From Dark and Darker Wiki

Revision as of 15:40, 30 September 2023 by Ta1ha (talk | contribs) (Patch 1 instead of wipe 2)

Latest Revision Patch 1:

Update list:

  • Lootables + Containers - Not yet
    • Add Loot tables for monsters - Not yet
    • Add Loot tables for containers - Not yet
    • Add drop tables for each item - Not yet
    • Recalculate scores and update Lootables page - Not yet

TODO list:

  • Individual Merchant pages
  • Page for all quest items
  • Damage+Armor calculation explanations
  • Add dodge guide for each monster

You can see all recent changes here

Comment things you would like to see in the TODO list

If youd like work together to update the wiki, join our discord