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Revision as of 00:20, 29 August 2023 by Ta1ha (talk | contribs) (Bot Edit)

Drop Table
Name Type Chance
Death Skull Monster 10.0%
Death Skull#Elite Monster 6.25%
Death Skull Elite#Summoned#Elite Monster 6.25%
Dire Wolf Monster 1.3158%
Giant Bat Monster 1.7143%
Giant Bat#Elite Monster 0.7143%
Goblin Bolaslinger Monster 1.3043%
Goblin Bolaslinger#Elite Monster 0.5435%
Wisp Monster 1.3889%
Large Oak Chest#Goblin_Cave Container 2.0511%
Large Oak Chest#Crypt Container 1.7337%
Large Oak Chest#Ruins Container 1.4132%
Large Oak Chest#Inferno Container 1.0895%
Oak Chest#Goblin_Cave Container 1.3674%
Oak Chest#Crypt Container 1.1558%
Oak Chest#Ruins Container 0.9421%
Oak Chest#Inferno Container 0.7263%
Small Oak Chest#Goblin_Cave Container 0.7732%
Small Oak Chest#Crypt Container 0.6536%
Small Oak Chest#Ruins Container 0.5327%
Small Oak Chest#Inferno Container 0.4107%
Coffin #Goblin_Cave Container 1.0916%
Coffin #Crypt Container 0.9227%
Coffin #Ruins Container 0.7521%
Coffin #Inferno Container 0.5798%
Coffin 05#Goblin_Cave Container 1.0916%
Coffin 05#Crypt Container 0.9227%
Coffin 05#Ruins Container 0.7521%
Coffin 05#Inferno Container 0.5798%
Skeleton Corpse#Goblin_Cave Container 0.7886%
Skeleton Corpse#Crypt Container 1.4009%
Skeleton Corpse#Ruins Container 0.4342%
Skeleton Corpse#Inferno Container 0.2544%
Crate#Goblin_Cave Container 2.6331%
Crate#Crypt Container 2.2257%
Crate#Ruins Container 1.8142%
Crate#Inferno Container 1.3986%
Pot#Goblin_Cave_HR Container 0.5556%
Pot#Crypt_HR Container 0.4167%
Pot#Inferno_HR Container 0.2778%
Pot#Crypt Container 1.1111%
Pot#Ruins Container 0.8333%
Pot#Inferno Container 0.6944%
Skeleton Bones#Goblin_Cave Container 1.5517%
Skeleton Bones#Goblin_Cave_HR Container 0.5172%
Skeleton Bones#Crypt_HR Container 0.3448%
Skeleton Bones#Inferno_HR Container 0.1724%
Skeleton Bones#Crypt Container 1.2069%
Skeleton Bones#Ruins Container 0.8621%
Skeleton Bones#Inferno Container 0.6897%
Spider Pot Container 1.6667%
Spider Pot#Elite Container 0.8333%
Barrel#Goblin_Cave Container 1.7241%
Barrel#Goblin_Cave_HR Container 1.2069%
Barrel#Crypt_HR Container 0.5172%
Barrel#Inferno_HR Container 0.3448%
Barrel#Crypt Container 0.6897%
Barrel#Ruins Container 1.0345%
Barrel#Inferno Container 0.8621%