating.)
  • Unique/Artifact grade weapons now have better primary attributes than their Legendary counterparts.
  • Unique/Artifact items give an additional random modifier.
  • Non Artifact unique items now drop again in the game.
  • Volumetric fog in the Ice Cavern has been temporarily removed for improvements.
  • The Goblin Merchant now gives a 25% discount at 75 Affinity and a 50% discount at 150 Affinity when selling back items through the dungeon recovery system.
  • Improved visibility of the Search button in Marketplace.

Developer Comments: This week’s hotfix introduces minor balance changes and the reintroduction of the ‘Unique’ grade items to the item pool to make looting a little more enticing for High-Rollers. We’ve also introduced an interaction time when looting an opposing player’s corpse to make scavenging during a battle a riskier endeavor. We are nearing completion of the new matchmaking system that will assist in creating better sessions for everyone. In the meantime, we will continue to experiment with various gear-based matching pools as a stopgap measure. We thank you for your support and see you in the dungeons!

Hotfix 54-1

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed several issues that caused server crashes.
  • Fixed an issue where the stats of equipment that became unrestricted by certain Perks were not applied properly.
  • Fixed an issue of not being able to jump when casting Shafeshift.
  • Fixed an issue where the remaining time was not displayed properly on the UI icon when a buff/debuff stack was deducted.
  • Fixed an issue where the primary attributes of several Druid items were set incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where Druids could not equip the Cyclops Vision, Troll's Bane, and Silver Crafted Flanged Mace weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where some silver crafted daggers would not give the proper armor penetration attributes.
  • Fixed an issue where Frost Wyverns could accidentally drop artifacts that should only be available from other bosses.
  • Fighter’s Sprint skill has been changed to receive 3 stacks of Momentum upon initiation, granting 15 additional move speed per stack. Loses 1 stack every 2 seconds.
  • Barbarian’s Rage physical damage reduction penalty reduced from -20% → -15%.
  • Wizard's Staff Mastery magic weapon damage improved from 1 → 2.
  • Wizard's Magic Missile damage per projectile improved from 9 → 10.
  • Warlock's Dark Reflection attribute bonus ratio changed from 50% → 75%
  • Warlock’s Soul Collector can only collect a maximum of 10 → 5 Darkness Shards.
  • Warlock's Soul Collector can no longer obtain Darkness Shards from targets that do not give experience.
  • Warlock's Darkness Shard dark magic bonus changed from 10% → 20% per stack.
  • Warlock's Torture Mastery spell cost multiplier changed from 2 → 3.
  • Warlock's Demon Form +5 weapon damage bonus has been removed.
  • Warlock's Demon Form health cost per second changed from 1.5% → 3%
  • Warlock’s Demon Form bonus changed from 50 armor rating, 50 magic resistance to 30 armor rating, 30 magic resistance.
  • Warlock's Life Drain attribute bonus ratio changed from 100% → 75%.
  • The goal of the Treasurer's 'Golden Entry' quest has been changed from interacting with the golden door to collecting 2 Golden Keys(Handled).
  • Treasure and equipment items again award AP points. We tested this out for a while, but realized that dealing with all the map's monsters and clearing out chests was less fun than managing inventory resources and decided to revert to the older system. We will work on offering a more skill-based leaderboard system in the future with the upcoming Arena system.

Developer Comment: This week’s hotfix comes a little early due to issues with the Adventurer Rank system. At the start of this season, we had decided we wanted to try and make the Leaderboards more “skill-based” and remove some of the more random aspects of the system, such as the management of your inventory with trinkets and found gear. We wanted to have adventurers focus more on actions within the dungeons such as killing monsters and interacting with dungeon elements.

When we launched the leaderboards earlier this month, we accidentally launched with the system half implemented, only removing the found gear score. We saw that players were advancing more quickly than we intended and scrambled to remove the AP for treasure with the last hotfix. Based on player feedback, we quickly realized that forcing players to min-max every second and grind nonstop “perfect” runs diminished the thrill of the game. In light of this, we have decided to revert to the original system from the previous season where both found gear and treasure give AP. We believe the original system gives more control back to the adventurer on how they can accrue their AP.

