From Dark and Darker Wiki
Example Usage
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{{GenerateWeaponCombo|Arming Sword}} |
ComboPrimary Attack: Slash/Slash/Pierce dealing 100%/105%/110% damage on each swing, with impact zone: 100%/90%/70%. Attack Times Primary Combo: Attack 1 Windup: 0.399 Hit: 0.205 + 0.2024 ⤷ Recover: 0.234 → Primary Attack 2 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.171 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1.197 Primary Combo: Attack 2 Windup: 0.4 Hit: 0.157 + 0.235 ⤷ Recover: 0.376 → Primary Attack 3 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.309 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1.043 Primary Combo: Attack 3 Windup: 0.6 Hit: 0.154 + 0.2024 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.313 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1.213 Reference Attack Times for a glossary of the terms used above. |
{{GenerateWeaponCombo|Rapier}} |
ComboPrimary Attack: Pierce/Pierce/Pierce/Pierce dealing 100%/105%/110%/115% damage on each swing, with impact zone: 100%/90%/70%. Attack Times Primary Combo: Attack 1 Windup: 0.446 Hit: 0.056 + 0.2024 ⤷ Recover: 0.112 → Primary Attack 2 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.153 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.565 Primary Combo: Attack 2 Windup: 0.669 Hit: 0.079 + 0.2024 ⤷ Recover: 0.18 → Primary Attack 3 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.152 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.652 Primary Combo: Attack 3 Windup: 0.651 Hit: 0.081 + 0.2024 ⤷ Recover: 0.239 → Primary Attack 4 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.28 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.769 Primary Combo: Attack 4 Windup: 0.596 Hit: 0.083 + 0.2024 ⤷ Finish: 0.688 Reference Attack Times for a glossary of the terms used above. |
{{GenerateWeaponCombo|Longword}} |
ComboPrimary Attack: Pierce/Slash/Slash dealing 100%/105%/110% damage on each swing, with impact zone: 100%/80%/60%. Special Attack: Riposte Slash/Slash dealing 125%/125% damage on each swing, with impact zone: 150%. Attack Times Primary Combo: Attack 1 Windup: 0.932 Hit: 0.229 + 0.2024 ⤷ Recover: 0.283 → Primary Attack 2 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.339 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1.005 Primary Combo: Attack 2 Windup: 0.679 Hit: 0.233 + 0.2024 ⤷ Recover: 0.054 → Primary Attack 3 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.146 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.954 Primary Combo: Attack 3 Windup: 0.757 Hit: 0.233 + 0.2024 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.443 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.976 Special Combo: Attack 1 Windup: 0.333 Hit: 0.167 + 0.2024 ⤷ Recover: 0.333 → Special Attack 2 ⤷ Finish: 1.033 Special Combo: Attack 2 Windup: 0.433 Hit: 0.133 + 0.2024 ⤷ Finish: 0.967 Reference Attack Times for a glossary of the terms used above. |
{{GenerateWeaponCombo|War Maul}} |
ComboPrimary Attack: dealing damage on each swing, with impact zone: 100%/70%. Secondary Attack: dealing damage on each swing, with impact zone: 100%/70%. Attack Times Primary Combo: Attack 1 Windup: 1.033 Hit: 0.3 + 0.1958 ⤷ Recover: 0.033 → Primary Attack 2 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.567 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1.067 Primary Combo: Attack 2 Windup: 0.867 Hit: 0.333 + 0.1958 ⤷ Recover: 0.267 → Primary Attack 3 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.467 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1.3 Primary Combo: Attack 3 Windup: 0.833 Hit: 0.367 + 0.1958 ⤷ Recover: 0.033 → Primary Attack 2 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.5 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1 Secondary Combo: Attack 1 Windup: 0.811 Hit: 0.155 + 0.1958 ⤷ Recover: 0.133 → Secondary Attack 2 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.5 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.9 Secondary Combo: Attack 2 Windup: 1.133 Hit: 0.167 + 0.1958 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.767 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1.067 Reference Attack Times for a glossary of the terms used above. |
{{GenerateWeaponCombo|Stiletto Dagger}} |
ComboSecondary Attack: Slash/Slash/Pierce dealing 100%/100%/120% damage on each swing, with impact zone: 100%. Attack Times Secondary Combo: Attack 1 Windup: 0.4 Hit: 0.133 + 0.05 ⤷ Recover: 0.1 → Secondary Attack 2 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.067 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.867 Secondary Combo: Attack 2 Windup: 0.367 Hit: 0.151 + 0.05 ⤷ Recover: 0.174 → Secondary Attack 3 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.116 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.782 Secondary Combo: Attack 3 Windup: 0.4 Hit: 0.215 + 0.05 ⤷ Finish: 0.785 Reference Attack Times for a glossary of the terms used above. |
{{GenerateWeaponCombo|Crossbow}} |
{{GenerateWeaponCombo|Frostlight Lantern Shield}} |
ComboSpecial Attack: Riposte Slash/Pierce dealing 115%/115% damage on each swing, with impact zone: 150%. Attack Times Special Combo: Attack 1 Windup: 0.418 Hit: 0.211 + 0.2024 ⤷ Recover: 0.146 → Special Attack 2 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.256 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.771 Special Combo: Attack 2 Windup: 0.414 Hit: 0.411 + 0.2024 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.203 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1.141 Reference Attack Times for a glossary of the terms used above. |
{{GenerateWeaponCombo|Lute}} |
ComboPrimary Attack: Blunt/Blunt dealing damage on each swing, with impact zone: 100%/90%. Attack Times Primary Combo: Attack 1 Windup: 0.98 Hit: 0.208 + 0.2024 ⤷ Recover: 0.002 → Primary Attack 2 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.013 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 1.045 Primary Combo: Attack 2 Windup: 0.963 Hit: 0.342 + 0.2024 ⤷ Alternate Recover: 0.928 → Alternate Attack ⤷ Finish: 0.928 Reference Attack Times for a glossary of the terms used above. |