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< Crafting

So, i know that there is at least one other craftable orb (the blue eyeball one), and the magic swords... but the lack of books (not that those are worth the effort usually), and complete lack of staffs (i mean, seriously, if ANY item would be crafted out of rare treasures and monster sourced components a magic staff would be my first guess...) seems... highly odd to me. as well as the lack of gear for certain slots and certain attributes, whilst other combos have duplicates... is this just potentially a hold over from the fact that casters are not as fleshed out as they eventually want them to be i wonder? i mean, even the spell systems they currently have and how they interact with the current abilities seems... very unpolished and incomplete. i could be wrong, but... it seems like a sad oversight. that, or we are missing recipes as of yet undiscovered.