We have not given up on building a more skill centered leaderboard for the future. We plan on focusing our attention on developing such a leaderboard with the upcoming Arena system. We thank you for your patience and understanding with our recent changes to such an important system. Thank you and see you in the dungeons!

Hotfix 54

Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a server crash when a druid escapes the game while transforming into an animal.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage of Lightning Strike, Holy Strike, and Dream Fire did not scale properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Thorn Barrier rendering was not displayed properly.
  • Fixed a performance issue with the Ceremonial Staff’s cloth simulation.
  • Fixed an issue where new Druid equipment items were not dropped from monsters.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ant Nest module's Shirine of Health could be used twice.
  • Fixed an issue where the rope sound in the Goblin Cave was muffled.
  • Fixed an issue where 'Loyal Court Wizard' quest mission 'Dark Ritual Room A' could not be cleared because it did not exist.
  • Fixed an issue where player kills and AP were not being calculated properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the selected dungeon on the world map was not highlighted in yellow.
  • Fixed an issue where the recipes for Protection Potion and Magic Protection Potion were set incorrectly.
  • Barbarian's Rage movement speed bonus has been changed from 12% → 9%.
  • Barbarian's Savage Roar's physical damage penalty has been changed from -40% → -30%.
  • Warlocks can now use weapons when transformed into demons due to the Bloodpact.
  • Warlock's Blood Pact loss of health per second has been changed from -1% → -1.5% per second.
  • Warlock's Dark Offering cooldown time has been changed from 60s → 28s.
  • Warlock's Life Drain attribute ratio bonus has been changed from 50% → 100%.
  • Druid takes a -100% penalty to PDR and MDR while transformed into Rat form.
  • Druid's Thorn Barrier duration has been changed from 10s → 8s.
  • Improved the Armor Penetration for Bows, Crossbows, and Piercing Daggers.
  • -- Windlass Crossbow 25% → 40%
  • -- Crossbow 20% → 30%
  • -- Longbow 5% → 20%
  • -- Recurve 0% → 10%
  • -- Survival 0% → 5%
  • -- Rondel Dagger 0% → 10%
  • -- Stiletto Dagger 0% → 10%
  • Campfire has been added to the Squire's supply items.
  • Healing items have been added as starting items for most classes.
  • Clarity Potions can now be crafted. New clarity potions increase the memory recovery rate when resting.
  • Treasures no longer give Adventure Points.
  • ‘The Secrets Of Gold’ quest now requires 2 Gold Ingots instead of 6 Gold Ores.
  • Rat sounds have been removed from the environmental sounds.
  • The visibility of escapes on the minimap has been improved.
  • VoIP has been enabled in the basecamp.

Developer Comments: The recent hotfix addresses minor bugs and improvements to stability. We fixed issues with several spells not scaling properly with the attributes. We have made some minor balance changes to slightly improve the Ranger and Rogue’s effectiveness using certain builds against full plate without making a big impact against the squishier classes. We’ve also addressed some oversights with the AP system where the treasure score was not removed as previously promised, and a bug where PvP adventure points were not properly calculated. We are still working on the improved matchmaking system which we hope to roll out soon. In the meantime, we have decided to open up VoIP in the basecamp as a test for it’s upcoming removal and conversion to a more social area. Thanks and see you in the dungeons!

Hotfix 53-2

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an vulnerability where items could be copied.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Cave Altar' module in Goblin Caves was missing a pedestal portal.
  • Minor multilingual translation fixes.

Hotfix 53-1

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an vulnerability where items could be copied.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Cave Altar' module in Goblin Caves was missing a pedestal portal.
  • Minor multilingual translation fixes.

