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Revision as of 21:57, 6 February 2023 by Ta1ha (talk | contribs) (Bot Edit)

Drop Table
Name Type Chance
Hoard#High Roller Container 3.3332%
Death Beetle#Nightmare Monster 1.7407%
Giant Dragonfly#Nightmare Monster 1.4583%
Death Beetle#Elite Monster 1.4074%
Death Beetle Monster 0.9259%
Giant Dragonfly#Elite Monster 0.8333%
Spider Pot#Elite Container 0.6896%
Spider Pot#Nightmare Container 0.6896%
Large Reinforced Chest#High Roller Container 0.5421%
Lion's Head Chest#High Roller Container 0.489%
Reinforced Chest#High Roller Container 0.4224%
Hoard Container 0.4%
Heavy Ornate Chest#High Roller Container 0.3488%
Lion's Head Chest Container 0.3408%
Large Oak Chest#High Roller Container 0.3252%
Casket#High Roller Container 0.3224%
Flat Chest#High Roller Container 0.3124%
Crate#High Roller Container 0.3064%
Pot#High Roller Container 0.2714%
Heavy Ornate Chest Container 0.2438%
Oak Chest#High Roller Container 0.2278%
Giant Dragonfly Monster 0.2083%
Small Reinforced Chest#High Roller Container 0.2083%
Bronze Ornate Chest#High Roller Container 0.1948%
Coffin#High Roller Container 0.1934%
Stone Tomb#High Roller Container 0.177%
Coffin#Poor#High Roller Container 0.1504%
Bronze Ornate Chest Container 0.1369%
Small Oak Chest#High Roller Container 0.125%
Large Reinforced Chest Container 0.1137%
LootTable:Ground High Roller Loose Loot 0.1097%
LootTable:Bookshelf High Roller Loose Loot 0.0978%
Reinforced Chest Container 0.0894%
Spider Pot Container 0.0689%
Crate Container 0.0688%
Casket Container 0.0674%
Flat Chest Container 0.0652%
LootTable:Trinkets High Roller Loose Loot 0.0609%
Stone Tomb Container 0.0543%
Coffin Container 0.0448%
Small Reinforced Chest Container 0.0441%
Large Oak Chest Container 0.0378%
Pot Container 0.0322%
LootTable:Ground Normal Loose Loot 0.027%
LootTable:Misc Common Loose Loot 0.027%
LootTable:Tresure Poor Loose Loot 0.027%
LootTable:Trinkets Normal Loose Loot 0.027%
Oak Chest Container 0.0266%
LootTable:Bookshelf Normal Loose Loot 0.0238%
LootTable:Library Loose Loot 0.0238%
Coffin#Poor Container 0.0224%
Small Oak Chest Container 0.0147%