From Dark and Darker Wiki

Containers are currently up to date for: WIPActive work is in progress. Formatting issues and other bugs are to be expected.

Marvelous Chest
Marvelous Chest.png
A chest object that drops random loot from the loot table


Marvelous Chest is a container in the game. They are lootables that generate loot from container's loot table and opener's Luck. While containers mostly have same stuff, their rarity chances differ depending on the map.

Loot Table

Rolls this loot table 2 times

Rolls this loot table 2 times
Rolls this loot table 2 times
Rolls this loot table 2 times
Rolls this loot table 2 times
Rolls this loot table 2 times
Rolls this loot table 2 times
Rolls this loot table 2 times