Hotfix 53

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue where the user's name could sometimes not be entered when creating a new character.
  • Fixed an issue where the Druid's Herbal Sensing perk could not properly detect herbs.
  • Fixed an issue where Dreamwalk would not activate when a Warlock attacks a Druid while in demon form.
  • Fixed an issue where Druid’s Dreamfire damage did not scale properly.
  • Fixed an issue where standing on the Druid's Entangling Vines would not cause the player to be bound again even if the immune status was removed.
  • Fixed an issue where lockpicks were not consumed when lockpicking an iron door.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ghost King would become invisible.
  • Fixed an issue where the updraft escape was not working properly after killing a Frost Wyvern.
  • Fixed an issue where Druids could not be given Karma.
  • Warlock’s Curse of Weakness no longer stacks.
  • Frost Wyvern's physical attacks are now 100% physical attacks. Previously it was 50% physical and 50% magical damage.
  • Frost Wyvern damage increased by 10%.
  • Frost Wyvern now applies a debuff that reduces action speed to the target.
  • Frost Wyvern now uses its tail attack more often when enemies are closer to it.
  • The treasure in Goblin Cave's Vault now spawns after immediately killing both Troll and Cyclops.
  • The location of the Portal Pedestal is now displayed on the minimap.
  • Quest ‘My Favorite Fleshy’ quest has now been changed to require all prerequisite quests to be completed.
  • Quest 'My Favorite Fleshy' goal has been changed to kill 15 mummies.
  • Now, when entering a normal game, the Squire will inform you of the gear score criteria.
  • You may now claim the EA2 Adventurer Rank rewards.
  • Squire accounts can now become Apprentice Traders and use the Marketplace for purchases only.
  • The size of the Shared Stash has been changed to the maximum size.
  • The cross-platform link function has been updated to function properly.

Undocumented Changes:

  • The luck grade curve for Artifacts was changed such that Luck now increases the odds of finding them, as opposed to decreasing their chance from Patch 5 through Hotfix 52-1

Developer Comment: We are happy to announce the introduction of the platform link system. This system allows players to transfer their progression from a previous platform to a new platform. This means that if you had previously purchased the game, you are no longer bound to a single platform and can play on the platform of your choice without the need to repurchase the game. Existing players can access the platform link by going to the 'Options' menu and selecting the ‘Platform’ option from the top menu. Please note that the new platform account must have no characters associated with it. If you already created a character you will need to delete all characters on the new platform and restart the client to initiate the platform link transfer process. Most importantly, the new platform account you are linking to must have no purchases associated with it. The platform link feature cannot combine accounts if you made separate purchases on both accounts. In this case, we recommend creating a brand-new “clean” account on the new platform to link your previous account. We have also considered concerns about possible pay to win advantages due to the discrepancy in access to the marketplace between Squire and Legendary status accounts. In response to these concerns, we have decided to experiment with giving Squire accounts very limited access to the marketplace. Squire accounts can become an ‘apprentice trader’ with the ability to only BUY items from the marketplace. Only Legendary status accounts retain the right to become full fledged traders with unrestricted access to the marketplace and the Trading Post. We have also decided to upgrade the exclusive ‘Shared Stash’ to a full-sized stash as a thank you to all our Legendary status accounts. We will continue to work on giving more value for all our Legendary adventurers in the future. Thank you once again for all your support!

Hotfix 52-1

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause the server to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where Ignite was not applied properly to weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where the sound that occurred when hitting the Thorn Barrier with a weapon was set incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where Frost Wyverns could sometimes take damage without waking up.
  • Fixed an issue where the rope escape would not work properly.
  • To allow all players to experience the full loot extraction experience, we will begin testing an updated Normal mode.
  • The gear cap for Normal mode dungeons has been increased from ‘Common’ to ‘Legendary’ grade items.
  • Gear score matchmaking is enabled for Normal mode dungeons.
  • Normal mode dungeons are now split into two matching pools. The default matching pool is set at a maximum gear score of 25 to most closely match the previous Normal game experience where players were restricted to ‘Common’ gear. Players or teams with anyone having a gear score above 25 are placed in a more difficult ‘Normal' matching pool.
  • Updated the gear score for Poor and Common items to have a lower gear score.
  • Updated the gear score for Poor and Common Utility items to no longer provide any gear score.
  • Healing potions and Bandages provided by Squire now have a quantity of 2.
  • High Roller dungeon is available as soon as you reach ‘Legendary’ status.
  • Trade must be available 72 hours after 'Legendary' status is activated.

Changes implemented that were intended to be released with Hotfix 52:

  • Druid's Bear left click's attack changed from 10 additional damage to 5, and multiplier reduced from 1.5 to 1.0.
  • Druid's Bear right click attack multiplier reduced to from 3.0 to 2.0.
  • Druid's Panther left click attack changed from 5 additional damage to 0.
  • Druid's Panther right click attack changed from 5 additional damage to 0 and multiplier reduced from 2.0 to 1.5.
  • Druid's Chicken left click attack multiplier reduced from 2.0 to 1.5.

