From Dark and Darker Wiki

Revision as of 05:10, 7 May 2024 by Raw Salad (talk | contribs) (Changed Status Banner to call on Props status rather than Containers status.)

{{AutoGenerateContainersPage|Oak Chest-Inferno}}

Containers are currently up to date for: Patch:6.7#Hotfix 79$grey

Oak Chest.png


Oak Chest is a prop that generates loot depending on the opener's Luck and the container's map-specific loot tables.

Loot Tables

Global Goblin Caves
& Ice Cavern
Ruins Crypts Inferno
& Ice Abyss

Currently on Source: Inferno

Loot Table:
Loot Table:
Loot Table:
Loot Table:
There is no Oak Chest on this Source.