From Dark and Darker Wiki

Revision as of 02:35, 2 November 2024 by Sur (talk | contribs) (Automated edit: Fixed a bug that caused stats to be outdated)



Agility and Dexterity governs your Action Speed.

Agility gives 0.25 Action Speed Rating, and Dexterity gives 0.75 Action Speed Rating, which then get summed into a total Action Speed Rating and finally converted into Action Speed using the graph.

Action Speed Rating = Agility * 0.25 + Dexterity * 0.75

0 Action Speed Rating starts at -38% Action Speed.

  • 0 -> -38%
  • 0 to 10 = 3% each, up to -8%
  • 10 to 13 = 2% each, up to -2%
  • 13 to 25 = 1% each, up to 10%
  • 25 to 41 = 1.5% each, up to 34%
  • 41 to 50 = 1% each, up to 43%
  • 50 to 100 = 0.5% each, up to 68%

LaTeX Formula

Can be pasted into Desmos or other LaTeX editors for quick use of the equation.

Triple click to select all. Note: Some browsers will add an extra return carriage (line end) after the formula. Remove it before pasting for best results.

A_{ctionSpeed}(S_{um})=\left\{0 \le S_{um}<10:-0.38+0.03\left|S_{um}-0\right|,10 \le S_{um}<13:-0.08+0.02\left|S_{um}-10\right|,13 \le S_{um}<25:-0.02+0.01\left|S_{um}-13\right|,25 \le S_{um}<41:0.1+0.015\left|S_{um}-25\right|,41 \le S_{um}<50:0.34+0.01\left|S_{um}-41\right|,50 \le S_{um}<100:0.43+0.005\left|S_{um}-50\right|\right\}

See Example for how to use.