Developer Comments: We’ve been thinking deeply about recent issues with our Free to Play (f2p) version and wanted to give our new players a more complete full loot extraction experience. After careful consideration we have decided to test the removal of the item restrictions in the Normal mode, allowing players to bring in any of their loot into the dungeons up to 'Legendary' grade.

In order to protect new users from being completely run over by fully geared players, we will be utilizing a gear based matchmaking system in the Normal mode. We still feel that matches where most players start off on a similar footing is extremely fun and fair. The default Normal mode will have a maximum gear score limit set to 25, basically restricting players to mostly ‘Common’ grade gear. This default matching pool should feel like the previous gear restricted Normal mode from before.

Players with higher gear will be matched into a separate matching pool where almost everything goes. We expect the addition of this matching pool will help the Normal matches feel similar to the previous playtests from times yonder with much chaos and destruction. We do have some concerns regarding pub stomping, but we’d rather give players this choice of play. We have also made the game a little more forgiving when it comes to engaging in combat and escaping, which should make the above situations more avoidable.

We are excited to see how the community accepts the new Normal mode. We’d like to reiterate that it was never our intention to mislead our players and we are learning from your feedback. If you are curious on our motivations for releasing the game as free to play, we invite you to check out our extended thoughts on our website at Finally, unless we encounter major issues, the Platform Link feature that allows players to link their previous account to a new platform is scheduled to be completed within the week. We thank you for your patience.

Hotfix 52

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue where accounts could revert to Squire status after purchasing Legendary status.
  • Fixed an issue where Redstone Shards could not be properly obtained after purchase on all platforms.
  • Fixed several issues causing client crashes.
  • Fixed an issue where no action could be taken after being pushed by a monster during rope action.
  • Fixed an issue where the Fighter's Breakthrough could not ignore the Druid's Entangling Vines.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to obtain the contents of the treasure chest without defeating the wyvern using the Druid's rat form.
  • Fixed an issue where quests requiring exploration of Prison A could not be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to enter the treasure vault without defeating the wyvern using the Druid's rat form.
  • Druid's Nature's Touch cast time changed from 1s → 0.75s.
  • Druid's Summon Treant spell count changed from 5 → 4.
  • Druid's Dreamfire spell tier changed from 4 → 3.
  • Druid's Entangling Vines spell tier changed from 3 → 4.
  • Druid's Entangling Vines spell count changed from 4 → 3.
  • Druid's Entangling Vines cast time changed from 1s → 1.25s
  • Druid's Entangling Vines duration changed from 3s → 1s.
  • Druid's Entangling Vines immunity time changed from 3s → 1s.
  • Druid's Entangling Vines will now only have one on the field.
  • Druid's Entangling Vines no longer causes spells from multiple casters to apply consecutively.
  • Druid's Thorn Barrier spell count changed from 4 → 3.
  • Druid's Thorn Barrier cast time changed from 1s → 1.25s
  • Druid's Thorn Barrier damage changed from 10 → 4.
  • Druid's Restore cast time changed from 1s → 1.75s.
  • Druid's Mending Grove spell tier changed from 5 → 6.
  • Druid's Mending Grove casting time changed from 1s → 2s.
  • The 72-hour lockout timer has been turned off for some time to allow for elaborate rework.

Patch 5

Wipe #4 Early Access Season #4

We are currently in the final stages of tweaking the patch process to support multiple platforms and will take some time to complete.


  • The addition of the new Ice Abyss!
  • The addition of the new Druid Class!
  • New emotes and the Lycan race!
  • Renewed focus on dungeon crawling, starting with the removal of the circle mechanic.
  • Ability to upgrade to Legendary Status!
  • Cross-play across multiple PC platforms.
  • Major balance changes!

