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Revision as of 22:51, 13 January 2024 by Skyiro (talk | contribs)

WORK IN PROGRESS Accelerando.PNGAllegro.pngAria of alacrity.PNGBallad of courage.PNGBanshees howl.PNGBeats of alacrity.pngChaotic discord.PNGChorale of clarity.PNGDin of darkness.PNGHarmonic sheild.PNGLament of langour.PNGPeacemaking.PNGPiercing shrill.PNGRousing rhythms.PNGShriek of weakness.PNGSong of shadow.PNGSong of silence.PNGTranquility.pngUnchained harmony.PNGTODO: Bard Guide

What Music Do I Bring? (Spells)

Self Buffs

Bard has 3 buffs that can only be cast on themselves. These buffs are core to bard play and should always be taken.

Beats of alacrity.png Beats of Alacrity - Increases the Bard's movement speed

Aria of alacrity.PNG Aria of Alacrity - Increases the Bard's action speed

Ballad of courage.PNG Ballad of Courage - Increase the Bard's physical power

Core Rotation:

Take these songs in every match.

They are the Bard's core songs and should be played in this order.

Rousing rhythyms -> Beats of Alacrity -> Ballad of Courage -> Aria of Alacrity

Rousing rhythms.PNG ------------> Beats of alacrity.png ----------> Ballad of courage.PNG -----------> Aria of alacrity.PNG

Why this order?

TODO: Add explanation