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Revision as of 21:07, 17 March 2024 by Sur (talk | contribs) (monsters data to patch 4)

|all =Cave Troll,Cockatrice,Cyclops,Death Beetle,Death Skull,Demon Bat,Demon Berserker,Demon Centaur,Demon Dog,Dire Wolf,Frost Giant Berserker,Frost Giant Shielder,Frost Skeleton Archer,Frost Skeleton Crossbowman,Frost Skeleton Footman,Frost Skeleton Guardsman,Frost Walker,Frost Wolf,Ghost King,Giant Bat,Giant Centipede,Giant Dragonfly,Giant Spider,Giant Worm,Goblin Archer,Goblin Axeman,Goblin Bolaslinger,Goblin Mage,Goblin Warrior,Golem,Ice Golem,Ice Harpy,Ice Kobold Archer,Ice Kobold Axeman,Lich,Mimic Large Flat,Mimic Large MidLevel,Mimic Large Ornate,Mimic Large Simple,Mimic Medium MidLevel,Mimic Medium Ornate,Mimic Medium Simple,Mimic Small MidLevel,Mimic Small Ornate,Mimic Small Simple,Mummy,Skeleton Archer,Skeleton Axeman,Skeleton Champion,Skeleton Crossbowman,Skeleton Footman,Skeleton Guardsman,Skeleton Mage,Skeleton Royal Guard,Skeleton Spearman,Skeleton Swordman,Skeleton Warlord Crystal,Skeleton Warlord,Spider Mummy,Wendigo,Wisp,Wraith,Zombie |bosses =Cave Troll,Cyclops,Ghost King,Lich,Skeleton Royal Guard,Skeleton Warlord Crystal,Skeleton Warlord |minibosses =Cockatrice,Demon Berserker,Demon Centaur,Frost Giant Berserker,Frost Giant Shielder,Giant Centipede,Giant Worm,Golem,Ice Golem,Skeleton Champion,Wendigo,Wraith |mimics =Mimic Large Flat,Mimic Large MidLevel,Mimic Large Ornate,Mimic Large Simple,Mimic Medium MidLevel,Mimic Medium Ornate,Mimic Medium Simple,Mimic Small MidLevel,Mimic Small Ornate,Mimic Small Simple |normal =Death Beetle,Death Skull,Demon Bat,Demon Dog,Dire Wolf,Frost Skeleton Archer,Frost Skeleton Crossbowman,Frost Skeleton Footman,Frost Skeleton Guardsman,Frost Walker,Frost Wolf,Giant Bat,Giant Dragonfly,Giant Spider,Goblin Archer,Goblin Axeman,Goblin Bolaslinger,Goblin Mage,Goblin Warrior,Ice Harpy,Ice Kobold Archer,Ice Kobold Axeman,Mummy,Skeleton Archer,Skeleton Axeman,Skeleton Crossbowman,Skeleton Footman,Skeleton Guardsman,Skeleton Mage,Skeleton Spearman,Skeleton Swordman,Spider Mummy,Wisp,Zombie |beasts =Cave Troll,Cockatrice,Cyclops,Dire Wolf,Frost Wolf,Giant Bat,Goblin Archer,Goblin Axeman,Goblin Bolaslinger,Goblin Mage,Goblin Warrior,Ice Harpy,Ice Kobold Archer,Ice Kobold Axeman,Mimic Large Flat,Mimic Large MidLevel,Mimic Large Ornate,Mimic Large Simple,Mimic Medium MidLevel,Mimic Medium Ornate,Mimic Medium Simple,Mimic Small MidLevel,Mimic Small Ornate,Mimic Small Simple,Wendigo |undeads =Death Skull,Frost Skeleton Archer,Frost Skeleton Crossbowman,Frost Skeleton Footman,Frost Skeleton Guardsman,Frost Walker,Ghost King,Lich,Mummy,Skeleton Archer,Skeleton Axeman,Skeleton Champion,Skeleton Crossbowman,Skeleton Footman,Skeleton Guardsman,Skeleton Mage,Skeleton Royal Guard,Skeleton Spearman,Skeleton Swordman,Skeleton Warlord,Spider Mummy,Wraith,Zombie |skeletons =Frost Skeleton Archer,Frost Skeleton Crossbowman,Frost Skeleton Footman,Frost Skeleton Guardsman,Skeleton Archer,Skeleton Axeman,Skeleton Champion,Skeleton Crossbowman,Skeleton Footman,Skeleton Guardsman,Skeleton Mage,Skeleton Royal Guard,Skeleton Spearman,Skeleton Swordman,Skeleton Warlord |demons =Demon Bat,Demon Berserker,Demon Centaur,Demon Dog |humans =Frost Giant Berserker,Frost Giant Shielder |insects =Death Beetle,Giant Centipede,Giant Dragonfly,Giant Spider,Giant Worm |elementals =Golem,Ice Golem,Wisp |wolfs =Dire Wolf,Frost Wolf |goblins =Goblin Archer,Goblin Axeman,Goblin Bolaslinger,Goblin Mage,Goblin Warrior |kobolds =Ice Kobold Archer,Ice Kobold Axeman |policies= |cave troll#elite= |cave