Season Roadmap

On top of the new features, we’d like to give a small peek into some of our plans this season including:

  • A Platform Link feature that allows for cross-progression across multiple PC platforms. For our players on Blacksmith who have already purchased the game and want to launch their account from another platform, we ask for your patience and continue playing on Blacksmith for just a little bit longer until this system is released. We feel strongly that our early adopters should not be required to re-purchase the game on another cross-play PC platform.
  • An updated ‘Adventure Leaderboards’ that reward actual dungeon adventuring rather than the loot you collect.
  • An upgraded matchmaking system that removes the pre-lobby, ratcheting up tension and improving the matchmaking times.
  • A renewed Gathering Hall that includes the return of the Tavern as a social place to hang out, meet party members, and see Otto!
  • The introduction of the Arena, a new game mode and leaderboard system that showcases team PvP skills.
  • Experimenting with randomly generated dungeon layouts to add more mystery and motivation to explore the dungeons.

Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue where Rogue's skills could still be displayed while in hiding.
  • Fixed the missing action speed primary attribute for the Lightbringer.
  • Fixed an issue where Bard's persuasiveness did not work properly.
  • Fighter’s Sprint additional movespeed has been changed from 50 → 20.
  • Fighter’s Breakthrough duration has been changed from 8s → 10s, cooldown has been changed 18s → 24s.
  • Barbarian's Iron Will additional magic resistance changed from 100 → 60.
  • Rogue's Stealth no longer reveals his silhouette.
  • Rogue's Stealth increases movement speed by 3 per step. For each step you take, you lose your movement speed bonus.
  • Rogue's Hide duration changed from 6 → 8.
  • Rogue's Hide Mastery grants 3 times the hide time.
  • Rogue’s Weakpoint Attack’s armor rationg bonus reduction has been improved from -30% → -40%.
  • Ranger's Multishot now causes all arrows to deal 100% damage. (before: 50%/75%/100%/75%/50%)
  • Warlock's all spells cost has been slightly reduced.
  • Warlock's Evileye has been temporarily removed.
  • Explosive Bottle's interval has been changed to 0.1 and damage per interval has been changed from 3 → 1.5.
  • Explosive Bottle's attribute bonus ratio has been changed from 0 → 0.1.
  • Throwing Daggers now stack from 1->2.
  • Lowered AR for Plate armor by 2-3%
  • Lowered the Projectile protection by 40% so total Projectile for full plate is down from 17% to around 10%
  • Fixed the missing action speed primary attribute for the Lightbringer.
  • Barbarian specific armors give slightly less AR, MR and have slightly more move speed penalty.
  • Slightly improved the amount of movespeed gained per agility.

Undocumented Changes

Notes by the wiki (WIP)

  • Monsters AP changed- only a few decreased like Death Beetles, mostly increased anywhere from 10% to double. On average roughly 30% increase across the board.
  • New monsters added: Frost Wyvern, Ice Harpy, Ice Hound, Yeti, Frost Sentinel, Frost Elemental, Frost Skeleton Halberdier, Frost Skeleton Maceman, Frost Skeleton Axeman, Frost Demon, Frozen Ghost, Ice Giant Spider, Ice Spider
  • All monster changes from Patch 4 Hotfix 51 to Patch 5 can be found here Note that some monsters were added in the backend in Hotfix 51, but did not appear in game until Patch 5, such as the Yeti
  • Agility curve gives more movement speed, see specifics here or below
  • Minor changes to arbitrary weapons, see specifics here some non-TwoHanders now have a Prepare-Movement Multiplier
  • Minor changes to arbitrary armors, see specifics here
  • Minor changes to arbitrary accessories, see specifics here
  • Warlock's Spell Health Costs reduces slightly across the board

Agility curve changes

Patch 4 Hotfix 51

0 Agility starts at -7.5 Move Speed.

  • 0 -> -7.5
  • 0 to 100 = 0.5 each, up to 42.5
Patch 5

0 Agility starts at -10 Move Speed.

  • 0 -> -10
  • 0 to 10 = 0.5 each, up to -5
  • 10 to 15 = 1 each, up to 0
  • 15 to 75 = 0.75 each, up to 45
  • 75 to 100 = 0.5 each, up to 57.5

Community written summary

Patch notes summary written by the community here

Developer Comments

We are pleased to announce the following changes! Join us this season for our biggest adventure yet as we dive deep into the Ice Abyss and take on the fearsome Frost Wyvern. We are also proud to announce the addition of the new Druid class and the ability to shapeshift into powerful animal forms. We hope you enjoy the new content and we look forward to seeing you in the dungeons!