troll= |cockatrice#elite= |cockatrice#nightmare= |cockatrice= |cyclops#elite= |cyclops= |death beetle#elite= |death beetle#nightmare= |death beetle= |death skull#elite= |death skull#nightmare= |death skull= |demon bat#elite= |demon bat#nightmare= |demon bat= |demon berserker#elite= |demon berserker#nightmare= |demon berserker= |demon centaur#elite= |demon centaur= |demon dog#elite= |demon dog#nightmare= |demon dog= |dire wolf#elite= |dire wolf#nightmare= |dire wolf= |frost giant berserker#elite= |frost giant berserker#nightmare= |frost giant berserker= |frost giant shielder#elite= |frost giant shielder#nightmare= |frost giant shielder= |frost skeleton archer#elite= |frost skeleton archer#nightmare= |frost skeleton archer= |frost skeleton crossbowman#elite= |frost skeleton crossbowman#nightmare= |frost skeleton crossbowman= |frost skeleton footman= |frost skeleton guardsman= |frost walker#elite= |frost walker#nightmare= |frost walker= |frost wolf#elite= |frost wolf#nightmare= |frost wolf= |ghost king#elite= |ghost king= |giant bat#elite= |giant bat#nightmare= |giant bat= |giant centipede#elite= |giant centipede= |giant dragonfly#elite= |giant dragonfly#nightmare= |giant dragonfly= |giant spider#elite= |giant spider#nightmare= |giant spider= |giant worm#elite= |giant worm= |goblin archer#elite= |goblin archer#nightmare= |goblin archer= |goblin axeman#elite= |goblin axeman#nightmare= |goblin axeman= |goblin bolaslinger#elite= |goblin bolaslinger#nightmare= |goblin bolaslinger= |goblin mage#elite= |goblin mage#nightmare= |goblin mage= |goblin warrior#elite= |goblin warrior#nightmare= |goblin warrior= |golem#elite= |golem#nightmare= |golem= |ice golem#elite= |ice golem= |ice harpy#elite= |ice harpy= |ice kobold archer#elite= |ice kobold archer#nightmare= |ice kobold archer= |ice kobold axeman#elite= |ice kobold axeman#nightmare= |ice kobold axeman= |lich#elite= |lich= |mimic large flat#elite= |mimic large flat#nightmare= |mimic large flat= |mimic large midlevel#elite= |mimic large midlevel#nightmare= |mimic large midlevel= |mimic large ornate#elite= |mimic large ornate#nightmare= |mimic large ornate= |mimic large simple#elite= |mimic large simple#nightmare= |mimic large simple= |mimic medium midlevel#elite= |mimic medium midlevel#nightmare= |mimic medium midlevel= |mimic medium ornate#elite= |mimic medium ornate#nightmare= |mimic medium ornate= |mimic medium simple#elite= |mimic medium simple#nightmare= |mimic medium simple= |mimic small midlevel#elite= |mimic small midlevel#nightmare= |mimic small midlevel= |mimic small ornate#elite= |mimic small ornate#nightmare= |mimic small ornate= |mimic small simple#elite= |mimic small simple#nightmare= |mimic small simple= |mummy#elite= |mummy#nightmare= |mummy= |skeleton archer#elite= |skeleton archer#nightmare= |skeleton archer= |skeleton axeman#elite= |skeleton axeman#nightmare= |skeleton axeman= |skeleton champion#elite= |skeleton champion= |skeleton crossbowman#elite= |skeleton crossbowman#nightmare= |skeleton crossbowman= |skeleton footman#elite= |skeleton footman#nightmare= |skeleton footman= |skeleton guardsman#elite= |skeleton guardsman#nightmare= |skeleton guardsman= |skeleton mage#elite= |skeleton mage#nightmare= |skeleton mage= |skeleton royal guard= |skeleton spearman#elite= |skeleton spearman#nightmare= |skeleton spearman= |skeleton swordman#elite= |skeleton swordman#nightmare= |skeleton swordman= |skeleton warlord crystal= |skeleton warlord#elite= |skeleton warlord= |spider mummy#elite= |spider mummy#nightmare= |spider mummy= |test dummy= |wendigo#elite= |wendigo= |wisp#elite= |wisp#nightmare= |wisp= |wraith#elite= |wraith= |zombie#elite= |zombie#nightmare= |zombie= |#default=}}